Chapter 26: Mobius: I believe we will get along very well~

"Okay~ Now that Elysia, that troublemaker, has left and Sakura has gone after her, maybe we can finally start sorting out the issues between us?"

Mobius leaned casually against the door, giving Xiwang a look with her dangerous gradient eyes, not bothering to hide her interest.

"Why on earth would you put aside your prejudice and come to me, little white mouse~"

"I came to ask you something."

Facing Mobius, Xiwang's tone was calm, like still water, which made Mobius sigh.

"Oh my, my~ Now that those two are gone, you go back to this boring state. Are you so unhappy being with me? I like you too~"

Mobius's mouth curved up slightly, her words dripping with charm.

" And your body of course~"

"I was hoping you could answer my question."

"Alright, alright~ You're such a boring guy... But you're my favorite guinea pig~"

Mobius spread her hands helplessly, then laughed again, tapping her lips with her fingertips before asking.

"But... what are you willing to exchange...?"

"Naturally, you are most interested."

"…Are you serious?"

"Naturally. Or are you more interested in something else?"

"Ha... no... hahaha... no, I'm only interested in you and your body, little guinea pig~"

Mobius seemed so pleased, that she tried to adjust her constantly rising smile, but it wouldn't stop.

"Ha... As expected~ You still can't escape from my grasp~ Little white mouse~ I didn't expect you to come here voluntarily... It really makes me... happy~"

"I really like you now~"

"Well... in return, I'll answer your questions ~ within the scope of my knowledge ~"

Mobius sauntered closer, sitting down very near Xiwang and staring at him with her dangerous, snake-like eyes.

"…Why did Elysia undergo surgery?"

"Ha~ So you're really concerned about this? But I might disappoint you. She burst into my lab and insisted I perform surgery on her~ Otherwise, the second [Fusion Warrior] should be me, not her."

Mobius frowned slightly as if she was unsure.

"But even so, I don't remember much about Elysia's surgery... There are records, though. Maybe the side effects of the [Super Mutation Factor] affected us. Our research on Honkai isn't thorough enough."

She didn't seem too bothered, maybe because she didn't take Alicia's situation too seriously.

"Is that so... Then why is Elysia still on the [list]?"

"When did your brain get so dumb, little guinea pig? You should know what they're thinking... Of course, it's to show everyone that [everything is planned]~ And to show off the success rate of the [Fusion Warrior Program], hoping to boost registrations a bit."

"After all, if even Elysia, the first to volunteer, succeeded, along with Kevin at the start and me later, it'll give the impression that [the success rate of this experiment might be very high]... People would rather believe this kind of baseless speculation than the clear data available. It's really confusing."

Mobius shrugged, seeming genuinely puzzled, but a slightly sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of her mouth.

"But that's how people are~"

"So Elysia's name was added later..."

Xiwang had a rough idea about Elysia's situation. Though he felt a bit helpless about her willful behavior, at least she was still alive, and he could see her again.

"Sakura... she volunteered, right?"

"That's right~ Didn't you just find that out from her?"

"…If I ask you to schedule the surgery in advance, how long will it take?"

"The specifics will still depend on their preferences. I don't care much about that, but..."

Mobius leaned in closer, getting right in front of Xiwang, tapped his chest with her fingertips, and spoke in a sweet and seductive tone.

"If I were you, the guinea pig, you could do it anytime."

"After all, I've made a lot of preparations for you~"

This time, Xiwang didn't back away or push Mobius away; he just let her touch him. Seeing this, Mobius became more bold, her eyes full of curiosity and desire.

"Finally... if we get rid of a high-ranking Fire Moth who is similar to you or lower in rank, will it have any impact?"

"…If you want to die, I suggest you don't involve Elysia, Sakura, or anyone else."

Mobius's tone turned icy, and her green hair started to move like Medusa's "snake hair." Her aura became dangerous and deadly.

"If you had thought of this earlier, you might just face court, and besides death, you'd cause trouble for others... Even though I hate them, they've put aside their conflicts and are working properly now."

"Although there are still hidden issues, they won't let anyone die. The Fire Moth can't handle the chaos of power. If something like this happens, you'll be caught. No matter who you kill, everyone connected to you will suffer."

"What if it's after surgery?"

"Although I'm glad you have the confidence to survive, but... do you want to listen to what you just said, little white mouse?"

Mobius was almost laughing with anger.

"Maybe I need to re-evaluate you. Has your brain been damaged by love recently? Or is it just filled with Elysia's tricks? You've become so stupid... Or do you just enjoy causing trouble for others?"

"Do you want them to reject the [Fusion Warrior Project], think that [Fusion Warriors after surgery can't follow orders to fight Honkai], and then amplify their fear of us?"

"Or do you think they won't care because of your fusion warrior status? Don't be ridiculous. They'll only be more afraid of you and us as a force that will resist and even hurt them."

"By then, not just you and me, but also Elysia and Sakura, or Kevin and Mei, everyone will be implicated and dealt with together."

"Maybe we won't die, but our movements will be completely restricted... Do you think that's fun?"

This was the first time Mobius had shown such anger. Clearly, something in Xiwang's question had touched a nerve.

