Chapter 155: Please Allow Me to Take the Stage and End It for You


There was a gentle breeze blowing, and the flames that fell from the sky were still burning on the ground, swaying gently in the breeze.


It was the sound of ice spreading. In an instant, extreme cold enveloped the area. Ice and frost grew like leaf veins, freezing the surrounding flames bit by bit.

And the gorgeous purple, the eternally blooming, beautiful crystal rose, also quietly shattered, revealing the people protected within.

The survivors looked at the ice and fire all around and the frozen red soil, and sighed and felt relieved.

The blood of the people had already soaked the land, and it became cracked under the burning flames, and finally... it was frozen by the extreme cold.

Too many compatriots and too many companions died here.

But it was all worth it, they won.

The Eleventh Herrscher perished due to the falling Judgment of Shamash, and everything went as expected, so... all the sacrifices made before became acceptable.


It was the sound of ice breaking.

Turning his head, he could see that it was a "monster" that had broken free from the ice that had frozen him and had fallen onto the frozen ground with burns all over his body.


"I'm fine."

Kosma replied in a voice that was almost a roar, and at the same time carefully loosened his hideous and terrifying hand. He vaguely sensed that the pendant was not much damaged, and he could still vaguely sense the melody surrounding him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


It was the sound of the ice being pried, and the direction from which the sound came... was the very center of this extremely cold land.


There was another soft sound as if someone was digging in the frozen soil.

Along with it, there was also a faint... breathing sound.

"Can you still stand up, Kalpas?"

Kevin's questioning voice came softly.

"That's long-winded..."

It was a faint, difficult sound of moving a body.

"Where are your things?"

"It's still there, but it's broken."

"Heh... As expected... of you..."

Kalpas sneered, and then accompanied by the sound of ice chips colliding, he stood up shakily.

"Why are you still standing there like an idiot? The battle... is not over yet!"

Kalpas growled and moved away with difficulty.

"A thousand calamities are enough."

Elysia said softly.

"The next battle... will be handed over to the follow-up troops."

"Are you ordering me around?"

"No... it's just a suggestion. After all, you are too tired and you need to rest."

"Tired? Rest? Hahaha...hahahaha!!! I won't be tired! As long as the battle continues! As long as this fire is still burning! I won't be tired!!!"

Kalpas's voice was filled with frenzy and a hint of... sorrow.

"And I! Don't need to rest! I just need enemies! Enemies like a tide!!! Let them surge towards me like a wave! Drown everything I can see! And I! Will make their wails resound through the sky! Let them be burned by anger!!!"

"In the end, I will let their bodies burn to ashes under my flames!"

The... things Kalpas mentioned seemed to be different groups, especially the last sentence, his voice was filled with... danger.

"Hahahaha!!! Come on! Keep going! Let me continue this endless fight..."


After a dull sound, Kalpas's roar came to an abrupt end.

"Uh... Kevin..."

"He needs to rest."

"Yes, I know... but aren't your actions... a little too rough?"

"He needs to rest."

"Okay... I understand."

Elysia nodded helplessly.

"... Let's go, everyone."

Carrying the unconscious Kalpas on his shoulders, Kevin said expressionlessly.

"The rest will be handed over to the later troops."

His tone was firm and calm, yet it carried a sense of unquestionable authority.

Kevin took the lead and started his journey home... while the others looked at each other, and gradually helped their comrades who had difficulty in moving to follow his pace.

Somehow, everyone felt like they had someone to rely on, as if as long as they followed the person in front of them, as long as they followed Kevin, everything would be fine.

At this moment, Kevin seemed to have become their "leader", leading them forward and taking them... home.


[The "Eleventh Herrscher Crusade" was successfully completed, at the cost of losing a large number of fusion warriors... a bitter victory was achieved]

[The fusion warriors who came out of the "Deepest Place" showed extraordinary bravery during the battle, and even acted... crazy at one point. But thanks to their hard work, everyone did not spend too much time exploring the specific location of the "Herrscher"]

[They also won the trust of everyone through their performance, making others believe that they are still warriors willing to fight for humanity, rather than some "resurrected" monsters.]

[It's just that… we can no longer tell them this news, nor can we embrace them again… They all died while searching for the location of the Herrscher.]

[In addition, the number of people who died because of the "Eleventh Ruler" is difficult to count, and the city covered by the "barrier" is directly paralyzed.]

