Chapter 21: Elysia: Actually, I really like him~

"Good evening, Sakura."

"Good evening, and... thank you for the hard work on the mission."

At the edge of the noisy dance party, Xi Wang and Sakura greeted each other, and then Xi Wang shifted his gaze to the green-haired beauty next to Sakura and asked.

"I didn't expect Dr. Mobius to come to the ball. It's really rare."

"I'm here to see you, isn't that okay?"

Mobius narrowed her eyes, took a step forward, and spoke in a seductive tone.

"Little white mouse~ Would you like to visit my lab?"

"And you tricked me into the operating table?"

"You know my intentions, so it's not a lie. And... if you are willing to cooperate, I am willing to pay a price~"

She leaned forward again, moving her tongue slightly, attracting the attention of others, and her words were strangely seductive like a [snake] trying to persuade others.

"…Dr. Mobius, I think you should know that I will not accept it."

Xi Wang's tone turned cold.

"And your choice of words and tone really annoy me."

"Yes~ yes~ but what does that have to do with me?"

Mobius tilted her head.

"Even though Elysia and Sakura both said that this wording would remind you of bad things, but... you should also know that this is not something you should avoid, and how fascinating this natural [trait] is."

Mobius stretched out her hand and tried to touch his body, but Xi Wang dodged her.

"It's just you, Dr. Mobius."

"…How boring."

Mobius curled her lips and then smiled meaningfully.

"But one day, you will be lying on my operating table~"


"Haha~ Okay, okay~ I don't mean to disturb your celebration. That would be too boring."

Mobius pushed Sakura's back a little, waved her hand, and said casually.

"Go, go find your boyfriend~"

"Dr. Mobius..."

"Okay, don't use the same rhetoric you use against other people against me... Or do you think that with the strongest members of the Fire Moth Chaser present, someone would come to [assassinate] me? Those guys can't even hide from me."

Mobius' tone was slightly sarcastic, and then as if to demonstrate, she called over a person who was walking around bored and asked him to help get a drink. After being stunned, the man ran to a table not far away, picked up a beautiful drink, handed it to Mobius, and after getting her permission, he quickly ran to the other side of the ball and found a corner away from her.

"You see, that's how they are. They have a strong fear of things or people they don't understand, and they won't even think of contacting them."

Mobius said this with a smile on her face, but her eyes were still fixed on the man who was running away quickly, looking like a snake staring at its prey.

But she soon looked away, shook the drink in her hand casually, and spoke casually.

"Come to think of it, if you really intend to stay by my side, then why did you change into a formal dress and come here, my good bodyguard?"


Sakura looked away awkwardly.

At this moment, Sakura was wearing a purple dress with a thin black satin ribbon and a white bead chain tied under her chest, which fully set off the girl's graceful figure. The dark purple skirt swayed casually, and the fishtail-shaped back skirt swayed gently. The dark long stockings with the light purple inside of the skirt made her legs look slender, and the white part of her thighs was even more eye-catching.

Her long pink hair was tied up behind her head, and the remaining hair was fixed with a cherry blossom-shaped hair accessory, and the hair on her forehead was also fixed with a small crown hair accessory. The gorgeous gem was hung on a slender metal chain, resting on her chest, reflecting beautiful light under the lights of the ball—just like her at this moment.

Even the sword she carries add a different kind of charm to her.

"Go ahead, before that annoying Elysia gets here... Or are you just going to stand there like this? Next to a light bulb like me?"

Mobius spoke again, then sniffed the drink in her hand and her expression turned a little worse.

"I heard someone whispering bad things about me~?"

She gently patted Mobius's shoulder and skillfully dodged the hand that was grabbing her. Elysia's elf-like figure appeared behind her.


Mobius's expression turned even worse.

"Hey, don't look so grim. It's a rare opportunity to attend a dance, why not enjoy it?"

"Not interested."

"Oh? Did you bring Sakura here specifically to attend the dance? But if you're here, Sakura will definitely come~?"

"Do you think I'm free?"

"That's not it... or did you come all the way to see me? Oh my~ As expected, being too cute is a problem~"

"Listen to me! Elysia!"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore~"

Taking a few steps back lightly, Elysia raised her hands in surrender, then turned her gaze to Sakura beside her, her eyes lighting up slightly.

"Sakura looks so beautiful today! She must have spent a lot of time dressing up, right?"

"It hasn't been that long actually..."

Elysia walked forward, circled around Sakura a few times, nodded with satisfaction, then hugged Sakura from behind and rubbed her face affectionately. The similar pink hair intertwined, making it difficult to tell whose it was.


"Hehe~ Sakura is so beautiful today, she has attracted everyone's attention~ Even mine~?"

"But, this outfit is really specially prepared for someone, right?"

Elysia blinked and bit Sakura's ear gently.


Sakura looked away slightly, a slight blush crossing her face.

