Chapter 85: The Right Judgment Will Come

[Father Enrique of the church has arrived. He is a very famous person in the world. Although he should be traveling and gaining experience in other parts of the world at this time, for some reason, Father Enrique quickly pushed aside all his future arrangements some time ago and hurried to where you are, which made many people confused and puzzled.]

  [Because Father Enrique rarely does such rude things, he postpones the agreed things directly, or even leaves in a hurry without saying goodbye... as if he has something urgent to do]

  [When others came to inquire, Father Enrique simply replied - "I have found the person I should find, and He has shown me the direction. I must immediately rush to the destined person and show him the way... This time, I will not let his hands be stained with sinful blood"]

  [The strange-sounding words were recognized and supported by the church, and Father Enrique's schedule was quickly arranged... That's why he came to you during this time period]

  [When he heard your brisk and gentle humming in the drizzle when he saw you happily sitting on the steps singing in the hazy rain, he was really happy, and the inexplicable anxiety and depression in his heart also disappeared... because he knew that he had caught up]

  [He stroked your head gently, looking at your somewhat strange three-colored pupils, which were like pupils twinkling with stars in the dark night. He seemed particularly sympathetic. He immediately promised you that this time, he would never let your hands be stained with the blood of sin, so that you would not have to mourn for your sins.]

  [Then, he took you into the church to meet the priest]

  [The priest seemed to be particularly afraid of Father Enrique. When the two talked, you could clearly feel that the priest's etiquette became better than usual, and even his attitude became humble and cautious.]

  [It's just that sometimes, he still shows some disgust and irritation towards you... Maybe he blames all of this on you. After all, he has suffered too many unpleasant things since you came to the church.]

  [But soon, he lost the mood... because the director came back]

  [After handling the case, the police chief came to visit the children in the church again, and brought news about you... When you saw him tell you with pity that you might not have any relatives, and even if you did, it would be difficult to find them, you said nothing, but smiled and thanked him for telling you all this, and then hummed a tune for him as a thank you.]

  [Seeing that you were not sad or crying, and even smiled and sang a cheerful tune as a thank you gift to thank him for not bringing good news, the director was deeply moved... You are really a good and well-behaved child. He felt more and more pity for you and said that he would visit you more often in the future]

  [At the same time, the director also noticed the existence of Father Enrique, and found that he seemed to care about you very much, so the director curiously asked about it... Although the answer he got from Father Enrique was still mysterious, the director and Father Enrique became familiar with each other after a while.]

  [The priest watched with fear as the two became more and more familiar with each other. The inexplicable sense of crisis in his heart made him more and more nervous... Although the two had not discovered anything yet, the priest had the illusion that he was doomed.]

  [Then... things really happened as the priest had guessed, and they quickly fell in a direction he didn't want to see.]

  [Father Enrique seemed to be guided by something and quickly found a tiny clue. He then immediately discussed it with the director. They both felt that this church... might have a problem.]

  [The two people who reached a consensus quickly used their respective connections to start investigating, and soon discovered that this church might be helping someone engage in the "child trafficking" industry. Father Enrique even investigated at a speed so fast that it seemed as if he had done it several times before, and found out that the main person in charge of this church was the priest, and that the nuns were also involved. At the same time, he produced several pieces of evidence, as well as evidence that there was a larger interest chain behind it.]

  [The director also acted quickly and immediately arrested the priest and the nun for interrogation, and reported the incident to Father Enrique]

  [With the support of Father Enrique's reputation, this incident immediately received a lot of attention. When people saw the wounds left on the "bad kids" and heard them sobbing and whispering about their painful experiences, with shivers and fear in their words, as if they were still afraid of being beaten and suffering... everyone was angry.]

  [Public opinion came like a tsunami, with waves of condemnation rising one after another, and countless people expressed that they must severely punish the priest and the nun]

  [The fierce public opinion pressured many forces, the first of which was naturally the church... The priests and nuns who were supposed to love and help others actually did such a heartless thing. Naturally, some of the accusations fell on the church, and the church immediately issued a statement, saying that the priests and nuns violated the "doctrine" and expelled them from the church, and severely condemned the priests and nuns for such an incident.]

  [Originally, the church's actions would have stopped at this point. After all, this is usually just an individual's behavior. In addition, the church itself has a good reputation and is blessed by faith. After everyone gets the reaction, they will not embarrass the church too much.]

  [But... this time it seems different]


  [Entry: Pious Person (Blue), has taken effect]

  [It is easier for you to get help from the "church"! ]


  [Father Enrique contacted the church briefly and seemed to have said something to the church members. The next day, the church issued a statement expressing its strong concern about this heinous case and its support for a just verdict. This is what the Lord expected. The appearance of such a bad person among the Lord's believers is already a dereliction of duty on the part of the church, so the church requested a severe verdict in this case.]

[Honestly, this statement shocked everyone because the church rarely expresses its concern so clearly about something, and it is such a 'small' matter... After all, it is just a problem for a few people.']

[But... ordinary people don't care about that. They only know that they have gained supporters, and they are supporters with great appeal, so public opinion has become more fierce.]

[In the end, the local government also showed concern, and even the country here received the news and sent people to inquire and pay attention to this case... There is no way. Under the call of the church, this case has become known to the world. If it is not handled properly, they are afraid that many people will be killed here.]

[However, as we all know, cases like this... can't really be investigated, because something will definitely be found out.]

[You have to know that this is a priest and several nuns running a church together, openly engaging in 'child trafficking' under the noses of the public... Such a bold act has not been reported or discovered for so long, which is itself very problematic.]

