Chapter 111: Just focus more on me~

[Thanks to a cute girl named Elysia, the Fire Moth solved the "Second Great Eruption", but in return, the Fire Moth also obtained some strange things from the "Second Herrscher" - a terminal with your song recorded on it]

  [Considering the possible connection, the Fire Moth has begun to pay attention to you secretly... Of course, you don't know this yet.]

  [You just suddenly learned about Sirin's disappearance and the death of Sirin's father during your journey... You were a little stunned for a moment and rushed over in a hurry, but in the end, all you saw was the anxious and flustered proprietress and the seriously ill boss]

  [His condition became increasingly serious. He had a very bad temper and was often angry for inexplicable reasons. His wife had to slow down and comfort him, trying her best to soothe his anxious heart... In a very short period of time, their identities and personalities seemed to have completely swapped, which was surprising.]

  [But... this is also a helpless move. The sudden harm and disaster have caused them to become what they are now.]

  [You don't know what to do, and you can only provide some financial assistance and play a few peaceful songs to calm him down.]

  [Perhaps it is because music is the most romantic and direct "language" for people to convey their thoughts and emotions. Under your playing, he gradually calmed down. Although he still seemed a little anxious, it was much better than before.]

  [You accepted the thanks from the lady boss and their son, and at their request, returned to the town to look for Sirin]

  [But at this time, the town has been blocked. A group of people who look like soldiers stop you and refuse you to enter... You are a little helpless and ask them if they have seen a girl with purple hair and golden eyes. She disappeared some time ago.]

  [The soldiers seemed a little surprised for a moment. After a brief briefing, a capable woman with fiery red hair came over, took you aside, and slowly explained to you the situation in Sirin and why they wanted to block the town.]

  [According to what they said, a strange disease broke out in the town, the same disease that the boss had. This is a new disease that is highly contagious and fatal, and there is currently no treatment. At the same time, depending on each person's physical condition, the speed at which this disease kills people is also different...]

  [In short, after she talked about a lot of things, you summarized what she said - roughly speaking, a strange disease broke out in the town, so it needed to be isolated, but most members were safe and received timely rescue arrangements, but there were also a small number of people who were quickly taken away by the strange disease due to their own physical reasons... Sirin was one of them]

  [And you also noticed that in the middle of her explanation, her eyes were still on you, and there was a hint of scrutiny in her eyes, which made you feel a little strange... But you just thought it was her boss's habit and didn't pay much attention to it.]

[You thanked her and planned to tell the boss lady and the others about this bad news later... Before leaving, she stopped you again and asked for your autograph. She also asked if you had anything to say and whether you had any relationship with the girl named Sirin...]

  [You answered all the questions one by one, and said that you just liked that cute girl very much. After all, she helped you once, and she also gave you the inspiration for the song. Therefore, you agreed to give her a copy of the song after it was produced... I don't know if Sirin heard your song in the end.]

  [After understanding the situation, she nodded and said that Sirin must have listened to your song and must have cherished it... Then, she took the autograph you gave her and told you her name at the same time]

  [Himeko——This is her name. Maybe you will meet again in the future if you have the chance.]

  [You responded to her politely and kindly, and then brought the news about Sirin to the boss and the others... Seeing their stunned and sad expressions, you had no good way to comfort them, so you could only quietly accompany them, and occasionally hum a few soft songs when conditions permitted.]

  [After their situation stabilizes a little, you embark on your own journey again... As for this slightly sad tune, just keep it in your memory for now, along with the song you gave her.]

  [However, because of this incident, you have also made some discoveries... Your songs seem to be able to soothe those special patients, especially those with strange diseases that cannot be cured at present. Your songs seem to be able to soothe their irritable hearts.]

  [Therefore, in addition to performing on the streets, you also began to frequently go to hospitals, nursing homes, and other places to perform for those patients. Thanks to this, you received a lot of gratitude from medical staff and patients' families. After all, they didn't have any good way to deal with this strange disease.]

  [If the patient cannot control ther emotions, they can only use drugs such as sedatives. However, such patients will develop strong drug resistance as the number of sedatives used increases, making it difficult to control the patient in the end.]

  [But fortunately, now they have a more convenient and easy option. Just play your songs for the patients. This can at least stabilize their emotions. Although it cannot be completely stable, it can at least save some worries for those who take care of them, and also prevent patients from having to bear high doses of sedatives.]

  [In addition, your songs seem to have similar effects on other mental patients and can soothe their moods very well. Therefore, you have received praise from many doctors... Some even half-jokingly say that you provide them with a new kind of "music therapy."]

