Chapter 68: The inevitable disaster is coming

[Two days passed quickly, and all the "leaders" outside have returned. No matter how urgent the matter at hand, they will come back because it is you who summoned them.]

[In the church, they sat in their seats with a little uneasiness and nervousness, because they all knew very well why you had gathered them together... The "trial", the same "trial" as when you showed them your power and announced the "rules" in the beginning, was about to begin.]

[Although they have experienced this kind of "trial" several times during this period, and have also found out some things about your abilities from various events]

[The simplest thing is that the "burning punishment" you give will not cause death directly, but will focus on pain, or "punishment", and unless you directly cut off the limb that causes the burning sensation, this pain cannot be avoided in any other way.]

[This kind of pain will seriously affect a person's life, but the key point is that it will not cause death directly. As long as the will to live is strong enough and one can persist until the "punishment" is over, then one can survive.]

[This made many people feel a little relieved. At least they knew that your "punishment" was not limited to "death". Those who died in the past... from what we can see now, it was obvious that their consciousness was not strong enough, and their will to survive was not strong enough. In the end, they were killed by the pain of this "punishment". Many people felt that they would be able to hold on. After all, they had not lived enough.]

[Many people who survived the "punishment" further confirmed the idea of ​​others, believing that this was really just a "punishment" and that as long as they were determined enough, they would be able to get through it and survive... Of course, if there was no need, they would not deliberately endure the "punishment" because they did not have the idea of ​​enjoying the pain.]

[But... only those who have truly received "punishment" will understand that that kind of thing... is not so easy to endure, and the pain is really enough to kill you.]

[However, most people will not break the "rules" now, so there is no need to remind them. After all... under the protection of the "rules", Twilight Street has become more peaceful and harmonious than ever before. Everyone lives a good life. Who would cause trouble for no reason? ]

[As for those who were killed while running around outside at night? That's their problem. It can be avoided by finding a "residence". There is no need to run around outside.]

[Of course, although the truth of the "punishment" has been discovered, there is also a real "judgment", and you have actually carried it out... All the "leaders" remember how shocking the blazing flames that came out of the leader who sold "addictive drugs" wantonly in the outside world... or the former leader, were when you brought down the "judgment" on that person.]

[It really appeared out of nowhere, and suddenly a flame enveloped the entire person. The person's terrified wail almost resounded through the sky the next moment, and the huge sound almost blew off the ceiling of the church]

[In the end, everyone watched helplessly as the man turned into ashes in the flames, true ashes, and you were rare in that you did not give him a proper burial.]

[You know, no matter how bad a person's mistakes are, as long as they are still "punished" by you, and die from the "punishment", you will find them, bring their bodies back, and bury them. But for those who are "judged"... there really won't be any remains left.]

[Thanks to this, most of the smart "leaders" have seen that you are very disgusted with the "black industry", at least the industry of "selling addictive drugs", so they began to transform quickly. This is also the reason why the people in the outside areas can still live well after being controlled by the "leaders" of Twilight Street. Some powerful "leaders" even directly replaced the functions of the government and began to truly manage the people there.]

[This also made many "leaders" begin to thank you... Although your methods are very tough, and even your current power is superior to theirs, your "rules" have indeed brought them benefits]

[The required reading time every day has broadened their horizons, at least letting them know the role of think tanks. The courtesy and etiquette maintained during the day have taught them how to deal with politicians from the outside world, and the indulgence at night also allows them to use the "violence" they are most familiar with again, and to use the "means" they used most often in the past and are now rapidly iterating.]

[More importantly, their growing horizons have also made them realize that… there is little money to be made in the "black industry", and now it is necessities and "safety" that are the real huge profits! ]

[For example, one of the "leaders" discovered something - because of your presence, the security and environment of Twilight Street are now well managed by the "leaders". Although some people are still hunted down at night, most of them are "stowaways" who sneaked in.]

[As for why some people want to "smuggle" in... Obviously, it's because they can't survive in the outside world, or even in the places managed by those "leaders", so they want to get a place to stay in Twilight Street and live here. After all, the minimum living standard is guaranteed for everyone in Twilight Street.]

[The "leader" who noticed the interests involved began to further promote the peaceful and happy life inside Twilight Street, while increasing the infrastructure and security construction inside Twilight Street, especially focusing on the construction of residential buildings]

[On the other hand, he began to promote something called a "residence permit" in his own "territory". As long as you work hard, you can get a limited-time "residence permit" and be arranged to live in the building he built, and obtain temporary residence rights in a room in the building, and then obtain a temporary "residence" - in simple terms, it can be regarded as a model similar to a hotel.]

[At the same time, if you have very good grades or make enough money, you can exchange it for a permanent "residence permit", get a house on Twilight Street, and then obtain permanent residency inside Twilight Street]

[Under the persistent promotion and publicity of this "leader", many people really believed it, and regarded Twilight Street as a safe and happy "Garden of Eden", and began to work hard for a "residence permit"]

[After that, people will be awakened by the cruel reality and heavy work, but... in order to go to that "Garden of Eden", people are willing to do so]

[In the words of this "leader": "As long as you can live in Twilight Street, it doesn't matter if you suffer a little? As long as you can stay there, your future life will be guaranteed. And under the protection of the priest, you don't have to worry about the coming of disasters. The priest is blessed by God and is God's messenger walking in the world. Living with him will definitely bring happiness!"]

[Obviously, after obtaining the power called knowledge, each "leader" has been upgraded and "evolved" accordingly, and has also understood how to exploit loopholes in the "rules". They also know that as long as you don't trigger your bottom line, as long as all "sins" are kept to the level of only needing to be "punished", you will not be "judged" and will not die directly. As long as you don't die directly, you still have a chance to continue.]

