Chapter 153: My Stage is Coming

[You don't know about the turmoil on Earth, and you can't know about it. After leaving the surface, after losing the wind and water, your ability to get information has been greatly weakened. In addition, you are in a "prison"... If you want to know something, you really have to rely on ground communications. That's why you asked Mei to let you know every time something happens so that you can know whether everything you do is useful.]

[Okay, let's focus on yourselves first…]

[Hey, you know what. Although this base on the moon has been transformed into a "prison", it is actually quite comfortable at first glance. There is also a special area for you to appreciate the beauty of the earth, and there are also some entertainment facilities. I don't know if these things were not handled properly when the base was transformed, or if they were left there because Mei sympathized with you.]

[It can be said that here, except that you can't go out and there is no food or drink, it is a completely quiet and good "residence"! Hmm? Why is there no food and water? After becoming a fusion warrior, eating becomes not very necessary. Even if you don't eat or drink, you can live for a long time, so they didn't prepare any food or anything.]

[And your power is related to water. If you store water resources here, "Fire Moth" is worried that you might directly tear down this "prison"]

[Although there is one less thing to kill time and satisfy your appetite, but... it doesn't matter~ In this quiet place, you can freely expand your thoughts, compose songs, play music, and use music to kill time]

[Well, yes, even if you lose the wind and water, you still have songs, you still have music... But this kind of thing can wait a little longer, now let you open the "blind box"! It is the "gift" given to you by everyone!]

[First, let me show you what Eden gave you! So that's it! It's a set of photos of you and her, your unwritten sheet music, and... a record of hers! And a record player to go with it!]

[…Wait a minute? How did she cram in so much? Doesn't Fire Moth have a limit on what each person can give?!]

[Oh, she is one of the sponsors of "Fire Moth", so it should be okay to make a small request]

[OK! Next!]

[Look at Sakura... a few photos with you, a few photos with Rin, a small terminal with her singing, a star pendant, um, it's really pretty, and... um? A headdress with... elongated animal ears?]


[After taking a closer look, you found Sakura's message... This headdress was prepared by Rin, because Rin found that you really liked Sakura's ears, and was worried that you couldn't touch them on the moon, so she prepared one for you]

['Hmm… I'm touched.']

[It's true, it feels soft and similar to the original, but unfortunately, it doesn't have the temperature]

[Next is the combined gift of Mobius, Mei, and Vill-V... huh?]

[What are these materials? What is "Analysis of the Principles of Armed Dolls (Easy to Understand Edition)"? What is the "Armed Doll Assembly Manual that Even Monkeys Can Learn"?]

['What on earth did you three give me?! And isn't the Armed Doll technology banned now?! Is it really okay to give one specifically for me?!']

[Well, actually these three people were worried that you would be bored on the moon, so they found something for you to do... As for the armed doll, it's normal that you can't assemble it. After all, you haven't learned the relevant knowledge. Even if you really assemble it... it doesn't matter. Anyway, this doll doesn't have the corresponding accessories, and can't do anything for you.]

[At most... a dress-up doll? Or to keep you company and talk to you or something]

[And Vill-V also stuffed some extra things in - a few processed cherry blossoms and a few processed maple leaves]

[The light pink remains on the petals without fading at all, and the leaves are as gorgeous as twilight, attracting attention]

[Whenever you see these two things, you always think of the day you met Sakura and the day you celebrated Eden's birthday... The days spent with them always make you nostalgic]

[Then there was the Griseo family's… As expected, it was a painting of Griseo and some scattered trinkets.]

[This is a slightly fantasy painting. The overall perspective of the picture is from the moon, looking at the earth from a certain point on the moon]

[The Earth, which gave birth to mankind, is located at the top of the picture. In the dark universe, the Earth shows its unique charm. Below, on the empty moon, a young singer is singing. Although there are no listeners, he looks intoxicated, with a smile on his face and infinite attachment and reluctance in his eyes.]

[He could not make any sound, nor could his singing be transmitted in the cold space, but every syllable he sang became a tangible note, interacting and arranging with each other, turning into a song visible to the naked eye, embellishing the empty moon, and drifting away, connecting him with the blue planet that was so close yet so far away]

[Under him, flowers are blooming, around him, stars are shining, and at the end of the painting is the name of this painting - "A Song for the World"]

[You like this painting very much, maybe you can even do the same thing as in the painting]

['If Griseo saw a fantasy and beautiful scenery like this painting in real life, she would definitely be very happy, right?' - You think so]

['Well, let's try it when i have a chance' - you make the decision]

[Then, there are some other people's gadgets, but there is no need to say too much]

[After briefly reading the books on armed dolls and arranging the parts neatly, you picked up the blank sheet music and pen given to you by Eden, looked at the magnificent blue star from afar, and paused for a while on the dim yellow maple leaves and pale pink cherry blossoms. Then, the corners of your mouth slightly raised, and you hummed a new tune softly.]

