Aurora Found Out

Back in the hospital ward, Aurora reached for her phone and dialled Ava's number.

The line rang twice before Ava picked up, her voice immediately laced with concern.

"Aurora? Oh my goodness, I just saw the news about your accident! Are you alright?"

Aurora smiled at the genuine worry in her assistant's voice. "I'm fine, Ava. Really. Nothing too serious."

Ava let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad to hear that. You gave me a scare. Where are you right now?"

"I'm still at the hospital, but they're letting me go soon," Aurora replied. "But enough about me. Where are you? I haven't seen you around."

There was a pause on the line before Ava answered, her tone softer. "I'm with my dad. His nurse called me last night and said I needed to come to the hospital right away. He wasn't doing too well."

Aurora's heart sank at the news. "Oh no, Ava. I'm so sorry to hear that. How's he doing now?"