Chapter 62: He has no opinion on this

[It has been a while since you came to "Twilight Street", but even so, you are still a little uncomfortable with the atmosphere here as you are from outside]

  [This place is full of chaos and food is scarce. Almost every day people are struggling to survive and fighting for a little bit of food.]

  [Not only that, as the most chaotic place, it is also filled with many fugitives. Their hands are stained with blood. In order to get food to survive, they don't mind killing unarmed people. In order to hide their identities, they don't mind killing anyone, even if the other party just mentioned it casually, just unintentionally, they will kill the other party without hesitation.]

  [You don't know why "He" wants to guide you here. Maybe he wants you to change the chaotic environment here? But can you really do it? But no matter what, you believe that "He" who does this... must have some deep meaning.]

  [After living here for a while, you also know that even in such a chaotic place, there are a few places where you will not be disturbed and are relatively peaceful.]

  [First, it is the headquarters of various powerful gangs. No one would have the time to cause trouble for those big gangs, especially within their sphere of influence.]

  [The second is the "Sanatorium" not far from the church. Most of the gangs in Twilight Street come from here, and have all received help from the "Sanatorium". Therefore, this place is designated as a "no-confrontation zone" by all the major gangs, and some supplies are sent here from time to time. But correspondingly, the children adopted by the "Sanatorium" or the wounded taken care of by the "Sanatorium" will eventually be taken away by the major gangs and absorbed as new members.]

  [Of course, the gangs formed by the locals of Twilight Street know about this unwritten rule, but the refugees from outside don't know this rule, so the sanatorium occasionally encounters some troubles. Although they are all solved by the nanny, there are still some troubles.]

  [However... ever since the appearance of the nun named Aponia, fewer and fewer people have come to cause trouble for the sanatorium. At the same time, many strange rumors have also appeared... but those are not important.]

  [The third is the "church" maintained by Father Yan Zheng. This is the "neutral zone" tacitly recognized by the gangs. The gangs will regularly deliver minimum supplies here. At the same time, the negotiation locations of the gangs will mostly be set here, and Father Yan Zheng is the "witness" of the negotiations.]

  [Plus, sometimes people come to "confess"... Anyway, due to many reasons, the neutral zone of the "church" was established.]

  [Compared to the "sanatorium" which is connected by "friendship", you who are just a "neutral zone" or a "negotiation table" will undoubtedly have a much harder time. In addition to refugees who will come to ask for food and shelter, foreign criminals will also target you, and negotiating gangs will also fight because of disagreements... In the end, it will turn into a "gunfight" as usual.]

  [As for your church... it's full of leaks, bullet holes, and knife marks, and even the statue of "Him" is full of holes. Except for the warehouse and house next to the cemetery in the backyard, and the confessional that was placed between the backyard and the front hallway for some reason, everything else can be said to be in tatters.]

  [You tried to make this place better, at least to ensure the integrity and cleanliness of the church, but the materials in the warehouse were too scarce. Even if you wanted to repair it, there was no way. You tried to propose to Father Yan Zheng to repair the church, but Father Yan Zheng refused. At the same time, he also analyzed your current situation very clearly for you.]

  [Your supplies all come from the gangs' funding, and the only price is the destruction of the church. Besides, the gangs will not go to the backyard, but only fight in the front yard... This is an unwritten rule. They get the "negotiation site" and "witnesses", and you get supplies and a place to live. This kind of "deal" is already a good deal in "Twilight Street"]

  [Besides, you don't get much supplies. Instead of spending time repairing the church, you might as well keep more.]

  [Although you understand, out of respect for "Him", you still hope that this church can become a little better, at least... a little cleaner, and Father Yan Zheng did not say anything about your idea, neither supporting nor opposing, nor stopping you, it seems that he tacitly agreed with your idea]

  [You start to take action with the goal of "repairing the church". Apart from daily prayers and routine outings to help others, you have been working hard on "repairing the church" almost all the time.]

  [If the wall is broken, repair it; if the window is broken, fix it; if the seat is rotten, make a new one...Except for the stone instruments, which you can't do anything about for the time being, do everything else you can do.]

  [During this process, you will occasionally find that the supplies in the warehouse are inexplicably reduced, as if someone has quietly taken them away, and... it seems to be a different person.]