"How cute~ But~"

Elysia smiled, rested her chin on Sakura's shoulder, and leaned close to her. She looked at Xi Wang, who seemed not to pay attention to this side but would always move his eyes towards this side from time to time and asked with a smile.

"Wang, whose invitation will you accept this time~"

"This is our first dance at this party~"

Elysia jumped and moved, holding hands with Sakura, shoulder to shoulder. At the same time, her free hand slightly lifted the hem of her pure white skirt, slightly lifting the lavender color on the inside of the skirt, and spoke elegantly with a little playfulness.

"Although I'm not as pretty as Sakura, I also tried my best for today's dance~?"

"So, who should we choose this time?"


As Elysia asked the question, Xi Wang's expression froze for a moment, and then he became visibly entangled and embarrassed, with his brows almost twisted together.


I don't know who blew a cheerful whistle, but when I looked up, I found that many people were looking at this side, and their eyes were full of teasing when they rested on Xi Wang—ah~ It was just like that, the fixed program of every dance party has begun!

Countless people were waiting for Xi Wang's choice. After all, this is one of their great amusements. For someone like Xi Wang who remains calm no matter what strange tasks he receives, only at this time can one see his embarrassed side. This is a great anecdote among the Fire Moths, a fixed amusement that must be experienced.


Even Mobius, who was sipping a drink nearby, couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene, especially Xi Wang's almost twisted expression... Although it was not the first time she saw it, she still found it very funny.


Perhaps she felt that this was enough, Elysia shook her head happily and gently pushed Sakura forward half a step.

"I'll let you go today~ I don't want to be a girl that people hate~?"

"But, please leave the last dance of the day to me~?"


Xi Wang nodded in agreement, then bowed gracefully, extended his hand to Sakura, and extended an invitation.

"Enjoy it~ I won't give it to you next time~?"

Elysia whispered in Sakura's ear.



Elysia stepped back lightly and turned around, not looking at Sakura's helpless gaze. Sakura knew that there was nothing she could do with Elysia like this, so she just looked at Mobius again, and after finding that she didn't say anything, she slowly took off the sword from her waist, put it aside, and asked Elysia to take care of it.

After all... it would be really ruining the fun if you were wearing this kind of thing on the dance floor.

Then, she walked up to Xiwang, bowed gracefully in his manner, placed her hand gently in his palm, and walked onto the dance floor with him.

The people who were watching the fun withdrew their gazes and continued their own things, but were soon attracted by the two people's graceful dancing. Looking at their handsome and beautiful appearance, many people sighed at how well they matched each other, but when they thought of Elysia waiting on the side, many people suddenly laughed again—the relationship between these three people was really strange, but... what did it matter? They were also very happy watching.

"They're both really beautiful, aren't they?"

Elysia sat in the corner holding Sakura's sword, watching the two people dancing on the dance floor, and said with a smile.

'Ah... it turns out that my efforts have not been in vain. It took me a lot of effort to teach two people to dance.'

Elysia gently swayed her legs, her head swaying with the music. She looked at Xiwang and Sakura, her eyes curved into crescents.

That's great~

"Then why did you get in between them? You look like a bad woman who interferes with other people's love affairs~"

Mobius said this with a hint of sarcasm.

"I never thought, Elysia, that you would be this kind of person."

"That's too much. You slandered others so casually. Even if it was you, Mobius, I would be angry~"

"Humph, who cares about you..."

Mobius shook his empty cup, then found a similar drink on the table, took it in his hand, and drank it in small sips.

"But how long are you going to continue playing this kind of house game with him? You don't really like him, and he doesn't really like you. Keeping each other hanging will only make others feel weird and disgusted."

"Do you think so, too?"

"Who cares about you?"

Mobius showed a somewhat disgusted expression.

"Hey~ I thought Mobius would pay a little attention to me~"

Elysia blinked and her eyes stayed on Xiwang on the dance floor.

"But... you are wrong about one thing~"

Watching his graceful dancing posture, watching his originally calm expression gradually change, watching the corners of his mouth slightly raised, watching the joy gradually revealed in his eyes.

In the black eyes like the night sky, the tiny golden dots sparkled like stars, attracting Elysia's attention.

"I actually like Xiwang very much~ very~ very much~"

"So you're just going to keep me hanging like this?"

"No, it's just that sometimes, if I don't keep an eye on him, he might suddenly capsize like a ship in a storm, or be lost forever like a star in the starry night if I lose my focus..."

"Then you underestimate people's strength."

"Who knows? But... there's nothing wrong with taking a little care of it, right?"

"Hmm... I think I understand what you mean."

"Is that so~?"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for me to participate a little, right?"

"…Ah? Huh?"

Elysia was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Mobius, whose face was flushed.

"Really? Such a thing... well, how can I be absent from such a thing?"

Mobius put the cup down unsteadily, burped cutely in the middle of her speech, and then started to walk forward with a crooked step.

"Why are you drinking?"

