Chapter 50: Rin's Enlightenment

[After Elysia and Phyllis left, the remaining surviving fusion warriors came to see you. Of course, they all came with the order of the Fire Moth to examine whether you have the possibility of going out...]

[In addition, the Fire Moth also requires them to guarantee that if you show any abnormality outside, they must collectively launch a crusade against you... This is a necessary insurance for the Fire Moth]

[And the final result was not unexpected. With everyone's assurance and Elysia's efforts, you got a chance to go out. As for what exactly caused Elysia and even all the surviving fusion warriors to go to such great lengths...]

[Well... in Elysia's words, it was naturally a party to celebrate the official establishment of the "Fourteen Heroes of Flame Chaser" ~ Such an important event naturally needs to be celebrated, after all... everyone will have to separate]

[This is also the first team-building activity for the "Flam Chasing Heroes"]

[You will shoot a movie called "Summer Survival Rhapsody", in which the fourteen of you will be the main actors]

[This script, titled "Summer Survival Rhapsody", was said to be the idea of Elysia herself, and later some of Vill-V's fantastic ideas were added, and finally, it was polished by Eden, and finally, it came into your hands.]

[According to the background setting of the script, it is a peaceful world that has no Honkai. The fourteen of you all live in a place called "Golden Courtyard". You are all friends. In the script, you are just ordinary people, but your professions continue to have your own characteristics.]

[For example, Mobius, her background setting is a biological scientific researcher, and Eden, for example, she is still a world-renowned superstar in the setting and is also the owner of the "Golden Courtyard". This is not surprising, after all, the "Golden Courtyard" in reality was funded and built by Eden]

[Kevin is set as a programmer... huh? And Mei is set as his childhood sweetheart, which is not surprising, but Mei didn't come because she had something to investigate, and she won't appear in the plot, so Mei will only make a cameo appearance in Kevin's communication, which is considered an appearance]

[Aponia is a nurse who often works night shifts...Vill-V is an architect and part-time magician, and Phyllis is her assistant...Su is a doctor...Kalpas? Housekeeper? Model? Seriously?]

[Griseo, a junior high school student, is also a well-known cartoonist, while Kosma is a high school student who is a bit immature]

[And Hua? What a surprise. And judging from her identity, she is the most "normal" and the most suitable one here. She is a college student who has practiced martial arts since childhood. It can be said that she is exactly the same as the current Hua.]

[Elysia is a live streamer... Why aren't you surprised at all?]

[Sakura is a white-collar worker, and Rin will also appear in her communication and make a cameo appearance]

[As for you... you are an ocean observer, you also have the duties of a lifeguard, and you are also set to be Sakura's... lover?]

[Forget it, as long as they are happy]

[The filming location of the movie is still on "P21 Island". After all, if it were to be somewhere else, the Fire Moth would definitely not be willing to let you out.]

[The whole filming process went smoothly. Although there was a lot of noise in the middle, everyone performed very well... After all, all the characters in the film were designed based on themselves. Everyone just had to act like a normal person and say some necessary lines. The rest was up to you.]

[After the filming was over, everyone had another party on the beach, enjoying this rare indulgence... Then Vill-V quickly finished editing the movie. Late at night, you sat on the beach, watching the projected images and enjoying the movie you starred in.]

[It was unexpected that everyone was so quiet. Even Kalpas didn't make too much noise. Everyone spent this rare day in peace.]

[In the early morning, it was time to say goodbye. Kalpas couldn't wait any longer and challenged you once again, but you ignored him.]

["Stop pretending. Take off the boring and hypocritical mask on your face and show yourself! Just like you were before, so straightforward! So neat! Or are you still believing in that bunch of stupid garbage? Stop being funny! Stop pretending! Come and fight! Throw away those boring thoughts and hypocritical ideas! Come and fight me!" Kalpas said.]

But you didn't care about him

[Until the end, Kalpas couldn't hold back his temper and wanted to attack you, but Kevin stopped him, and in the end, it turned out that Kevin and Kalpas had a fight.]

[Fortunately, Kalpas didn't use his full strength after all. After all, his target was you, and Kevin didn't take any action after suppressing Kalpas. For the time being, this island was saved from being destroyed.]

[After that, everyone left, and you returned to the "Deepest Place"... Of course, you are still a "prisoner"]

[Mei seems to have returned to the Fire Moth, and brought back news that there should be 14 Herrschers. In other words, human civilization now still needs to face 3 more Herrschers, and the last Herrscher will end everything and completely destroy civilization.]

