
"Please sit down," Tabitha made me sit down before going to check who it was.

At this point I didn't care if I stopped breathing. I was glaring at Damion who kept staring at me with hope in his eyes.

Suddenly, I heard a loud scream and it put me on edge because it was Tabitha's voice.

Since the door was away from the living room, I didn't know who it was.

From screaming, she began to cry loudly and it made me get up to go see what or who might've made her cry like that.

Damion on the other hand was at a complete loss as he got up as well.

"Tabitha?" I softly called her name as I walked out of the living room with Damion behind me.

However, the moment my eyes jammed with the person at the door, a cold feeling went down my spine as fear seized me. Everything about me instantly went immobile.