  [Sometimes, some food and scattered, useless supplies will be taken away, and the thieves will not leave any traces. Sometimes, food and some basic supplies will be taken away, and from the remaining traces, it can be seen that the other party is panicked and in a hurry.]

  [You told Father Yan Zheng all this, but Father Yan Zheng told you not to take it too seriously. You wanted to ask "Him", but "Him" had no opinion on it.]

  [Stealing is obviously a crime, but "He" has no opinion on it... You don't quite understand, but you still practice "Him" consciousness and don't care about this matter... "He" must have some deep meaning in doing this]

  [As for your act of repairing the church, Father Yan Zheng did not stop you, but he never encouraged you either. He just watched you work hard silently, watching the church gradually get better... or gradually return to its original state. From time to time, he would smile from the bottom of his heart, but soon, this smile would be replaced by sadness.]

  [You didn't notice all this because you were too tired. The daily repair work took up all your free time... You couldn't do anything about it. As the church was a "negotiation table", people would come to negotiate from time to time. Gangs of all sizes would choose to negotiate here whenever they wanted.]

  [After all, this is a "neutral zone", not anyone's "territory", so even if a gunfight breaks down after the negotiations, the firepower of each side will not be too different, which is a kind of alternative "fairness"]

  [When the two sides are fighting, the things you have repaired with great difficulty will be destroyed again, and you will have to enter an endless cycle of "repair → selected as a negotiation site → the negotiations fail and the fighting starts → the church is destroyed → repair → selected as a negotiation site"]

  [A complete church often cannot last for more than three days, and sometimes not even for half a day. You should know that the gangs will not notify you when they choose a negotiation site. You will not know the situation until both parties arrive at the door. After all... you are just a "negotiation table"]

  [Your efforts have been destroyed and smashed time and time again. Even you have some complaints in your heart, but "He" has not expressed any opinion about it. You can only suppress your gradually becoming irritable heart and start your own repair work once again.]

  [You do this self-given work day after day, and the time you need to spend on prayer each day is increasing—because your efforts are being thwarted time and time again, and your inner irritation and anger are increasing.]

  ['Why not just kill all the people in the future?' This thought begins to pop up in your mind unconsciously, but you will soon notice it and quickly stop what you are doing and start praying, hoping that "He" can forgive you for your overly sinful thought just now.]

  [However, "He" seems to have no opinion on this]

  [You just have to continue your work]

  [At the same time, you also noticed that the gangs gave less and less supplies to the church. I don't know if it's really because of "lack of supplies" as they said, or... because they saw that you still have extra supplies to repair the church, so they want to restrict your life. ]

  [You don't know. After all, the gangs have no obligation to tell you anything. You are just the "negotiating table".]

  [Your life is getting harder and harder, which reminds you of what you experienced with Father Enrique before. Almost the same events make you feel a little flustered, but at this moment, Father Yan Zheng unexpectedly supports you. Although he still won't help you and repair the church with you, he will remind and urge you to do today's "work"]

  [You hesitated, holding your cross pendant tightly, feeling the warmth in your palm, you know that "He" is watching you]

  ["He" has no opinion on this, and seems to be telling you: Just follow your own wishes.]

  [You have some insights and continue your "work"]

  [Supplies are becoming increasingly scarce, and even those dishonest thieves no longer come to the church warehouse to steal supplies.]

  [However, unexpectedly, you find that there are occasionally some extra supplies in the warehouse for no apparent reason. They are very fragmented and worn out, but at least they can help you to a certain extent.]

  [You have some guesses, and even find it a little funny - the person who stole before actually helps you in return, is this considered "there is a code of conduct for thieves"? ]

  [But... this little bit of supplies can't help you too much, especially after those gangs stopped providing supplies, your quality of life has almost hit rock bottom, and even your "work" has been forced to stop]

  [Father Yan Zheng became increasingly worried. He sat in the church every day, frowning and looking at the door as if he was thinking about something.]

  [You become confused and think that it is your own behavior that caused all this, but Father Yan Zheng tells you that it is not your fault - he seems to have guessed something]

  [After a few difficult days, a nun came to the church and brought some supplies.]