[This is not good news. The people of Fire Moth are in a panic, and Mei and Mobius have begun to make plans for the "next generation" - they believe that this civilization is bound to be destroyed, and they must start making more preparations to leave hope for future generations]

[So, the "Stigmata Project" that Mobius was researching was put on the agenda, and Mei was constantly adjusting Mobius's original radical design.]

[But before that, I can't just give up. After all...what if? Right?]

[Thus, the "Chimera Project" came into being, striving to maximize the combat effectiveness of the fusion warriors, and further pushing the fusion warriors in the direction of "inhumanity"]

[And the necessary retreat route must also be prepared, so the "Ark Project" based on leaving the earth and escaping the Honkai has also been put on the agenda. The Fire Moths began to sort out the remains of human civilization, such as plants, crops, embryos of surviving animals, as well as knowledge, books, works of art, and the like, striving to preserve traces of civilization.]

[Elysia's "Flame Chaser Project" also continued to advance with the help of everyone. Finally, before the heroes separated, the "Elysian Realm " was completed. Everyone left their "memories" and "powers" in it, hoping that these would help future generations.]

[Coincidentally, the previously studied theory of "converting Honkai energy into ordinary energy" has made a breakthrough, and the battleship named "Moonlight Throne" has also begun to be built in full swing, in order to alleviate the Honkai energy that is now everywhere on the earth, and can also be used as a weapon against the "Herrscher"]

[All the surviving humans in the entire civilization were mobilized, and everyone was on edge, working hard for the survival of humanity... But in this high-pressure environment, too many people could not hold on, and many committed suicide because they could not bear the pressure... These were still considered good, and more people suffered from direct mental breakdowns, leading to vicious incidents, which in turn caused greater riots]

[Mei is exhausted from all the mess and numerous plans to deal with the Honkai. In addition, her body is still being eroded by the Honkai, and she is getting weaker and weaker... Just as the "Tenth Herrscher" said, her life is already in the countdown. She must find a way for civilization to survive in the remaining time... At the very least, she must leave hope for future generations.]

[In order to relieve Mei's pressure, Aponia issued a "commandment" to the grassroots staff to "never give up hope to fight the Honkai", which stabilized everyone's spirit. Coupled with the arrangement of the Fire Moth, the whole society has been stabilized for the time being.]

[Humanity only has three cities and a few bases of the Fire Moths left. Humanity can no longer withstand more turmoil. This "command" is inevitable and necessary.]

[Then, the "Twelfth Herrscher" appeared, or rather... was discovered]


"It's been a while since we last met... Sakura."


In response to Nozomi's greeting, Sakura smiled somewhat woodenly and nodded, then sat down gently beside him, her eyes fixed forward, dazed and in a trance.

Finally, her body slowly tilted to one side, and finally leaned on Nozomi's body. Her ears moved slightly habitually, gently patting the back of Nozomi's head, and then rubbed it affectionately.

Lingering on the tip of the nose is a slightly moist sweetness and a light lily scent...

"Sorry... let me lean on you for a moment, it will be fine in a moment..."


"......" x2

Silence rarely reappeared between the two of them.

"…Nozomi, why don't we just run away and take Rin with us, no matter where we go."


"Don't you even ask me why I said that?"

"That's not necessary."

Nozomi said so.

"The rest don't matter... There's no connection between the Fire Moth and me. Apart from you and Elysia, Rin, and Griseo... the rest don't matter."


Nozomi glanced at the dark blue sword placed beside him.

"I probably won't be considered a human now, so it doesn't matter if I leave now. I just have to face the punishment of the Fire Moths."

"...Okay, Nozomi, no need to say anymore."

Sakura smiled and gently held his hand, speaking softly.

"If we leave, and if the Fire Moths come to attack us, Elysia will definitely come, and then... we will be in trouble."

"And you must be a human being... definitely... your problems can definitely be solved, and you will definitely be accepted by others in the end... definitely..."

She murmured to herself, and it was clear that her words were meant to comfort Nozomi, but her expression became increasingly stiff, and her eyes became increasingly dull, as if she was hypnotizing herself.

"Rin can do this... it will definitely work..."

Sakura shed tears, which was rare for her, and told Nozomi what happened to Rin in a halting manner.

Rin's situation is somewhat similar to Nozomi's. Both of them were detected to possess huge Honkai energy, and the wavelength of their energy is also very similar to that of the Herrscher. However, Rin did not show any abilities, and she is still that cute girl.

In other words... Rin should also be imprisoned.

When Elysia came to tell Sakura about this, Sakura's first reaction was to take Rin away from the Fire Moth, and then find Nozomi, and the three of them simply wandered together.