[As the case progressed, the investigators became more and more alarmed, and began to apply for support personnel to come down to investigate... In the end, they even set up a special task force to investigate the 'interest chain' behind this case. In the end, everyone discovered that this seemed to involve a transnational case, and even unknowingly, some people investigated some... things that should not have been investigated.]

[For example... 'island']

[Although this word only appeared a few times, and even disappeared after a short while, the people in charge of the investigation were also terrified and temporarily suspended the investigation... There was nothing they could do. This was no longer something they could decide. There were too many people involved.]

[More importantly, their recent investigations have been hindered, and some people have even received warnings... they have to slow down.]

[But facing the overwhelming public opinion, it is unlikely to stop here, so the only option is to first convict the priest and the nun to appease public opinion.]

[Considering that the priest is the main culprit of 'child trafficking,' and has also committed 'imprisonment and child abuse,' and may even have committed 'child death due to abuse,' etc., he must be sentenced to death without exception.]

[As for several nuns, as accomplices in 'child trafficking,' although they knew about it but did not report it, and even condoned the priest's crime, and even participated in it personally, just for the sake of money...but considering that there were no particularly serious circumstances such as harming children, they were sentenced to life imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for life, and confiscation of all property.]

[To be honest, even with this verdict, it still attracted a lot of criticism... Too many people think that everyone should be sentenced to death... Isn't it a waste of food and air if people like this are not killed?]

[But after a certain amount of public opinion control and explanations from some people, the public still reluctantly accepted this verdict... At least the main culprit is dead, and the most important thing now is that the children in the church should be cared for. Not to make up for their lost childhood, but at least let them live a better life in the future.]

[As a result, donations from all over the country came in like snowflakes, and a large amount of practical supplies were sent to the church, causing Father Enrique to stay in the church for several days in a row, either moving things or signing for supplies.]

[However, although he was very tired, Father Enrique was smiling happily... because everything turned out well this time. He arrived by your side in advance, preventing your hands from being stained with sinful blood. He and the director arrested the priest and the nun together. This matter even received the support of the church and further attracted the attention of the government.]

[Although the 'interest chain' behind this case has not been thoroughly investigated, it has now been taken over by the special task force. Although Father Enrique cannot directly participate, at least he does not have to worry anymore, because this case must be explained to everyone, otherwise the media and public opinion will expose the investigation team and the local government.]

[The church has gradually improved since Father Enrique took over. Needless to say, the changes in life have been great. The materials and donations from all over the world and the church's funding are enough to renovate the entire church. The children can also wear new clothes, eat better food, and receive formal education.]

[Under the guidance of Father Enrique, the barriers between the children gradually disappeared, and everyone soon realized that the so-called 'bad kids' were not actually bad. Coupled with the children's innocent hearts, with a little guidance, the children started playing together again.]

[Ah, speaking of this, there is another question, which is... where is your figure?]

[In fact, this matter has nothing to do with you. In the eyes of outsiders, you are just an ordinary child, a child who will be hurt by priests and nuns... After all, you are still a child. Even if the police chief used you as an excuse to enter the church, Father Enrique was even more straightforward. He came directly to find you. But in order to protect you, in this case, Father Enrique and the chief deliberately downplayed your existence.]

[So even though the priests and nuns were put on trial because of you, outsiders were not aware of your existence at all.]

[And during this process... you originally wanted to help. After all, seeing the director and Father Enrique working so hard, you also wanted to reduce their burden, but they clearly refused.]

['You are a good child, you are all good children, that's why we need to work hard, that's why we need to save you… We need to fight for a stable life for you, so that you can have a happy enough childhood and spend every day in peace. This is what we adults should be responsible for, and it is also our responsibility as adults,' said the priest.]

['So… spend every day happily, and smile from the bottom of your heart every day. This is the biggest and best reward that children like you can give us,' the director smiled and rubbed your head, saying so.]

[You have some understanding, so you usually always smile, with a relaxed and happy smile, humming the light tune you have figured out, bringing some joy to the people around you.]

[And you also found a place where you can help... Although Father Enrique took over the church, when the case first started, Father Enrique still had to cooperate with the investigation, so he often had to go out and had no time to take care of the children.]

[At this time, as the only one who can talk to both the good kids and the 'bad kids,' you naturally take over the responsibility of taking care of the other children.]

[The children have no objections and are even willing to listen to you... They like your singing very much, so every child has a good relationship with you, and you continue to act as a 'glue,' trying to bring the two sides closer together and make the gap between the children less obvious.]

[During this process, you also continue to explore the humming skills, and before you know it, you have gained some 'little fans.']

[For example, the kid named 'Light' really likes your singing and has asked you for singing skills. Unfortunately, he has no talent for it and gave up after trying a few times. He can only sit aside and listen to you sing.]

[And you will take care of the children in place of Father Enrique until the verdict of the priest and the nun comes down.]

[When Father Enrique brought the news that 'the priest had been sentenced to death,' the 'bad kids' cheered excitedly... They may not understand what the 'death penalty' means, but they know that the priest will never come back, and they will never see the priest again.]

[And you were the same. Although you didn't cheer, you were really happy. The whole day after you got the news, you had a smile on your face that came from the bottom of your heart. Even the tune you hummed that day was unusually cheerful, giving people the illusion that you were about to dance.]

[You don't know why you are so happy. The priest obviously didn't do anything to you. He even gave you food, clothes, and shelter... He wasn't even very familiar with you. Logically, you shouldn't have much of a reaction to this.]

[However, when you learned the news, you couldn't help but cheer in your heart——]

[Good death!!!]"