Chapter 34: Happiness comes from being able to accompany each other

"......" x2

In the medical room, Xi Wang and Mobius looked at each other.

"Although I know you don't like me, you don't have to draw your sword against me the moment you wake up, right? Or are you scared by your nightmare, little white mouse?"

Mobius narrowed her snake eyes and ignored the azure blade against her neck.

"I put a lot of effort into waking you up from your dream..."

"…What did you do to me?"

"It's so sad. I've been trying so hard to save you, but you still doubt me. Am I the kind of bad woman who would secretly conduct experiments while others are asleep? Sob, sob--"


Xi Wang rolled his eyes and didn't answer.

"But I did give you a physical examination and did a little experiment... Oh, by the way, you have a nice figure, little guinea pig~ You are more fascinating than last time~"

Mobius said this nonchalantly, and at the same time, she turned around and started to sort out the information.

As for the blade pointed at her... she didn't care. Xi Wang would not attack her. Mobius knew very well that as long as she didn't touch Xi Wang's "bottom line," she could do whatever she wanted to him. This guy was easy to control.

Ah, of course, it's not okay to go too far.

"You are in much better condition than the other one. Be thankful for your specialness, little white mouse. Your [Specialty] has saved you once again. Although the damage caused by the [Eighth Herrscher] was great, you recovered quickly. At least your body will not suffer any sequelae."

"As for Dysdopia, who is in a similar situation to you... her spirit has suffered a severe blow. Although her abilities have not been weakened, once she uses telekinesis, she will have to bear extremely heavy mental pressure, and her body will also become abnormal... If she uses it for a long time, she may even kill herself."

"You are a very lucky man, little white mouse."

Mobius took the sorted paper materials in her hand, put the terminal containing the electronic data into her pocket, and then prepared to leave.

"So I have to remind you once more, little white mouse."

At the door, Mobius looked back at him again and said to him.

"Eat less of those things. Throw away those things that taint your life as soon as possible. Cherish this special thing of yours."



Seeing that Xi Wang did not respond, Mobius snorted, ignored him, and left quickly.

"Oh yeah, there's one more thing."

Mobius, who was supposed to leave, came back. The sudden voice made Xi Wang, who was about to get out of bed, stop.

"The Eighth Herrscher has been dealt with. Taking into consideration your and Dysdopia's physical conditions, the higher-ups have allowed you to rest for a few days... Be thankful that you have been given a rare break."

Mobius seemed not to notice Xi Wang's tense body and continued talking to herself.

"at last..."

Mobius paused for a rare moment, her eyes slightly gloomy at this moment, but it only lasted for a short time, and she returned to her usual tone and spoke.

"Come to the lab in a few days...Griseo misses you a little."

After saying that, she left without looking back.

Xi Wang was a little stunned for a moment. After all, Mobius had always had some prejudice against him regarding the matter of Griseo, but now she took the initiative to bring up this matter... Could it be that she wanted to use this excuse to trick herself into the operating table?

But Xi Wang quickly shook his head and rejected the idea.

...No, that shouldn't happen. Mobius would never joke about Griseo's affairs. That's her "bottom line."

So Griseo is in trouble...

Go and have a look.

Xi Wang thought so.

However, when Xi Wang arrived at Mobius' laboratory, he was refused entry, and Klein asked him to come back in a few days.

Xi Wang had no way to force his request after being rejected, so he had to leave. As for Grisep's specific situation... I believe that in a few days, Mobius will explain it to him clearly.

Now, he wanted to meet Elysia even more... Unlike other people, his memory of the [dream] was much clearer. He still remembered what the ending would be if he didn't meet Elysia... Even though he knew it was just a [dream].

Then he got good news and bad news.

The good news is that Elysia is still here, Sakura is still here, and Rin is safe.

The bad news is that Elysia and Sakura are both out on combat missions and won't be back for some time, so there's no way to see them right away.

Moreover, Xi Wang could not go to find them, nor could he go to find Rin. The Fire Moth only agreed to bring Rin to find him.

The Fire Moths did not give a reason but simply told Xi Wang that he could not go out. Even when Xi Wang asked, they just told him to stay in the base and have a good rest and not to go out for the time being.