Anyway, human civilization has already lost... Most of Mei and Mobius' plans are based on "leaving hope for the next generation", and most of the Fire Moths' combat power has disappeared due to the "Eleventh Herrscher" incident.

And the two people she was close to and familiar with were both labeled as "suspected Herrscher", so she might as well just leave and run away, it didn't matter.

But in the end, Rin stopped her.

Rin didn't want to escape... Since she entered the Fire Moth, she has seen too many tragedies caused by the Honkai and witnessed too many sacrifices. She also gradually understood what her sister and Nozomi's identities really represented.

"Sister, I don't want to run away... I also don't want you and Brother Nozomi to be condemned by the entire human civilization because of me... If that happens, it will be very difficult for you and Brother Nozomi."

This is how Rin comforted Sakura.

"Besides, my condition is the same as Brother Nozomi's, right? In that case, I can also be imprisoned and observed like Brother Nozomi. After all, I don't show any signs of hostility towards humans, and I don't even have any special abilities... Maybe I am a special existence? Sister Mei should be very concerned, right?"

"By then, maybe we can find out why I became like this? Maybe we can find a new way to fight Honkai? Maybe by then, everyone can be like me, surrounded by Honkai energy, but still an ordinary person?"

"Sister, don't worry. I'm grown up. I know what Honkai means to us, and I know what I should do... In order to defeat Honkai, it is necessary to pay some price, isn't it? And I am just like Brother Nozomi, being imprisoned, observed, and experimented on. It's nothing."

Rin said this to Sakura with a smile.

"Everyone is persisting, so I can't give up, and I can't escape... I'm a big girl~"

"So, we will win. We will definitely defeat Honkai, sister."

Rin's words made Sakura not know how to refute. Her sister had unknowingly become more aware than her.

But, Rin is right, it is not time to give up yet.

Sakura took Rin and found Mei, and Rin voluntarily accepted detention. Sakura got Mei's promise to "do her best to ensure Rin's life safety" and was given the right to visit Rin regularly.

As for why it is "try your best" instead of "do your best", this is Rin's request.

Because Rin doesn't want to hurt others, and even more so doesn't want to hurt her sister and her brother Nozomi who always loves her, so... if she is really confirmed to be a "Herrscher", then she hopes to be conquered.

In order to defeat Honkai, a price must be paid and sacrifices must be made, right?

It's all about humanity.

But... I'm still a little worried...


After Sakura finished saying all this in a disjointed manner, she seemed a little tired. She leaned on Nozomi and slowly fell asleep.

Sakura didn't ask you for anything, she just needed someone to talk to.

She was too nervous, but after saying these words, she felt a lot more relaxed. Being with Nozomi, she could also take a rare break.

Just as Rin said, Sakura also believes that humans will defeat the Honkai... definitely.


Nozomi remained silent and raised his hand slightly. A small blue water ball appeared quietly, and then slowly dissipated, entering her body with Sakura's breathing. Soon, Sakura's breathing became steady, and her originally frowned brows gradually relaxed.

At least let her rest this time.

"…Dr. Mei, you're here, right?"

Nozomi raised his head slightly and looked towards the observation window.

"Please speak, Nozomi."

Mei's weak voice came... Fatigue and Honkai were constantly tormenting her, but she couldn't fall down here, she had to hold on.

As for the reason why she was here, it was very simple... She came here to give Nozomi a promise, to let him know that although Rin was imprisoned, she was also protected.

"Rin... it was her own will, and Sakura agreed, too, right?"


"Elysia... knows that too, right?"


"...Can you promise that you won't kill Rin for any reason other than to become a Herrscher?"

"Of course. After all, Rin is a cute and well-behaved girl, isn't she? And she trusts us so much, we should also respond to this trust."

"…All this is to defeat Honkai?"

"Everything is done to defeat the Honkai."

Mei still said so.

It's not time to give up… It's not the final moment yet… We must not give up.

"Everything is to defeat the Honkai...?"

Nozomi chewed over these words, somewhat absent-mindedly.



In the dim light, there seemed to be a horn sound, and the pure white wings trembled, bringing up a large amount of azure "water".

In a trance, the holy light fell again, and she walked slowly towards him, holding a pure white lily. She stopped in front of him and handed the lily in her hand to him.


She seemed to be saying something, but I couldn't understand it.


Seeing that I ignored her, she called out softly again, took back the lily in her hand, slightly spread her pure white wings, and gently hugged my body. The gentle and soft touch came to me, as if she was comforting me.