Chapter 163: So, welcome to a new "day" part 4?


[So, are you satisfied with the ending this time?]


[If it is decided, let this be the end.]

'No...wait a minute...'

[What's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with anything?]

[This time, you saved the pair of sisters you wanted to save, and also kept the other heroes alive. That special Herrscher did not sacrifice herself for this, and your existence replaced her... Not only that, you also saved the people of several cities. Although they can only live in the "Utopia", no matter what, they survive.]

[In the new era, you even guided the new Herrscher, saving the Garden of Eden, which replaced the Elysian Realm, from being destroyed, and even made others accept the new Herrscher.]

[In the end, you finally get to be with your lover forever as you wish, and as "twin stars", you accompany each other forever.]

[It has come to this, are you still dissatisfied?]



I think... it can be better.'


'I think I can do better.'

'I can save more people.'

'And this time... in the end, Eden still left and sacrificed herself for the song. I... hope she can survive.'

'Although the reason why she sacrificed herself was probably because of me, it was precisely because of this that I wanted to change this even more...'

'I want them all to survive.'


'Maybe this is greed, you can say whatever you want, but... I am not satisfied.'

'I think I can do better.'

'I want this story... this story of pre-civilization... to continue.'

[…You should understand that the main theme of this world has always been post-civilization.]

[They in the post-civilization are the so-called protagonists. Most of the things you have experienced are just background boards in the story. At most, they will only appear in a certain chapter... That's all.]

'I know, but... I have a unique advantage, don't I?'

'I am the end of this story, and at this point, I... can decide a lot of things.'

'Besides, I can do it over and over again, right?'

'So... I will rewrite this ending until it is satisfactory.'

'This is something only I can do.'

'I...can definitely do better!'

[…Hehe…Hahaha! Very good! Very good!!!]

[It's great to see you regain your confidence!]

[So... let's get started! Let's keep going! Let's create a new chapter for the story!]

[Reject the story of post-civilization! Continue the future of pre-civilization! Allow the people you love to survive! Allow everything you love to continue!]

[Hold on to your beliefs! Keep your faith! Finally, you will reach a satisfactory ending! Embrace everything you love!]

[Come on! Continue! Let's put aside this unsatisfactory chapter for now! Let's write… the next future!]

[Keep moving forward firmly! You will eventually reach the happy ending.]


Thus, the stagnant [time] began to flow, [time] still moved forward, things began to move backward, and everything began to trace back with him as the reference point.

Starlight appeared and transformed into a piece of paper covered with unique words, and then silently merged into his body.

[Ending: A long song dedicated to the future, achieved.]

[Entry: Record, effective.]

[In short, welcome to a new "day"!]



It was the sound of pages turning. This time the turning seemed very hesitant, and one could even hear the sound of fingertips rubbing against the pages gently as they were twisted up... Obviously, the "story" that had just been read made people somewhat nostalgic and did not want to turn the page.

But in the end, it still turned the page resolutely.

"Ahem... I'm back..."

After coughing a few times, Nozomi lay on the ground, muttering to himself.


In silence, he placed his arm on his forehead, blocking the light from the sky while adjusting his breathing, and then slowly... as if realizing that he could not bear it any longer, Nozomi covered his eyes with his arm, little by little, allowing his breathing to become disordered and allowing his voice to become tearful.

"Great... Success..."

Tears squeezed out bit by bit from the gap between arms and face, and then quietly slid across the face, leaving warm traces.

"They... survived..."

This time, at least this time...the role he played was not negative.

At least this time, he succeeded. He saved Sakura and Rin and let them survive.

This thought, this obsession that had remained after the first "simulation"...finally allowed him to complete it.

This is really... so good...

"Huh...Okay! Cheer up!"

After briefly venting his emotions, Nozomi stood up, wiped his tears, cleared his vision, adjusted his sitting position, and curled up in the corner again.

"This route expansion was a success! The original goal of keeping all the [Flame Chasers] alive was achieved! Elysia also survived! Rin didn't die either! The goal was achieved perfectly! We even saved a few extra people in the city!"


After giving himself some praise and celebration, Nozomi turned his attention back to the [Event Board] in front of him.

It's time to achieve something.


[In this future, you have achieved the following]

[Popular]: Because of your singing, you are very popular and you have fans everywhere.

[Big Star]: You are a world-renowned superstar.

[Pure Song]: Most of your interpretations are music, but even so, you have gained the preference and love of most people.

[Focus on beauty and love]: You can always find the beauty and love in the world and are willing to keep your eyes on them, just like on a starry night, your eyes always stay on the twinkling stars.

[Reciprocity of Kindness]: You always extend kindness to others, and others will return kindness to you... well, that's the case most of the time.

["Diamond"]: "Compliments" from fans... You big rock! Why don't you go and confess your love to Eden? !

[Mutual(?) Love]: The person you like also likes you... huh?

[Three Makes a Triangle]: The triangle is stable, and this is also true in love... ah? Why did you succeed?

[Love as much as you can, that's all]: Don't care about other people's eyes, just hold them in your arms and love as much as you can!

[Love Ears]: You really like her ears... Is this some new XP?