[Although it is not difficult to recover, humans nowadays no longer have enough energy to do so, and do not need so many cities... because there are not so many people.]

[At most, they can go to those silent bases and recover some data or equipment. There is no need to restore them.]

[Although this tragic victory did not directly defeat the "Fire Moth" and did not drive humanity directly into despair, but... it only took a few breaths to get out of this.]

[The Honkai is still raging on the surface, a large amount of land is unusable, the scarcity of population has led to a lack of manpower, and a large amount of equipment has been directly scrapped and difficult to repair - the above is the news you know after the communication is restored.]

[You feel sad because plans can never keep up with changes... You were not able to help much in this incident... But fortunately, everyone won in the end. Although it was a miserable victory, compared to the desperate victory "before", everything now is much better.]

[Alas... really, are you too easily satisfied? ]

[… Okay, let's talk about some good news.]

[After successfully defeating the "Eleventh Ruler" and completing the subsequent processing, the "Fire Moth" began to recover and continued to try to advance some plans... such as promoting the "Utopia Plan" to all surviving cities, so that at least there is a "retreat" in the end]

[At the same time, the "Twelfth Herrscher" was also discovered in time - it's Rin]

[When Mobius knew this, she suddenly understood what you were thinking... It turned out that those "Tenth Herrschers" were really just training materials for her so that she could successfully remove the "core" of Rin at this time.]

[It's just that… Rin's condition is somewhat strange, or it's very similar to yours. She's very conscious, but a large amount of Houkai energy is surging in her body, and a wavelength similar to that of the Herrscher appears… And more importantly, the "core" is not found in her body, or rather, the "core" is scattered throughout her body.]

[But fortunately, you left the most power in Rin, and under the strong request of Mobius and Mei (in order to fulfill the promise to you), "Fire Moth" had to re-activate your "song", and Mobius also successfully found a way to solve this problem.]

[Using a principle similar to hemodialysis, the power in Rin's body is guided out and sorted out and separated, and then your "song" is used to stabilize it and become an alternative "core"]

[However, for Rin, this process is like scraping her entire body, which is extremely painful... and according to preliminary attempts, anesthesia seems to have no effect, and may even arouse resistance from the power in her body, which in turn leads to drug resistance.]

[Finally... with Rin's own consent, Mobius continued the operation and successfully removed 90% of Rin's power... The remaining 10% remained in the brain. Mobius could not move, and did not dare to move.]

[Just stripping away 90% of her power puts Rin in critical condition, and her breath becomes even weaker... Mobius has no choice but to stop the operation and asks Sakura to take Rin to "Utopia" to prolong her life.]

[Although a small amount of power still remains in Rin, most of the power has been drained away. Rin's threat level can be ignored... Moreover, even if someone wants to hurt Rin, they can't do it.]

[Because at this time, Sakura is right next to Rin, Sakura... will protect Rin]

[And in "Utopia", you also set up an area specifically for Sakura and Rin... or a "picture within a picture", so that they can be in a safer place to prevent any mentally ill people from causing trouble for them]

[Then, maybe because they had survived the ordeal of the "Eleventh Herrscher", the good news kept coming - the restoration of the "Fourth God's Key" was completed, the transformation of the "Golden Courtyard" was completed, and the "Eden Project" could begin to move forward.]

[After successfully solving Rin's problem and other plans were progressing steadily, Mei and others began to prepare to deal with your problem, or in other words, to "attack" you.]

[This is not a problem, after all, this has been agreed upon long ago]

["Moonlight Throne", has been successfully built and is already heading to the planned orbit]

[And Kevin is also preparing to "attack" you... This is what he promised you in the beginning]


[very good]

[Everything is ready, so...]

['Please allow me to take the stage.']

[For you, for you... the end]


"Sister Eden...are you leaving?"

Griseo gently grasped Eden's hand and asked playfully.

"Well, the Garden of Eden has been successfully completed, and I have left behind what I should have left behind... Next, it's time for me to go to him."

"Eden...please, give him."

With a slightly apologetic look, Sakura gently placed a "magic amulet" in Eden's hand.

"I'm sorry, I...can't go to him."

"Well, I know that, and he knows that too. You still have Rin to take care of... He hopes that you and Rin can survive."

Eden accepted it with a smile and comforted Sakura softly.

"Ha... in the end, it turns out that you are the only one who is more suitable to stay by his side..."

Sakura's smile was bitter.

