Chapter 136: Human, Not Monster

[The "Eighth Great Honkai Eruption" is over. Thanks to the efforts of you, Dystopia, and Aponia, the "Eighth Herrscher" was defeated. The strange drowsiness caused by the "Eighth Herrscher" also disappeared, and your song returned to normal.]

[While the "Fire Moth" was cleaning up the mess, it also found the body of the "Eighth Herrscher" as it wished... The body was intact, without too much damage, but it had a crazy smile on its face as if it didn't care about its own death, as if it had achieved its goal.]

[The Fire Moth lamented that the Herrscher who controlled the mind had died mentally, leaving only a body. Then, it cautiously and unfamiliarly packed up the body of the Eighth Herrscher, packed it up, and gave it to the researchers to study... This was the first time they had recovered such a complete Herrscher's body, so they had better be careful.]

[In addition, when "Fire Moth" finally sorted out the casualty data, it was discovered that this "Great Eruption" seemed to have some "good news" that was not really good news.]

[For example, because the "Fire Moth" used your song on a large scale in the past to "heal" those patients with Honkai disease, when the "Eighth Herrscher" used your song to spread its power, it can be said that all the patients with Honkai disease fell into a coma, and after taking a few breaths, they lost their lives.]

[The song that they originally regarded as a hope for healing ended up being a sickle that reaped their lives... What a black joke.]

[However, because of this, the manpower and resources of "Fire Moth" in this area have been completely freed up! After all, there are no more patients, isn't this good news? Haha...]

[This is not funny.]

[What's even worse is that this "subjugation war" came rather suddenly. It was the "Fire Moth" who was trying to find a way out of you, which eventually led to the "Eighth Herrscher" seizing the opportunity and in turn affecting you, which then turned into a "subjugation war".]

[In other words, when Dystopia and Aponia used their power to wrap you up and tried to find a breakthrough from your singing... the "Eighth Herrscher" actually invaded the "Fire Moth" through you.]

[Although you also discovered the connection between your song and the "Eighth Herrscher", and started the "Crusade" in reverse, you also showed a power far beyond expectations in the end, protecting a large number of people who fell into a coma, and even amplified the power of Dystopia and Aponia, allowing them to launch a crusade against the "Eighth Herrscher".]

[However, during the short period of time when the "Eighth Herrscher" invaded, the "Fire Moth" still suffered considerable damage. Even though Mei had asked the people in the Fifth Science Department to research and distribute the corresponding drugs in advance, many people still fell into a coma under the deliberate targeting of the "Eighth Herrscher" and lost their lives in just a few breaths.]

[If you hadn't attracted the attention of the "Eighth Herrscher" in that pure white space at the end, I'm afraid the losses of the "Fire Moth" would have been further increased... But fortunately, the song you sang at the end saved many people and kept the number of casualties within an acceptable range.]

[For example, this happened to Griseo and Blanca. One of them was an ordinary researcher, and the other was a weak child. Under the influence of the power of the "Eighth Herrscher", they fell into a coma in an instant, and their breathing became weak at a speed visible to the naked eye. They were about to die.]

[But when the golden notes came with the wind, their condition quickly stabilized. If it weren't for your singing that came in time, Mobius would have used some extreme measures to ensure Griseo's life... such as fusion warrior surgery or something.]

[Fortunately, you are here. Your song saved them. This makes Hen and Mobius especially grateful to you. After completing the "Crusade", and hearing that you suffered a near-death blow from the "Eighth Herrscher", they hurried over. Together with Mei, who had already come to your side, they checked your spirit and body, looking for scars on your body.]

[But the result is... you seem to be fine, no mental problems found, and no physical scars... When this result was obtained, everyone was a little confused for a while.]

[Could it be that the Eighth Herrscher's dying attack had no effect at all? This is impossible, right?]

[But no matter what, at least this "Great Eruption" was successfully passed, the problem with your song was successfully solved, "Fire Moth" can continue to use your song to treat people infected with the Honkai disease, the "Eighth Herrscher" was successfully defeated, no high-end combat power was damaged, and even a very intact "Herrscher wreckage" was obtained... It seems that everything looks pretty good?]

[Add to that the power you showed that can amplify other fusion warriors, and it seems that the ending of this "Great Eruption"... is not so unacceptable? In fact, compared with the previous "Great Eruption", this result can even be said to be lucky and worth celebrating... right?]

[Hahaha… How is that possible?]

[Because of the "Eighth Herrscher Incident", a gap has already been created in the hearts of the people between "Fire Moth" and you. Even though "Fire Moth" has repeatedly emphasized that this is all a problem of the "Great Honkai Eruption", and that everything is the influence of the "Eighth Herrscher", and has little to do with you and "Fire Moth", and that the "Eighth Herrscher" did this just to create a gap between people... but these words are of little use.]

[The seed of doubt has been planted. Based on what people have done in the past, this seed...will definitely sprout.]