  [You are very happy, at least it proves that you have helped some people again, and... music is indeed powerful.]

  [However, along with that, there were some accusations from the internet… They simply said that you didn't keep quiet in the hospital, and that you could brag about your music being able to stabilize patients' spirits. They even mocked you for "hiring" so many doctors to promote your music, and even invited "extras" to pretend to be patients' family members, just to highlight the uniqueness of your music… It's really ridiculous and disgusting. And what about "music therapy"? It's just a means to promote your music, right? It's really disgusting.]

  [Although these comments faded quickly, they really disgusted a large number of people and completely stimulated people's habit of "liking to doubt something". From time to time, someone will pop up on the Internet to ask you some strange questions.]

  [If you answer, they will take my words out of context and distort the facts. If you don't answer, they will be accused of avoiding the question and being arrogant. This is really because they are so familiar with this that both sides are right.]

  [At the same time, some people have questioned your relationship with Eden... Actually, these people are quite subtle. In their eyes, you are "marrying above your station" for Eden. After all, Eden's path is particularly "formal." In addition, with the joint operation of the Gunns, the number of people who know her, are familiar with her, and like her soon exceeds you. As a result, some people think that you are "unsuitable" and "should not" stay with Eden.]

  [Although these people's remarks were quickly boycotted and criticized by your and Eden's common fans, after all, no matter what, your relationship with Eden cannot be questioned by others. You have clearly left each other's traces on the road ahead, and this is not something that those monsters and demons can say casually.]

  [But... those people were also aroused, and their innate habit of "wanting to resist something" and the idea of ​​"believing that they are absolutely right" permeated their hearts, so they began to make some... not-so-good remarks.]

  [This behavior naturally led to counterattacks, and then gradually turned into a war of words... In the end, the quarrel reached a level that was somewhat unreasonable.]

  [You and Eden issued statements several times, hoping that people would not discuss this matter, and also urged fans not to pay too much attention to this matter... After all, the relationship between you will not be affected by such a small matter, and it is even more impossible for you to separate because of it.]

  [The fans you both had naturally listened to you, and gradually gave up those extreme methods, and instead worked harder to support you, but as for the others... it's hard to say.]

  [Some of Eden's fans think that you, who are taking the "outer path", shouldn't stay with Eden who has always been on the "right path." Correspondingly, some of your fans accuse them of being "ungrateful." After all, whether it is based on your statement or others' statements, it can be proved that Eden's popularity was due to your contribution.]

  [Even the two agents, the Gunn couple, came to Eden because of your connections. Even Eden herself admitted this, but now they actually put this aside. It's really funny.]

  [Of course, they also have their own explanation for this question - according to Eden's singing skills and family background, even without your help, Eden can fight for the opportunity to debut and rely on herself to get to where she is now. You are actually the dispensable one.]

  [In short, each of them has their own reasons. Although it is difficult to see these people under your and Eden's accounts, it is hard to say if they are on other places on the Internet.]

  [But again, these remarks are just for their own amusement. They won't have any real impact on you and Eden.]

  [You are still on your own path of pursuing your "wishes"... until one day, you received a message from Li, or rather Li and Yin.]

  [Yin's hometown, Far East, suffered an inexplicable disaster and was dealt a near-destructive blow, and even Yin's forces there were completely destroyed... She had no choice but to bring some of the survivors to seek refuge with Li.]

  [You were a little surprised. You happened to be back with Eden at this time and learned the bad news together with Sakura... Although Sakura moved to Mu Continent with Rin early because of you, the bad news that her hometown was destroyed by the disaster still shocked her a little.]

  [At the same time, Yin made a serious suggestion - she hoped that Sakura could pick up the sword again and stay with you, the "record player" who always makes people worry, to ensure your safety.]

  [This makes you all a little strange, but Yin doesn't seem to want to explain it so clearly. She just hopes that in the future, you can bring Sakura with you when you go out, so that you can have some safety guarantee... You don't need to worry about Eden, after all, her current reputation and popularity are much higher than yours, and she has special people to arrange guards wherever she goes.]

  [On the contrary, you are a guy who always likes to run around alone. You are not trustworthy at all. Yin also remembered Sakura's original skills, so she simply let Sakura be your bodyguard... There is no other way, after all, Yin is still Sakura's de facto "boss" now? You have to know that you and Eden only "invited" Sakura to come here.]

  [After discussing with each other, everyone agreed to this method. The main reason was that Yin's attitude was very firm and serious, which made people feel that she was serious. In addition, Li also maintained his attitude towards this, so you think it is better to accept this suggestion.]