"Is that so... I understand."

Xiwang closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and quickly calmed his mind. When he opened his eyes again, the slight golden hue in his pupils had expanded just a bit.

"…I've finished asking questions."

"Oh? Is that all? I thought you had more to be curious about, little white mouse~"

Mobius resumed her usual teasing tone, now even more aggressive in her actions.

"Then... according to the agreement, you should belong to me from now on~ right~"

She pressed Xiwang against the wall, her fusion warrior strength making it hard for him to resist. She moved close, almost touching him, and her fingertips slowly moved up from his chest, across his neck, and gently lifted his chin.

"Only for a while."

"Yes, yes~ I won't embarrass you too much~"

Mobius smiled with satisfaction, giving a slight wave to her assistants on the other side of the one-way glass.

"Okay Klein, just leave the work at hand to Cang Xuan and Danzhu. We have more important things to deal with."

"Don't worry, little white mouse."

Mobius looked at Xiwang with a mix of satisfaction and anticipation in her calm eyes.

"I believe we'll have a pleasant time together. Whether it's an experiment or an operation, I'll choose the e one for you."

"Well then... let's get started~ Let's see what new possibilities your [Quality] can create~"


Xiwang just rolled his eyes, ignoring her tempting and crazy tone.

[Mobius rejected all subsequent experiments and surgeries with a tough attitude, refusing to engage in any further tasks because she needed Xiwang's cooperation in the "Fusion Warrior" research experiment.]

[Although other senior executives were full of doubts and complaints about this, they could do nothing about her. In the end, they could only threaten her with the laboratory's funds to not drag things out for too long.]

[And then, you also spent some days in Mobius's laboratory, which were not very pleasant but not too bad either - perhaps because your "trait" was a unique copy, Mobius was very restrained in the experiments on you. Even though she knew you had that abnormal recovery ability, she didn't cut off your limbs to test your regenerative powers. She only went as far as "minor injuries" like peeling off part of the skin, removing a piece of muscle, crushing some organs, or breaking a few bones.]

[The final test results made Mobius ecstatic - all injuries healed gradually over time and were completely gone by the seventh day. In the next one to two days, any remaining traces would disappear. The overall error would not exceed 12 hours. If a large amount of nutrition was consumed during the recovery period, the healing time would be shortened.]

[If it weren't for the Fire Moth urging her and the tense situation on the front line, Mobius would have wanted to spend even more time studying you.]

[Your surgery had reached the point where it had to be done. The Fire Moth was eager to see results, otherwise, Mobius would be accused of "slacking off" and "abusing soldiers".]

[But in the end, she also planned to use this remaining opportunity to conduct a final experiment.]

[Although Mobius herself gained the ability to "resurrect from the dead" by fusing the genes of the snake-shaped Honkai beast "Shesha", there are still some limitations. After "death", a large amount of Honkai energy needs to be absorbed to achieve "resurrection".]

[Even though she gained a disguised form of "infinite life", she was not satisfied. She wanted to push further and explore more definite "immortal" power.]

[And your strange "trait" was naturally her best experimental material. Correspondingly, she had prepared the best and most suitable Honkai Beast gene for you - "Gabriel".]

[The genes of this difficult-to-define Honkai beast of the Fire Moth are strangely endowed with extremely strong vitality. A small part can be removed, and with enough Honkai energy supply, the removed part will quickly grow into a Honkai beast.]

[If we analyze this newly born Honkai Beast again, we can't find any obvious connection between it and "Gabriel"; it seems to be a naturally generated Honkai Beast.]

[Even the newly born Honkai Beasts undergo slight changes according to different environments, allowing them to adapt better to their surroundings.]

[Finally, Gabriel's genes have a special response to "water environments" or "water", becoming particularly active in an environment with sufficient water.]

[This also clarified why "Gabriel" was able to summon the "Honkai Beast Tide" initially, and confirmed that the various "Honkai Beasts" that appeared on beaches around the world were indeed related to it.]

[And now, Mobius will transform its genes into your "super mutation factor".]

[Of course, this is very dangerous. If you're not careful, you might be attacked by Gabriel's genes, lose consciousness, and end up in a worse situation than a "failure" - becoming an Honkai creature or a similar monster, and then being conquered.]

[Before the operation, Mobius repeatedly warned you about the dangers and told you that you had the right to refuse. After all, she had made a lot of preparations for you. Even if you didn't choose "Gabriel", you could have chosen someone else. It's just that "Gabriel" was her preferred option.]

[You didn't care much about this, after all... you would survive.]

[Mobius was particularly happy and excited about your attitude. You could even vaguely see a special possessiveness in her snake eyes - the kind that wanted to tie you to the operating table.]

[However, you could definitely feel that Mobius's attitude towards you had improved a lot. She had become more unrestrained in touching your body, and her words were full of all sorts of strange hints. Even the name "little white mouse" had almost become exclusive to you - ah, as expected, she still hadn't given up on keeping you in the laboratory.]

[And under Mobius's personal operation, your surgery was completed, and it could even be called very successful.]

[You have successfully become a "Fusion Warrior", number CM-005.]