[The Fire Moth had no choice but to appease the people as much as possible and try to restore the broken trust.]

[Finally, out of respect for life, the people finally believed what the "Fire Moth" said, believing that all this was the problem of the "Herrscher", and were willing to accept your song again... There was no other way, they wanted to live, and your song had a "healing" effect, and was the cheapest treatment for Honkai Disease, so they had to accept it.]

[Everything seems to have returned to the peaceful daily life of the past...]



There is the sound of falling rain again... Is it raining more and more frequently recently?

But it doesn't matter, after all, Nozomi likes rainy days.


At this time, Nozomi was sitting by the window, humming a cheerful tune while reaching his hand out of the window to touch the falling rain... From time to time, some images flashed before his eyes, which were the "fragments" brought by the rain.

What was a little strange was that although one could clearly feel the wind mixed with the rain, there was no sign of the window sills in Nozomi's room being wet by the rain. At this moment, the rain seemed to become well-behaved and polite, falling quietly outside the house. Listening to the tune that Nozomi was humming, and feeling the emotions that belonged to Nozomi coming from the music.


When Nozomi sang this song, the sound of the falling rain seemed to change a little, becoming crisp and noisy, just like the rain was applauding.

Then, the rain brought with it a mood of concern and inquiry.

it is concerned about whether Nozomi is living well on the "land" and whether he wants to "go home". The "child" who is familiar with her has been missing him for a long time and asks him when to go to visit her.

At the same time, the rain also showed some joy, happy that he was contaminated with the breath of "wind", which made it easier for the rain to come into contact with him. After all, rain always comes with a breeze.

"Thank you for your concern."

Nozomi did not resist the rain's concern, but just smiled and responded to the rain softly.

"As for [going home]... I may not be able to do it in the near future. No one wants me to go into the sea, so I can't let everyone worry~"

"But I'm having a great time, so... don't worry~"


The rain fell gently, conveying a sense of loss, like a mother who learns that her son is away from home and cannot return home. But knowing that Nozomi was still living a happy life, the rain conveyed a sense of joy.

"As for Skadi... I will find a way to meet her. Please convey my greetings to it."


The rain responded to Nozomi softly, indicating that it would convey his words to it.

Knock knock——

There was the sound of someone knocking on the door. The rain continued to fall, gently conveying the emotions of farewell and encouragement, telling Nozomi not to care and to go see the person he loved more. The rain and the breeze would protect him.

"Please come in, Sakura, I left the door unlocked."

Nozomi did not close the window, but just adjusted his sitting position and spoke in a voice that could just be heard by the people outside the door.

As for how he knew the person knocking on the door was Sakura...the blowing wind had already told him the news.

"…Sorry, did I bother you?"

The door was first pushed open a little, and a pair of slender pink animal ears poked in first, followed by long light pink hair like cherry blossoms, and finally... Sakura's apologetic face.

"No, I'm usually pretty free... After the songs used for amplification can be copied, I feel even more relaxed... After all, I don't have the same power as you guys, and most of the Honkai can be solved by you guys, so I don't have anything to do for a while."

Nozomi shrugged, indicating that Sakura did not disturb him at all. While speaking half-jokingly, he waved to Sakura with a smile, then sat down on the edge of the bed, patted his thigh, and gestured to Sakura.

"Would you like to rest for a moment? I can sing for you."

"No...I'm not here to do this with you..."

"…But you look tired and a little sad."


"Come on, it's okay for you to rely on me for a while, right? After all, this is one of the few things I can do right now~"


Sakura's face flushed slightly as if she was shy, but she finally nodded... There was nothing to refuse, right?

The animal ears on her head trembled twice with pleasure. She closed the door, walked slowly to the bed, kicked off her slippers, lowered her body, climbed onto the bed using her hands and feet, came to Nozomi's side, and gently lifted her long light pink hair with her hands to avoid being crushed by the action of pressing the two of them. Then, little by little, she rested her head on Nozomi's legs.

In the end, as if she was attached to the familiar and intimate aura of Nozomi, Sakura even subconsciously moved her body upwards after lying down, so that she could be closer to Nozomi's arms, her head almost touching his stomach. The slender animal ears on her head skillfully parted and gently wrapped around his waist, occasionally trembling slightly, making a slight friction sound, showing her intimacy with Nozomi.


Nozomi's gentle singing voice sounded, wrapping around her body like a breeze, making her feel comfortable and relaxed as if wrapped in soft cotton... coupled with his scent lingering at the tip of her nose, all of this made Sakura's somewhat confused heart gradually calm down.


"Yeah, I'm here."

"Can you listen to me for a moment?"


Nozomi shook his head gently, and the ends of his white hair rose up like waves, then fell down, intertwining with his long cherry-colored hair. He reached out and gently poked Sakura's cheek, and spoke softly.

"Sakura, sometimes it's okay to be a little bolder~"

"...Yes, thank you."