"Don't say that. He likes you very much, too. That's why he is willing to do so much for you."

"Yes, I know. So... Rin and I will live well. This is his expectation, and it is also mine."

Sakura forced a smile and spoke softly.

"Well...goodbye, Eden."

"Well, bye."

"Goodbye, Sister Eden..."

Griseo gently took Sakura's hand, said goodbye to Eden, and walked towards the "Utopia" with Sakura... Griseo still had things to do.

As the owner and builder of the "utopia", or the "world in the painting", she must stay in it and expand more space for the "utopia."

Now, Griseo's family is the executor of the "Utopia Project." She does not have much free time to do other things. She also needs to paint more paintings to fully expand the "world in the painting" so that the "Utopia" can accommodate more people and save more people in the end when she has to.

"Okay, my good investor, have you decided to do all this?"

Vill-V's frivolous voice sounded from the side.

"Of course."

Eden's voice was full of determination.

"I will go to him...we agreed on this at the beginning. I can let him stay with me forever."

"And... as the brightest twin stars of this era, we must be together even at the last moment."

Eden smiled, a very happy and frank smile... She naturally knew what the outcome would be if she went to Nozomi at this time, but she was willing to do so.

"Haha... you guys are really worthy of being my friend."

Vill-V sighed and then laughed.

"Then~ my good investor A! The world's big star! Please come!"

With Vill-V's slightly exaggerated actions and words, Eden boarded the spacecraft that she had commissioned Vill-V to build, and according to a pre-set program, it slowly rose into the sky.

As the view outside the observation window was gradually enveloped by the darkness of the universe, Eden kept a smile on her face and her eyes were full of anticipation. I come.


"The partner of [Blood Relatives]...cannot be sensed either..."

In the sea, Skadi whispered.


"Don't be like that, [Mother], she is just going to look for [blood relatives]... She is just going to accompany [blood relatives]."

Skadi slowly raised her head and looked towards the sky.

"At this time, she... huh?"

Suddenly, Skadi frowned in confusion.

There was an abnormally damp smell in the air—it was going to rain.

"Mother?! Didn't I tell you? No! Blood relatives wouldn't agree!"



Skadi was a little stunned.

"Who could that be?"


Just as she asked the question, the rain... began to fall quietly.


"It's raining? What's going on?"

Mei frowned in confusion.

"Maybe the little white mouse can't hold on any longer?"

Mebius said casually.

"… Check the communications."


Mei turned to the operator and said.

After a while...

"Dr. seems that we can't contact Nozomi."

"…What's going on?"

"I'm not sure. The communication status is normal, but I can't get through..."

"... Check the other data."

"…It's all normal."

The operator carefully reviewed the data displayed on the screen and nodded to indicate that everything was fine.

"Everything... is normal?"

Mei muttered to herself...she always felt that something was strange.

"Dr. Mei!"

At this moment, an anxious voice broke in.

"The extracted [Twelfth Herrscher Core] has been stolen! And the guards have all been killed!"

"…What was the situation at the scene? Were there any signs of a fight?"

Mei paused, then asked quickly.

"No, and according to the current situation..."

The visitor swallowed his saliva as if he had thought of something terrible.

"The guards...all seemed to have committed suicide."


"And... and! The facility that sealed the [Core] was not damaged! The alarm did not sound! It should have been taken away directly!"

"Sure's someone from the base and a high-ranking one...?"

Mei thought about the possible personnel in her mind and then quickly asked the operator.

"Can I find relevant records?"

"Well, yes, but... uh..."

"What's wrong?"

"There is only one person left in the record. I think the other party left it here on purpose."

Damn... can we already use the power of the [Twelfth Herrscher Core]? We just discovered this not long ago...


"It says... Senator [Light]."

However, when the operator said that name, it was as if a switch was touched. The surrounding lights instantly dimmed, the isolation doors between the room and the corridor were all closed, the screen in front of Them fell into chaos, and finally... only one sentence was left.

[Congratulations, you finally found me.]

After a brief pause, the next sentence was displayed.

[Of course, maybe you don't know who I am yet... Well, let me give you a little hint.]

He...its words came over the radio.

[I once said, Nozomi... that "traitor" will definitely be questioned by you, and will definitely be drowned by your suspicions.]

[And you will also destroy and trample your "hope" with your own hands.]

[So, do you remember something now?]

[As witnesses of the incident...Aponia and Dysdopia?]