[The pen tip slides and records the melody on paper]

[On this deserted moon, apart from the cold machinery, there is only the darkness of the universe, only the pervasive loneliness, and the despair lurking in the dark, ready to spread at any time]

[But none of these can touch you, none of these can affect you]

[Here, you are accompanied by everyone's care, everyone's love, your thoughts, and... your songs]


[Compared to you who are surprisingly relaxed in the "prison", what is happening on the ground... may not be so pleasant to hear.]

[Overall, there is good news, bad news, and not-so-good news]

[Let's go through the order first. Let me tell you the not-so-good news - after a series of twists and turns, the "Fire Moth" finally suppressed the riots caused by your departure, and with the efforts of everyone, the conflicts were covered up for the time being. At least there won't be any real civil unrest.]

[Well... the main reason for this situation is because of the bad news - the appearance of the "Tenth Herrschers". With the reasoning of "other situations can be put aside for the time being, all conflicts can be resolved, and the Honkai Impact can be dealt with first", the people who caused the riot were successfully persuaded and they stayed quiet for the time being.]

[Except for the Kalpas]

[After Kalpas completed the operation at Mobius's place, a riot broke out almost immediately, and he headed straight for the command center of "Fire Moth". He threatened the data clerks and wanted to know the hiding places of the high-ranking members of "Fire Moth".]

[Although Kalpas was suppressed by Hen, Kevin, and others who came over, and then was put under the "Discipline" again by Aponiya, and then thrown onto the battlefield to vent his emotions, and finally thrown into the "Deepest Place" to be imprisoned, which barely stopped him from causing trouble.]

[However, even in the "Deepest Place", Kalpas's anger is far from over. He has become even stronger as a fusion warrior, and his only interest in the "Deepest Place" is destruction. He wants to tear apart the "prison" that binds him. For this reason, Vill-V has to start a battle of wits and courage with him to prevent him from directly demolishing the "Deepest Place"]

[Finally, let us tell you the good news - the power you left behind was useful, and you successfully prevented the "Tenth Herrschers" from causing damage.]

[At first, it was Mobius who discovered that her assistant had suddenly fallen into a coma, and at the same time, there was a golden musical note on Klein's chest.]

[Mobius immediately realized something and checked Klein. Unsurprisingly, she discovered that Klein was transforming into a Herrscher. The place where the musical note stopped was the location of the Herrscher Core.]

[Fortunately, the power you left behind stabilized the overflowing Honkai energy and prevented Klein from falling completely toward the Honkai. However, she was on the edge of a cliff and could only rely on a thin rope to barely avoid falling into the abyss... And the power you left behind, that musical note, is the thin rope that maintains Klein's existence.]

[At this moment, Mobius somewhat understands why you are unwilling to elaborate on the future Herrscher... because it is very likely that someone will do something irrational about it, such as Mobius herself]

[And Mobius also understood why you wanted her to research the Herrscher Core removal surgery, and also specifically emphasized that the Herrscher should be kept alive... because there are people in the Herrscher that they care about.]

[Immediately, Mobius contacted Mei and organized the "Fire Moth" team to look for people with the same situation... or "Herrschers". At the same time, Mobius also began to try to perform the "Herrscher Core Removal Surgery"]

[Although everything was going on with some difficulty, fortunately, everything was progressing in an orderly manner. The "Herrschers" were found one by one, and the "operation" on Mobius's side... was difficult, but it was okay.]

[After defeating fifty Herrschers intermittently and dealing with nearly a hundred Herrschers who broke free from the suppression of the musical notes, Mobius successfully found a way, a way that would not directly lead to their death by removing the Herrscher Core.]

[This is the method... It's a bit crude, and it will forcibly scrape away half of the person's life. Even if it is successfully removed, it will not last long... But the advantage is that this method is fast and effective.]

[And what Mobius wants now is speed. After all, several Herrschers have found ways to get rid of your power. She must save Klein before she completely becomes a Herrscher.]

[As for the danger to life caused by removing the "core"... Mobius said that there is no need to worry, because the "Utopia Project" you and Griseo had carried out together is enough to solve this problem.]