Hearing Nozomi's cheerful tone, Sakura's mouth corners unconsciously raised slightly, and then she spoke softly.

"Nozomi... You know what I mean, right? After we became fusion warriors, we have become [non-human] in a sense."


"So... are we still considered human? Or... are we monsters like those Honkai beasts? Or are we something else like Herrscher?"

Sakura's words were a little confused, and she even subconsciously raised her hand, wanting to touch something... But Nozomi seemed to have predicted it and grabbed her hand in his palm, giving her some strength and support.

"I was on a mission for a few days. You know, even though I have your [Song] to assist me, with the Honkai outbreaks becoming more frequent and more intense, some missions are still very difficult, such as rescue missions, etc."

"I saved them all before. I saved everyone in the entire building who were still alive, including the children... A total of 96 people. I remember it clearly."

Sakura's eyelids drooped, as if she was recalling the scene at that time.

"But when I took them away from the collapsed building, they... moved away from me, dragged the child away, and huddled in a corner with expressions of fear and disgust, hiding in the shadows of the ruins, as if the disaster had not yet passed, as if the Honkai beasts had not yet left."

"But I am sure that there are no more Honkai beasts around. I have already cleared them out. Even if there is still some Honkai energy left, it has returned to normal under the influence of your [Song]... But they are still very scared."

"They hid in the ruins with nervousness and fear. The looks they gave me... quickly changed from suspicion to hostility and even a little... hatred."

"I have clearly revealed my identity, and the name "Fire Moth" should be well known to the world, but... they still don't want to contact me, and they don't even want to talk to me."

Sakura's tone was low and sad... At this moment, beside her, she no longer forced herself to be strong, but just whispered her troubles and showed her vulnerability.

Just like he said, it wouldn't hurt to... rely on him a little, right?

"Finally... I felt their gaze rest on my... [ears]."

The slender animal ears wrapped around Nozomi's waist trembled slightly.

"They covered the children's curious eyes so that they would not look at my [ears], and then whispered to their children that... I was a [monster]."


Sakura opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Are we... monsters? Or... something else?"

"Of course, it's a [human]~ um... or should I say a [hero]?"

Nozomi said with a smile.

"Everyone is working hard for human civilization, and Sakura and everyone have saved so many people, you must be heroes~"

"No, compared to what you did, Nozomi... the people we saved on the battlefield seem insignificant..."

"You can't count it that way. You know, many people got the Honkai Disease because of the Honkai outbreak. So only by saving them from the Honkai can my [Song] play a greater role~ Before that, you've been working hard."

Nozomi gently picked up a handful of Sakura's hair, spread out his five fingers, and moved them slowly, letting the soft pink hair flow between his fingers.

"Everyone complements each other. Everyone is important, right?"

"And... As expected, Sakura, you still care about this pair of [ears], right~"

As he spoke, Nozomi gently pinched Sakura's pair of slender animal ears, causing her body to tremble slightly. It seemed that Nozomi pinched some sensitive spot... or was it just because his action was too sudden?

"If that's the case... then I'll keep you company for a while~"



Sakura was a little stunned for a moment, but before she could react, Nozomi sang a syllable softly, bringing a gentle breeze around, and then this breeze was gradually dyed with a green color... Sakura understood that this was a by-product of Nozomi's power, but what did Nozomi want to do?

"...Sakura, look, now we are the same~?"

Nozomi lowered his head slightly, with smiles in his eyes and on the corners of his mouth... If you move your gaze slightly, you can see the pair of slender animal ears on his head that are somewhat similar to Sakura's, but they are green.

"…How did you do that?"

"I can use my singing voice to color the wind, and then guide it into the shape I want. But it's essentially just the wind blowing, so you can't touch it, right? Look..."

As he spoke, Nozomi grabbed Sakura's hand and gently brushed the slender green animal ears on his head... Although the animal ears would change with Sakura's movements, there was no actual touch, and she could only feel the breeze brushing against her fingertips.

"This... is so magical..."

"Right~ While you guys are working hard outside, I'm also trying to find other things I can do~ Like developing my abilities~"

Nozomi smiled and shook his head happily. The pair of animal ears on his head also swayed twice, looking very cute.

"This look is quite interesting~ I'll keep it like this for now~ Yeah, I'll go out with you later, Sakura."

"...You don't have to be like this, Nozomi."

"What are you talking about?"

Nozomi poked Sakura's cheek.

"It's not a big deal to me, and..."

He gently pinched Sakura's crimson animal ears again.

"Stuff like this doesn't prove anything, does it?"

"We are [human beings], [heroes] who fight for it, not [monsters], nor [things] like that."

Nozomi lowered his body and looked at Sakura, their warm breath fanning each other's faces.

"Don't worry, Sakura, I'm here."


Sakura nodded slightly and smiled happily.

"Also, I really like this pair of ears. Sakura is so cute like this."


Sakura patted Nozomi's hand coquettishly as if to express her protest.

But... she couldn't hide the smile on her lips.