Chapter 105: "Double Stars"

[Ahem... Although you and Eden like the feeling of quietly watching the sunset amidst the sound of the waves, after all, that beautiful and romantic scenery is what you both like, but... they still have to remind you that this is a very dangerous behavior. You must leave the dangerous beach before the tide rises at night and go to a safe place.]

  [So in the end, under the guidance and help of the caregivers, you slowly left the flooded area and returned to a safe place... and then you were taught a lesson as expected]

  [Although they understand that you two young people like a romantic atmosphere, you must also pay attention to safety issues. If you accidentally bump into something or get trapped, it can't be explained by a romantic word. What happens at that time may leave an indelible scar in the memories of the two of you.]

  [You and Eden humbly accepted the accusation and promised not to do such dangerous things in the future... With your current wealth, you can rent a yacht and slowly enjoy the scenery on the sea. What happened this time was completely an "accident". After all... the atmosphere has come to this point, right? ]

  [But in the end, we still have to return to the reality. Eden terminated her contract with the original agency and was naturally suppressed. It would be difficult for her to find a stage where she can show herself... right? ]

  [It doesn't seem to be the case]

  [Not to mention that Eden herself comes from a musical family. As long as she wants, she can use her family's connections to find a stage for her to perform. Even you who accompany her are now a video blogger with a huge number of fans.]

  [But Eden doesn't want to rely on any of these, especially the help from her family... Because you are the same, without much help from others, you use music to attract others little by little, and finally with a little bit of luck, you have the current number of fans.]

  [So, she also wants to be "like you", to win everyone's recognition and love in her own way and by herself]

  [But this may be difficult to do... After all, it's hard to separate you and her.]

  [It's not that I have any other meaning. It's mainly because, in your previous videos, Eden's figure always appears from time to time. Although people don't pay much attention to her, they have noticed that she is the girl who often appears next to you...Someone has also asked about your relationship with her, but you just said at the time that you are "partners" in the same industry.]

  [Hmm... a relatively "close" partner, that's all]

  [In other words, as long as this evidence is there, she will have some connection with you, and you can use this opportunity to propose to help her... Eden also chose to agree after thinking about it.]

  [After all, no matter what, even if the paths you choose are different, you will definitely shine on each other, rely on each other, and finally shine together in the sky. After all... you are a pair of similar "double stars"]

  [So, you contacted Mr. Gunn and Mrs. Fidel who had helped you before]

  [After all, Eden wants to take a more "formal" path, so she should need an agent. It also happens that you know the Gunns.]

  [The Gunns were very excited to hear the news. Although they were a little disappointed at first when they heard that they were going to lead your friend instead of you, they quickly put aside their idle thoughts... After all, they have known you for so long and they know your character well. If your friend cannot meet their requirements, you will definitely not come to ask them for help.]

 [More importantly, they believe that the "friends" who are recognized by you and are even willing to come to them for help must also be passionate about art.]

 [Sure enough, after meeting once and listening to a few of Eden's songs, the Gunns took on the job without hesitation and began to use their connections to find a suitable stage for Eden.]

 [In the middle of the conversation, you discussed what to do next... In the end, you agreed that if Eden could become famous with one song, you could just set up your own agency. Then you wouldn't have to worry about people coming to you to sign contracts all the time, and the Gunns would just be your agents.]

 [To be honest, this proposal seems a bit playful and hasty, but none of you have any objections. After all... you all believe that Eden will succeed.]

 [Soon, Mrs. Fidel helped Eden arrange a charity performance, but at this time, Eden made a request instead - she hoped that you could also go on stage with her]

 [As for the reason, it is because she hopes to leave a trace of you on her way forward, just like Eden is always there in the videos you recorded before. She also hopes that you will be by her side when she performs on stage for the first time.]

 [Of course, this is not a problem, but the problem is... with your current popularity, it is very likely that you will steal her limelight. This is something the organizers and the Gunns are quite worried about.]

 [But this is not a difficult thing for you and know how to cooperate with each other in music.]

 [So, as expected, Eden's performance was a great success. Even though your appearance attracted a lot of people's attention, it couldn't block Eden's radiance. Eden quickly became famous with her beautiful and recognizable voice, and you also shared some of the popularity.]

 [After that, it was up to the Gunns to deal with their own business... They arranged Eden's next schedule in an orderly manner, relying on their previous connections to secure performance opportunities for Eden.]

 […Hmm? Why are the Gunns dealing with Eden's affairs? Wasn't it agreed that you and Eden would each have one?]

 [It's really not the Gunns' fault... It's mainly because your situation is too delicate. On the one hand, you are always keen on performing on the street, and at most you just record videos and upload them to the Internet. In other words, Mr. Gunn, as your agent, only needs to stay at home in front of the computer to process your videos and take care of your personal accounts. It doesn't require too much trouble.]

 [On the other hand… you don't know why, even though you are a celebrity, there are still media outlets that secretly follow you, trying to dig up some "explosive information" from you, but in the end, they will disappear for some inexplicable reasons, and even some people who secretly follow you will inexplicably lose you… It's as if you have very good anti-tracking skills (although in the end it was confirmed that they lost you due to various "accidents")]

 [In short, Gunns don't need to worry too much about you. After all, your condition has stabilized, and your number of fans on the Internet is also steadily increasing. As long as there are no major problems, it's fine. On the contrary, Eden's career has just started, and there are many things to consider and need more care, so both of them are responsible for Eden's affairs.]

 [Well... it seems that both of you have begun to move steadily towards the future you desired, and Eden has officially embarked on her own path. So... it's time for you to continue your own path as well.]

 [Just like what others described at the beginning, just be a "bard"]

 [So, you announced a "Music Tour" plan on your account. Your nickname is naturally "The Bard". The specific content is that you will "travel around the world" by performing on the streets, just like the legendary "bard", following the wind, bringing songs and stories to various parts of the world.]