[The Utopia Plan, a special plan that was modified from the Shelter Plan proposed by Mei, has a different meaning after you personally participated in it and with the addition of Griseo.]

[First of all, because of Griseo's ability, after becoming a fusion warrior, Griseo's paintings will have a certain impact on people, and even under certain conditions, they may cause large-scale disasters. However... if your power is added to this process, some rather strange reactions will occur.]

[First, under the guidance of your singing, Griseo's painting will be "expanded" to form an area similar to the "world in the painting". At the same time, because of your power, there is no Honkai energy in this area, and even if Honkai energy invades from the outside, it will gradually be diverted, and most of it will flow to the outside to provide shelter for the "painting"... This is the original effect of the "Shelter Plan", and the small part that is omitted in the "world in the painting" will become stable because of your song, and even with enough guidance, this area can be further expanded.]

[Although the "world in the painting" is difficult to maintain for a long time, with the "world bubble" technology previously developed by "Fire Moth" to stabilize the area... a real "sanctuary", a "utopia" that is difficult to be affected by Honkai energy has appeared]

[More importantly, when people enter the "world in the painting", their state will be frozen at the moment of entry, as if after entering the "painting", they really become the "painting"... Of course, they will return to normal after walking out.]

[Although I don't quite understand why the combination of your power and Griseo's power produces such a magical effect, but now, this effect is really helpful.]

[Mobius immediately began to arrange the operation and quickly pushed those who had their "cores" removed into the "Utopia", especially ordinary people, to prevent them from dying directly due to the rapid weakening of their bodies]

[As she continued to advance in this way, and after dealing with several more Herrschers who had escaped your power, Mobius successfully saved the lives of more than 600 people, preventing them from becoming Herrschers... But up to now, the Fire Moth has only collected 999 "cores", and there is still one missing. This special situation gave Mobius and others a bad feeling.]

[Then, this bad premonition came true]

[Because the last missing Herrscher... was a high-ranking member of the Fire Moth, and with his disguise and ability, he... successfully detonated the arsenals of several bases of the Fire Moth, and used his own authority to call up weapons, and used his own abilities to change the data, destroying several human cities.]

[By the time the Fire Moth found it, it had even completed the analysis and reconstruction of the remote launch device of the nuclear bomb, and then did not launch it, but directly detonated it, not only destroying the base of the Fire Moth, but also affecting the surrounding cities, and causing a large area to be transformed into an uninhabitable wasteland.]

[There is a Herrscher inside the "Fire Moth" that fights for humanity and even a high-ranking one... And the weapons that were supposed to fight the Honkai have killed humans... This is a bit funny.]

[Also, even at the end, when the "Fire Moth" wanted to "attack" it, he still did not forget to resist and did not forget to escape. Fortunately, the leader was Kevin, who solved it in one go... Although as a price, half of the base was unusable - that area was melted by the flames of the "Judgment of Shamash"]

[Speaking of which, they was able to find this last "Herrscher" who was hiding thanks to the help of Councillor Light... In the beginning, this "Herrscher" seemed to have found some councilors in private, and seemed to be planning to get rid of some of them under the pretext of "discussing things"]

[Unexpectedly, Councillor Light survived his attack tenaciously and was fortunately helped by the "Fire Moth" soldiers, avoiding the fate of being secretly dealt with. At the same time, the "Fire Moth" also locked onto this last "Herrscher individual", which was really a blessing.]

(TL: Hmmmm.... Light is sus)

[…hiss…I feel like something is wrong, but it seems like nothing is wrong.]

[But no matter what, the "Tenth Herrscher Subjugation Campaign" was successfully completed]

[Klein, Imer, and more than 600 other "individuals" have successfully escaped the fate of becoming "Herrschers"... Although they can only live in "Utopia" now, at least they have survived. As for the physical problems... they will be solved later!]

[Fortunately, this incident has been resolved!]

[Although there were some twists and turns along the way, and although there were still some... a small number... a lot of casualties, compared to the previous "great Honkai Eruption", this loss is completely tolerable!]

[But... is it really so?]


[Do you really think so? Foolish humans who exiled "hope" because of suspicion... Do you really think... that everything is over?]

[Do you really think that the "traitor" can always protect you?]

[Stop joking]

[I said before, they doubted you, will be overwhelmed by their suspicion, and they... will destroy and trample "hope" with their own hands]

[Please wait, wait with peace of mind]

['Your "stage" is coming']