Elysia quickly reached out and grabbed her, then reached out and picked up her cup, sniffed it a little, and said helplessly.

"It's already been handed to me... how can I... not drink it!?"

Mobius shook her head, shook off Elysia's hand, then took off the white coat that she almost never took off, threw it to Elysia, turned around, and walked towards the dance floor, aiming directly at Xiwang and Sakura.

"Little white mouse, the snake is coming to eat you~"

Seeing Xiwang pulling Sakura behind him, Mobius smiled and directly grabbed Xiwang's hand which was trying to push her away. Then she opened her mouth and bit a mark on his hand, as if leaving her own mark.


This move confused everyone else.

"...Doctor, you are drunk."

Sakura poked her head out, and when she saw Mobius's red face, she understood and said helplessly.

"Drunk? I'm not! Come on! Little white mouse, I'll take you to the lab to see some good stuff~"

As she spoke, Mobius grabbed Xiwang and tried to leave, but after taking two steps she found she couldn't move him. She turned around and looked at the two of them. She seemed to understand something and continued.

"Oh, I see! Sakura, you come too! Your work isn't over yet! I'm going to give you two a full-body checkup. Don't worry, it will be over soon."

"Ah... Of course, it may not be that fast~ It depends on you~ Little guinea pig~"

As if she was thinking of something very happy, Mobius used that seductive tone again and even wanted to reach out and touch Xiwang's eyebrows, but failed.


Xiwang was speechless for a while.

Although I know that she means to drag me to the lab, the timing and wording are... well... not very good.

While everyone else was still confused, Xiwang took Sakura in one hand and dragged the drunk Mobius in the other and walked towards Elysia who was greeting them, then quickly left the party and rushed towards Mobius's laboratory.

And after a brief silence, the party... exploded, with countless people discussing intensely and eating melons with great interest.

As for what rumors will spread the next day... that doesn't matter anymore .

"...Thank you very much. Doctor, she is not good at drinking. Once she drinks a certain amount, she will... um... do some things that seem strange or even unbelievable to others. I hope you can forgive her."

"It's okay~ After all, drunk Mobius is cute too~?"

"I'm glad you don't mind... Well, I'll take the Doctor to rest now."

After handing Mobius, who was still muttering "Oh~ the little white mouse is rarely so proactive, I'm so happy~" and "Come, get on the operating table, let me study you carefully~", to her assistant Klein's care, Xiwang, and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the three of them left the laboratory door silently and walked slowly in the quiet corridor... As for the dance, it was impossible to go back. If they really went back, I'm afraid some strange rumors would appear again.


Xiwang said softly.

"Hmm? No need to apologize, Wang. After all, this isn't Wang's fault. It's Mobius's bad luck, isn't it?"

Elysia said with a smile.

"She knew she couldn't drink much, but when she got the wine, she was unwilling to change it because of her face, and it ended up like this... It was actually Mebius's own fault, right? Hmm~ When Mobius sobers up tomorrow, I'm going to have a good talk with her about her performance tonight~"

"Please let the doctor go, Elysia..."

"Don't worry~ Mobius won't mind such a small matter~"

I'm just worried that she would vent her anger on me... Sakura didn't say this out loud. After all, if Mobius went out, she would have to go with him, and it would be fun to be the one venting her anger then... I hope Dr. Mobius really doesn't care about such a small matter.

"But~ you still owe me a dance~"

Elysia took two quick steps forward with brisk steps, turned around and said with a smile.

"Not only that, Sakura hasn't even finished her dance yet~"


"No need to apologize~ After all, it can be made up~"

"Look, isn't this a very suitable place?"

Elysia smiled, opened the door, and looked up, only to find that they had unknowingly walked to the sky garden inside the Fire Moth.

This is where Elysia and Himeko like to whisper to each other the most, and it is also where Himeko and Xiwang often take walks.

It is quiet and deserted here, especially now when the ball is being held. There are almost no people here. Only the moonlight shines on the ground and is dependent on the blooming flowers.

"Da Da ~ Da Da ~ Da ~ Da Da~"

While singing a cheerful tune, Elysia took the two of them for a stroll in the garden. Against the backdrop of flowers and moonlight, she looked like an elf in a fairy tale.

In an open space in the center of the garden, Elysia stopped, turned around and faced them, her white skirt slightly lifted up, then slowly fell down.

"So this handsome gentleman?"

She jumped lightly in front of Xiwang and said this.

"This beautiful lady~?"

She jumped briskly in front of Sakura again, then stood between the two of them, bowed gracefully, and extended her hand to them.

"Would you accept a cute girl's invitation to dance?"

"..." x2

Xiwang and Sakura looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes, but then they both smiled and gently placed their hands in hers.

"My pleasure" x2

The moon is the lamp, the flowers are the decorations, the breeze is the audience, and the slight sound among the leaves is the applause.

Their dancing steps are the rhythm and what they hum is the song. At this moment, in this scene, no one can appreciate it except themselves.