Xi Wang realized that something might be wrong with him.



"Doc, he's gone."

Klein stood at the door and spoke softly.


Mobius sat next to the operating table and responded softly, her slightly lowered eyes filled with fatigue and dejection.

Only when there were no outsiders around would Mobius show her vulnerability a little bit... No, she wouldn't do that even normally, but now...


She raised her head slightly and looked at Griseo who was sleeping soundly on the operating table. Her peaceful sleeping face contrasted with her weak breath... Mobius had just saved this lovely girl from the brink of death. Griseo was able to survive by becoming a [Fusion Warrior].

Mobius knew that she had made a very bad choice, pushing her beloved child into a surgery that even she admitted had a low success rate, but at that time, she had no other choice. Griseo's health was not very good to begin with, and after being affected by the power of the Herrscher, her breath weakened visibly. If she did not make a choice, Grace would most likely die on the spot.

It's just a choice between two very bad results: [definitely die] and [highly likely to die].

She used all possible means to do everything to the best of her ability in a short period of time, just to increase the success rate of Griseo's surgery... Fortunately, she won.

"…Luckily, you survived, Griseo."

Mobius reached out and gently lifted up Griseo's bangs and spoke in a rare gentle voice.

And Griseo was still breathing steadily as if Mobius's actions had not affected her dream.

Mobius stretched out her fingers and gently pressed against the movement of Griseo who wanted to turn over and sleep on her side, while gently stroking her head, slowly soothing her.

"Doctor, Miss Griseo's condition has stabilized."

Klein spoke at the right time.


Mobius nodded, the gentleness on her face slowly disappearing - she returned to her original self.

Then, she reached out and took off the syringe from Griseo's body, and put the dark blue liquid inside back into the container that had been prepared long ago, little by little, to ensure that nothing was missed.

If Xi Wang saw this thing, he would definitely recognize it. It was the same as the last drip of "blood" in his dream... No, after all, is this thing really "blood"?

Mobius did not lie. At the end of the [Eighth Herrscher Crusade], she took over two fusion warriors who were trapped in nightmares. While Xi Wang was sleeping, she did give him a physical examination and naturally charged him some "fees."

Perhaps Xi Wang encountered something in his nightmare, and the Honkai Beast gene in his body began to become active, and even began to unconsciously emit Honkai energy. Although the range was small, this sign was already very dangerous.

Mobius naturally took this opportunity to check Xi Wang's physical condition and found that the "blood" part of his body began to mutate, and part of the blood quickly turned into this dark blue liquid. Xi Wang's own recovery ability also became extremely terrifying in an instant. The many injuries caused by the [Eighth Herrscher] were visibly recovered, and Xi Wang returned to his original appearance in almost a few blinks of an eye, and even the incision that Mobius had made for research was healed.

At the same time, this part of alienated "blood" seemed to be alive. After being extracted from Xi Wang's body, it would unconsciously move towards Xi Wang, as if it wanted to return to his body. However, its movements were not violent or anxious, but just gentle, slow, and silent, as natural as water flowing into the sea along rivers.

But after a while, Xi Wang returned to normal and no longer emitted Honkai energy. His blood also returned to its normal red color, but the part extracted by Mebius was still dark blue. After Xi Wang returned to normal, it fell into calm and no longer moved towards Xi Wang, as if it had turned into a liquid that was just a little special.

However, at that time, Mobius had no time to study Xi Wang's abnormal "blood"... After the physical coordinates were locked, the [Eighth Herrscher] launched a final attack on the Fire Moth. Although drugs to resist mental attacks had been distributed, the quantity was still not enough to cover everyone. Many people fell into a deep coma in an instant. Some were even worse, directly controlled by the [Eighth Herrscher] and began to indiscriminately kill people around them.

  At the same time, at the last moment, the [Eighth Herrscher] concentrated her strength, forcibly broke through the drug of the Fire Moth, and regardless of her own safety, spread her ability over a large area, allowing the "sleeping sickness" to spread to several cities in an instant, causing another major loss to mankind before her death.