[However...some people may be nostalgic for the previous model and industry, or...are eager for quick success and instant benefits, thus incurring your "judgment"]

[For example, this time]

[Summoning all the "leaders" like this has already shown that this is a "trial", and that everyone else must also accept "punishment" for the "sins" they have committed recently. In short... pain is inevitable, but the length of time for each person is different.]

[And...someone will definitely be "judged" this time, and someone will definitely die]

[The "leader" who has a well-informed information network already knows who that person is]

[That guy recently discovered a "loophole", which is to use some "people with difficulties" to do some things, so that he can embezzle materials and money with the help of some "accidents". Because those who have committed these crimes all have "difficulties", you often only impose "punishment" instead of "judgment"]

[But this guy is obviously a newcomer and doesn't fully understand how "guilt" is measured in your case, nor does he have any idea how outrageous you are.]

[No matter how covertly he did it, he ultimately led those people to do the "wrong thing". In simple terms, he used a method that could not be considered completely coercive to force others to do something they did not want to do but had to do... In a sense, this had violated the "rules"]

[And the materials and money he obtained in this way could not be considered "legitimate", so another "rule" was violated]

[Plus, he has been a bit greedy recently and has used this method too many times, so it's hard not to be noticed.]

[Of course, what really violates your bottom line is that he starts to "create difficulties". If others already have "difficulties", then it is indeed worthy of understanding and tolerance, and the "punishment" will become less. But... if it is artificially created, the nature is completely different.]

[So when the other "leaders" received their "punishments" of varying lengths, they endured the pain while waiting to see the "fireworks" - they all restrained themselves and did not touch your bottom line. Now that there is a rare "greedy fool", why not enjoy the show? ]

[Then that guy died, burned to death by the "judgment" you provoked, and turned into ashes. When you declared him "guilt", he was still the same as before, angrily defending himself, shouting something like "We have contributed to the changes in Twilight Street now", trying to drag other "leaders" into the water... Then he wailed and begged under the burning flames, and finally died.]

[Honestly, it's pretty boring]

[As for the other surviving "leaders", they are already "old hands". Although they may have committed some "crimes" in the process of gaining benefits, they are not serious... They know very well what they can and cannot do.]

[So they just endured the pain as usual and staggered away - they had to rest for a while, so they could treat the people in the "territory" well. The necessary kindness still had to be shown, even if it was just for show.]

[After all... they are the ones who provide a place for those who are fleeing in chaos to live. They are really kind people~ ]

[After this "trial", your life returns to normal. Twilight Street is also very peaceful. From time to time, people move in from outside... Most of them are "patients", and they all have the same "disease" - Honkai Infection.]

[Normally speaking, it is difficult for people like this to get the chance to move in, after all, there are various "leaders" outside. However... thanks to Aponia's kindness and your acquiescence, the "leader" is willing to pay some price to bring these "patients" in for resettlement]

[They are just giving you face and labeling themselves as "merciful". There is nothing to worry about... Well, it's just that Kalpas is a little noisy.]

[There was one night when a man who was being hunted down was lucky enough to enter the church and was given your protection... Although the people who were hunting him felt very sorry, they did not dare to break the "rules" in front of you and could only leave in disappointment - anyway, the church only gave him protection for seven days at most, so there would always be time.]

[You helped that man take care of his injuries, prepared some food for him, and arranged a place for him to rest... But he did not thank you, and his attitude towards you was not respectful, but full of disgust. However, he did not mind talking to you.]

[After communicating, you learned that his name is "Li", and he is a "son of a gang leader" in the outside world... You can think of him as a "young boss" or something like that.]

[Li told you many things and asked you many questions. He asked you if you knew that people in the outside world were suffering from a disaster called Honkai, and were also oppressed by the people in the expanding Twilight Street. He asked you if you knew that people who were polite during the day would reveal their ugliest and most violent appearance at night.]

[Ask if you know that someone is shaping you into a "messenger of God"; ask if you know that someone sees you as salvation... but you were completely exploited by those "leaders" on the way here]

[You answered them one by one, but all your answers were denied by Li.]

["You are not a priest who brings love to the people, nor can you bring hope as your name suggests. You are just a puppet of the God you call yourself, just a doll" - said Li.]

[You were speechless for a moment, neither agreeing nor refuting, because from that day on, most of your actions were indeed done according to "Her" guidance, because you believed that "She" would bring love to the world]

[You also understand what is happening in the outside world, but you cannot change anything, because what you asked "Her" at the beginning was just to "change this place"]

[You have already discovered what went wrong with your original request, but... you can't change anything at this moment]

[A few days later, you looked at the body of the murdered oak, and said nothing, but took it to the cemetery for burial]

[After a period of time when nothing had changed, you were suddenly guided by "Her" and, following "Her's" instructions, asked Pardofelis to go to a hidden place to take away "some things"]

[However, when Pardo arrived there, she found that it was not "some" at all, but "many"]

[But even so, with Pardofelis' diligent efforts, she still managed to move all the things back.]

[And you also know what these things are - they are all weapons, all kinds of extremely advanced weapons]

["She" tells you that for some reason, an organization is sending people to investigate Twilight Street, and they have malicious intentions.]

[However, as before, as long as we show enough "strength" and show a certain amount of goodwill, I believe they will be willing to give up their original ideas.]

[Of course, these are not the most important. What is important is that "She" tells you that because that organization has sent people here, the balance here will be broken and a disaster will come. It will be a "disaster" that will destroy the entire Twilight Street.]

[And the source... is those "patients" you took in]