  [Luckily, Sakura did not give up her training and swordsmanship even after becoming a model. After all, she had to stay in shape, so her martial arts skills did not fall behind much... So, while Sakura maintained her career as a model, she also had the responsibility of being your bodyguard.]

  [You heard that Rin was very happy for a long time after hearing the news. Maybe for her, her sister became the bodyguard of her favorite star and could stay by his side, which was something she was very happy and proud of.]

[Sakura's attitude is a little subtle, a little reserved, a little shy, but when she stands next to you, she is still very happy, and even has a hint of showing off, which makes Eden feel confused.]

  [So, on your way forward, you followed a girl who looked like a cherry blossom.]


  "Sakura, do you think this hat suits me?"

  On the yacht on the sea, Nozomi put on a dark blue hunter's hat and turned to ask his beautiful guard.

  "…It's a little strange but surprisingly appropriate."

  "Really? This was given to me by everyone in the town we visited before... a souvenir?"

  Nozomi took it off again, held it in his hand, and looked at it carefully. Although he always felt that there was something strange about it, but... since Sakura said it was suitable, then it should be suitable.

  "Sakura, do you want me to design a hunter's uniform when I get back? It should be specially designed to match this hat... um... dark blue, and it can be designed with a sea-related theme... ah, I have some ideas, I'll sketch them out when I get back to shore!"

  While muttering to himself, Nozomi put his hat back on and then looked at Sakura with some confusion.

  "What's wrong? Sakura, are you unhappy? If you have any troubles... just tell me~ Then I can share some of your worries~"

  "'s this really okay?"

  "Hmm? What do you mean?"

  "It's just... I'll stay by your side... or something like that."

  Sakura spoke hesitantly.

  "Ms. Eden...even though you didn't say anything, you still mind it, right? Also, on the Internet...some people always take pictures of you and me traveling together, and there are also some rumors, has caused some bad influence on you, so I'm thinking...should we just..."

  "Don't say that, Sakura."

  Nozomi gently placed his finger on his lips and signaled to her.

  "The relationship between Eden and I may be more subtle and deeper than you think... Moreover, as people who are both immersed in art, we have a way of communication that is more direct and easier to understand than words... That is music."

  "If Eden really cared, she would show it directly when she sang in front of us. You can easily hear it. So... since you didn't feel it, it means that Eden herself doesn't care that much."

  Nozomi explained with a smile.

  'Do you think I can't possibly interfere with your relationship...? That's a really proud thought' Sakura thought.

  However, after Nozomi said this, her worries were alleviated a lot.

  "As for those people on the Internet... well, don't worry about them."

  Nozomi tilted his head again and continued speaking softly.

  "They are just a small group of people, similar to those who accused me on Eden's behalf and I on Eden's behalf before. They are just a small group of people, but they are shouting louder... As for the others, Eden and I have explained that you are my friend and just want to travel with me, that's all, and everyone expressed understanding and support."

  "Even if there are some strange remarks... we haven't actually seen any signs of anything related to it, right? Their lies will be exposed, and then they will be blamed by everyone."


  Nozomi seemed to be thinking of something funny, and his smile became particularly happy.

  "Sakura, you don't have to care about those things. You are my friend, I like you very much, and you are willing to stay by my side. Isn't this enough?"

  "Instead of worrying about those imaginary rumors, why not focus on me?"


  Sakura was slightly stunned, looking into his eyes that were like stars at night, and then nodded subconsciously.

  She...did not object to Nozomi's words, and in fact, she herself...was willing to do so.

  "Come to think of it, the first time I met you, it was because of Yin... Well, I told Yin at that time that Sakura gave me some inspiration... And it just so happened that I perfected it here."

  Nozomi smiled and took brisk steps, holding the two ends of the hat with both hands to prevent it from falling.

  "It can be considered a song for you~ After all... Sakura and cherry blossoms really match each other~ They are both equally beautiful~"


  After saying that, Nozomi didn't wait for Sakura's response and just sang the melody by himself.

  Gently, lightly, as soft and beautiful as falling cherry blossoms.


  Sakura listened to his song quietly, the song he gave to her, and an emotion called joy arose in her heart.

  She opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she swallowed it back.

  'I clearly feel that I don't need to be restrained in front of him, I clearly feel that I can rely on him, and he has clearly helped me a lot, but...'

  She was still not used to expressing her feelings.

  Therefore, she could only listen quietly to the song he gave her, and then gently applaud at the end, giving her praise and joy and showing him her smile.

  As silent as falling cherry blossoms, as beautiful as falling cherry blossoms.