  And Griseo and her mother Blanca... were also within the attack range of the [Eighth Herrscher].

  Even if she took the medicine in advance, it would be useless. The Herrscher who mastered the ability of [Spirit] could not be resisted by medicine alone, not to mention that this was the Herrscher's dying counterattack.

  Blanca fell into a coma in the blink of an eye and lost her life in a few breaths. If it weren't for the fact that Griseo had stayed in Mobius' laboratory for a long time due to health reasons and had not been noticed by Mobius the moment the abnormality occurred, Griseo would probably have lost her life.

  Mobius was like a madman at the time, trying every method at her disposal to prolong Griseo's life, but in the end, she had to choose the [Fusion Warrior Surgery] method with an extremely low success rate, because it was the only way to keep Griseo alive at the time.

  Mobius tried her best to perform the operation to the best of her ability, and even won the bet in the end, allowing Griseo to successfully become a fusion warrior, but... Griseo was still in a dream, and her body was still weak. There was no sign of recovery, or the recovery was very slow.

  In order to save Griseo's life and prevent her from dying due to physical weakness, Mobius began to look for various ways to speed up the recovery of Griseo's vital signs. Then she accidentally thought of the abnormal "blood" extracted from Xiwang's body, which seemed to be alive.

  After several tests, she confirmed that this special dark blue liquid is extremely vital and is harmless to humans... or to fusion warriors. After entering the body of a fusion warrior, the dark blue liquid will turn into unique "nutrients" to nourish the Honkai beast genes in the body, activating them to a certain extent, and then stimulating the fusion warrior's body's recovery ability. It is a bit like a special nutrient for fusion warriors.

  As for how Mobius knew this...wasn't she herself a good experimental material?

  After confirming that this method was effective, Mobius injected this abnormal "blood" into Griseo. However, she was also very clear that this was ultimately obtained from a certain "mutation" of Xiwang, so she stopped immediately after Griseo's condition stabilized.

  As for the remaining abnormal "blood"...she needs to stay and study it, maybe she can discover something else.

  But let's put those things off until tomorrow.

  Mobius was in no mood to continue his research.


  "I'm here, Doc."

  "I feel like drinking."

  "There's more research tomorrow, Doctor."

  "It's okay, it's just for tonight... just for tonight."


  [The subjugation war against the Eighth Herrscher has ended. Although a large number of lives were sacrificed,... we have won in the end.]

  [At night, after burying the victims, the Fire Moths held a dance party as usual to celebrate the victory.]

  [Although many familiar people are gone and they can no longer dance with them under the lights and music, they must now be happy and celebrate their victory.]

  [No matter how sad they are, they cannot show it at this moment. Even those who are immersed in sadness will not show it at this moment. They will only stay at the edge of the dance, silently appreciate the happy faces of everyone, and return a polite smile to everyone.]

  [Everyone has tasted the bitter fruit of sadness here, there is no need to bring it up again at this moment]

  [You also met Elysia and Sakura as you wished. They seemed a little hurried. It was obvious that they changed into dresses and rushed to the ball after completing their mission. They didn't even put on makeup.]

  [Perhaps because she could see that you were not in a good mood, Elysia rarely brought Sakura to tease you. She just naturally came forward to invite you and danced the first song with you. Sakura had no objection to this.]

  [Under the beautiful dance music played by Eden, you hold hands with her and dance under the light. She smiles, hums along with the tune, steps to the beat, getting closer to you]

  [You subconsciously squeezed her hand, as if you were worried that she would suddenly disappear, and she gently squeezed your palm in response]

  ["Don't worry, I'm right in front of you, right, Wang?" — She said this, comforting you who was a little nervous]

  [Then, Elysia danced and gently led you to the edge of the dance floor, and then handed you to Sakura's hands, letting you dance to the second song.]

  [Feeling the familiar, close-up scent of flowers, your heart calms down a little, the inexplicable tension disappears at this moment, and the resentment towards the "Eighth Herrscher" and the nightmare gradually dissipates.]

  ['That's it'——you think]

[Being able to accompany each other is already the greatest happiness]