  [Her name is Aponia, and she is here to help you on behalf of the "Sanatorium"]

  [You expressed your sincere gratitude to her.]

  [However, after a brief thought, Father Yan Zheng still asked Aponia whether the supplies received by the "Sanatorium" had decreased, and the answer he got was - no.]

  [This answer seemed to confuse Father Yan Zheng. After asking this question, Father Yan Zheng stopped talking and asked Aponia to say hello to the nun in the "sanatorium" on his behalf.]

  [Aponia's attention paused on you for a moment before she nodded belatedly and left the church.]

  [You seem to sense something as well, and gently hold your cross pendant, a warm feeling passing into your palm]

  ["He" also seems to be paying attention to the nun]

  [Father Yan Zheng noticed the abnormality between the two of you and half-jokingly asked you to communicate more. You nodded seriously, which made Father Yan Zheng feel a little embarrassed. Especially after seeing your serious expression, he looked even more embarrassed.]

  [However, you did not notice Father Yan Zheng's emotions, but were seriously thinking about how to communicate with Aponia.]

  [Perhaps Aponia also thought so. After all, she was also being watched by "Him". Therefore, not long after, Aponia came to the church again, bringing some supplies and having a conversation with you.]

  [It was somewhat unexpected, but it didn't seem unexpected. The communication between you was very smooth, and you almost quickly became "friends" in a sense.]

  [After a pleasant exchange of ideas, Aponia left with satisfaction]

  [After that, Aponia would occasionally bring some supplies and have a conversation with you. Father Yan Zheng didn't know what to say when he saw this, so he just sighed and said nothing.]

  [With the help of Aponia, or the "Sanatorium", and the occasional assistance of the unknown thief, you have successfully survived this difficult time]

  [Then, the gangs resumed their assistance to you and continued to provide you with supplies. You no longer needed the help of the "sanatorium", and the thief who left no trace began to steal supplies from your warehouse again.]

  [Even the number of times the gangs come to "negotiate" has decreased, and the church you repaired has broken previous records and remained intact for a long time.]

  [Perhaps because the church has been renovated, some refugees came here to seek help, and after receiving the help, they voluntarily chose to stay and help you]

  [Father Yan Zheng also tried his best to help them. Although he would occasionally show sadness, his smile was genuine when he was helping the refugees.]

  [It seems that everything is different from before. There is no chaotic fighting sound, and the repaired church will not become a mess the next day... Everything has become different.]

  [However, compared to before, you and Aponia still maintain regular communication, but this time you go to the "Sanatorium" - after all, you have to repay their previous help.]

  [You thanked the nun at the "Sanatorium" and had a conversation with her - she seemed to have some purpose, and the topic kept revolving around the things between you and Aponia, and her words also revealed some unspeakable feelings between her and Father Yan Zheng]

  [Only then did you realize that even Father Yan Zheng had a wonderful love story]

  [You asked the nun why they were not together? You should know that the doctrine you believe in does not restrict the marriage between priests and nuns. If they want, they can be together.]

  [The nun just smiled and shook her head without answering. She looked at you tenderly with loving eyes and gently touched your head.]

  [You knew that the nun didn't want to talk about it, so you didn't continue to ask. You just changed the subject and talked about something else. However, nun's strong hint made you feel a little overwhelmed. In the end, you could only flee in a slightly embarrassed manner and go to find Aponia who was taking care of the children.]

  [In the evening, you said goodbye to everyone in the "Sanatorium" and returned to the church. Father Yan Zheng had already prepared dinner for the other people who stayed here. Seeing you come back, they greeted you warmly.]

  [Thinking back on everything you experienced in the "Sanatorium" today, looking at the simple but complete and warm church in front of you, and the smiles on the faces of those people, you couldn't help but smile]

  [You gently hold the cross pendant on your chest, feeling the warmth in your palm, you know that "He" is watching you]

  [Although "He" did not instruct you to do all this, and "He" did not comment on everything you did, but looking at everything in front of you, you believe that "He" must support you in doing all this. You also think that "He" guided you here to bring changes to this chaotic place, so that ordinary people who live in confusion here can have a place to feel at ease.]

  [Your action of repairing the church must have been "correct" - you believed so]

  [And "He" did not comment on this, as usual]