
When we got to her house and I helped her out, she paused and looked at me.

"You know I still hate you right?"

"Likewise," I answered and smiled to which she returned the smile before saying, "...but it's funny how I still want to fight you and be around you at the same time."

My smile stretched because that was how I felt too. It was weird right?

To want to be with the person you hate so much to a point you wanted to kill her.

Looking behind me, she smiled before looking back at me and saying, "If I could go back in time, I would've let you have Damion while I went on with Clifford."

At her words, I blinked before turning around to find Clifford leaning against our car as he waited for me.

"You're lucky."

As she said that, she let go of my hand and allowed Reuben to escort her in. For a while I stood there watching her.

"Do you pity her?"