(TL: Venti but not useless)

 [This project is actually no different from what you have done before, that is, go to a new place, play on the street, listen to other people's stories, get inspiration to create new songs, and then repeat this cycle]

 [It's just that under Mr. Gunn's suggestion, what you do has a formal name, and there is no fundamental change]

 [However, when you officially propose it, your fans will still be very happy. After all, after the project is officially established, you will be the first to announce the city you are going to visit next on your personal account. In this way, fans who want to meet you will have a target.]

 [So, you and Eden began to move forward on your own paths. Under the arrangement of the Gunns, Eden methodically strived for fame... Although because of Eden's singing, her fans also rose rapidly like a rocket, and almost caught up with you in a short while]

 [As for you, things are going on smoothly and there is no difference from before. Although your fans are not increasing as dramatically as Eden's, they are also increasing steadily.]

 [As your affairs become more and more, the time you can see each other in person becomes less and less, but you are not worried about this, nor do you feel alienated or anything, because both of you understand that you are pursuing your own "wishes"]

 [Eden is moving towards the most dazzling stage little by little, and you are like a warm breeze, gently passing through the crowd, leaving behind some joy and songs, and taking away some troubles and stories]

[In this process, you met many people, listened to many stories, and witnessed the helplessness and joy of too many people]

  [Have you ever seen an addict who longed for redemption, wandering between depravity and progress, but was finally healed by music and a stray cat? With the cat's company, he went through the most painful withdrawal moments, and finally depended on it for life, officially walking out of that dark life]

  [Have you ever seen a man who is deeply trapped in the past, immersed in the sorrow and pain of the past and unable to extricate himself, spending the whole day drinking and muddled, his child was accidentally killed by him, his wife divorced him because of his decadence, and even his parents parted with him in the end... He has not been redeemed, and you can't help him at all. You can only sing softly, comfort him with your songs, and pick up for him the photos that he tore into pieces when he was drunk... That was his last family photo, and the only thing he can be nostalgic for.]

  [When he woke up from his hangover the next day, he was very grateful for your help... If even this last thought was torn up and thrown away by him, he would probably have lost the meaning of living. Fortunately, you picked it up and saved it for him.]

  [You were happy about this, gave him some financial help, encouraged him to live a good life, helped him put the photos together, and laminated them so that he would not tear them up again when he was drunk... But who knows what will happen in the future? ]

  [Have you ever seen a child in the hospital who loves motorcycles but has to stay in bed all the time due to illness... He only has a few days left to live, and even speaking has become difficult, but he is smiling and gently comforting his aging parents]

  [You have also seen a teenager passing by you, rolling up your musical instrument case, and taking away all the money inside... In the end, he was stopped by a homeless man and knocked to the ground]

(TL: I saw something like this on TikTok)

  [You recognize the homeless man. You met him in the alley a few days ago and took shelter from the rain under the eaves with him... At that time, you shared a lunch with him and played a song for him briefly... He once said that he would repay you, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.]

  [When you traveled around the world as a "bard," you met many, many people and witnessed many different stories... In addition, you also shared all of this on the Internet for everyone to see.]

  [Although most of the names in this story have been hidden to ensure privacy, many people have still discovered them]

  [The drug addict at the beginning was interviewed by a newspaper, and eventually a book was written about it, and it was even adapted into a movie. You even made a small cameo appearance in it. After all, you helped him when he was in the most difficult time, and even taught him a few songs, so you were half his teacher.]

  [The second person who was immersed in the sorrow of the past went to pay tribute to his children and parents, and reconciled with his ex-wife. Finally, with the help of his ex-wife and her current husband, he got a new job and planned to start a good life.]

  [The homeless man who helped you later successfully got a job and started a new life]

  [And that strong child was the focus of everyone's attention. Even though the donations could not save his life, many people came from far away just to fulfill his wish - he wanted to see the motorcycle team passing by his house.]

  [Finally, he saw more than 20,000 motorcycles passing by his house and received blessings and encouragement from all over the world]

  [It's a pity…his life still passed away, but in the end, he was smiling and happy, and even his parents were grateful for everyone's care and help]

  [There are so many stories, so many different people... You can feel the emotions surging in your heart, thoughts, and inspirations bursting out]

[So, inspired by everyone's stories, the songs you wrote were finally compiled into an album called "Give People Love"]

  [It, together with the romantic "Give the Sky Stars", which is based on the stars, ideals, and the beauty that people yearn for, and the praise-filled "Give the Earth Flowers", which is based on the scenery, landforms, and characteristics of various countries, constitute your three major albums]

  [Everyone can find a variety of songs in it, and they can always pick out the songs they like... Basically, many people are in the state of "I have heard your songs, but I don't know that this song is written or sung by you". After all... who made your music style so varied, and sometimes even your singing voice changes?]

  [And this is also the reason why fans love to listen to your singing because they can always hear their favorite songs]

  [Of course, in your free time, you... no, I should say you and Eden can't help but "show off" a bit.]

  [To be precise, you and Eden both have a digital album saved on the Internet, which is free, and the songs in it are constantly updated, which surprised many fans... However, after they saw the name of the album, they were a little surprised and said that you were "tricking the dog in to kill"]

  [Because the name of this album is "Songs for You"... You will mostly save some operas you sing and some classical music you play in this album, and Eden will save a lot of pop songs sung by her in it, and occasionally you can even hear songs from each other's albums.]

  [I can only say that this album is too much of a show-off, and exudes a strong "smell of dog food"... but the fans are happy with it]

  [What's so strange about CP?]

  [Thanks to this, you were unsurprisingly given a nickname by the fans, and this nickname is particularly familiar - "Double Stars"]