[Twin Stars of the Era]: You and Eden have become the symbol of an era, a pair of the most shining "twin stars" recognized by everyone.

[Song of Healing]: Your songs seem to have a special effect on Honkai.

[Fire moth]: Omitted.

["Hope"]: Because of your songs, many people regard you as hope... and you are willing to be everyone's hope, just like your name.

[Hug the Ocean]: You hugged the Ocean and called it "Mother" was very happy.

[I will protect you, my "blood relative"]: You protected your "blood relative" and saved them from being attacked.

[Redeemer of the Deep]: You freed the warriors imprisoned in the Deep and allowed them to fight for humanity again.

[Give the "Hero" Redemption]: You helped most of the fusion warriors and saved them from suffering from side effects.

[Abandoned "Hope"]: You have been abandoned by everyone, even if you did it voluntarily.

[Prisoner on the Moon]: You are imprisoned on the moon, and you are the only prisoner.

[Sakura Flying]: Sakura and Rin survive.

[Flying Flowers Always There]: Elysia did not sacrifice herself.

[I'm a "human", not a "monster"]: You firmly believe that you are a human, and not something else... until the end.

[A Long Song Dedicated to the World]: You put all your strength, your emotions, and everything about you into the song, and finally dedicate it to the world you love, to the ones you love....

[Flame Chaser (Rank Zero)]: Your identity is recognized by everyone... and as the only person who sacrificed in the final stage, and the one who made the greatest contribution to all fusion warriors, everyone ranks you ahead of everyone else, which is... [Rank Zero].


"Wow~ Didn't expect me to be so good this time? [Achievement] is much longer than before~"

Nozomi talked to himself quite happily.

'Also... it's great that I didn't see the achievement [Regret] this time.'

"The next step is to check the harvest and adjust the subsequent arrangements. The route expansion this time was very successful. Should we try to change it next time... Hmm... Hmm? It's so long!?"

Although Nozomi expected that the harvest this time would be huge, after all, he really accomplished a lot this time, a glimpse of which can be seen from the [Achievements], but he really didn't expect that even the new [Entries] gained this time would be so... long.

It's not that there are a lot of entries. At most, there are only three new ones. However, the introductions of these three entries alone take up a lot of space.

First, the most unremarkable entry:

[Healing Song] (Purple): Your songs have saved and healed many people. You travel around the world with the heart to help others and spread your songs everywhere, and this intention will last forever.

Effect: Your singing will have a certain effect in alleviating and suppressing the Honkai.

This is nothing, although it seems outrageous, and it is actually outrageous, but this only fixes the special points in Nozomi's previous "simulation". In the future, Nozomi will be able to use [Song] to rescue those who are harmed by the Honkai, and at the same time, he can expand outward based on this and study more methods to rescue other people.

It can be said that although this [entry] is only purple, it gives Nozomi the confidence, the confidence to help others.

Well...and if he continues to extend it and use it properly, he might be able to gain some extra advantages in subsequent "simulations".

This [entry] is already great, but the next two are really amazing.

Because they're not even gold, they're... colorful!

[Song of the Century] (Color): This is a song that has been sung for ten thousand years, a song that heals the soul, a song that blesses the future, a song... that will never end.

Effect: A song that can trigger a [miracle]. The specific effect is unknown, but you can know that it has always existed and has been playing its role.

Tip: Under the current circumstances, under certain conditions, [Song of the Century] can trigger a [miracle] related to [treatment].

(The song you wrote and sang with her may do a lot, or it may not; it may change a lot, or it may not; it may trigger a miracle, or it may not, but there is one thing you both know - you will keep singing, sending this song of blessing for the future to that distant, beautiful future.)

"Wow, colorful [entries]... and with additional introductions?"

Looking at the string of content in brackets, Nozomi complained subconsciously, and then his eyes stopped on the [Hint].

"Under certain conditions... it triggers a [miracle] related to [healing]... What is this? Is it for me to show my divine power in front of others? And this is obviously used to cooperate with the [Healing Song], right? And the scope of this [healing]... Hey, can it allow me to directly heal the [Honkai] of the entire planet?"

Nozomi said this half-jokingly and then thought about it carefully...

"Well... it depends on certain conditions... If the conditions are met, then maybe it can work, but if the conditions are not met, then the range will not be very large. The more important problem is... it can only be used once, which is a bit of a pity."

"And... [Based on the current situation]? Does that mean this [entry] can be expanded later? Increase the number of uses? Add content related to [miracle]?"

Although there are still many questions, this extremely unique [entry] undoubtedly adds a [trump card] to Nozomi... Well, although it is hard to say how to use it in the "simulation".

But the last [entry] seems a bit exaggerated.

Because its introduction is really... long.

[Twin Stars of the Era (The Pure One)] (Color/Incomplete): You and Eden became the most dazzling pair of stars in an era. You shone your own light in different ways in that era, but also reflected each other. The light you shone together brought different hopes to the people of that era.

Effect: Your talent in [Art] will be greatly improved, especially in [Music]. At the same time, you and another [Double Star of the Era (The Bright One)] will be unconsciously attracted to each other and will be more likely to meet each other.

When you meet/get to know each other, [Twin Stars of the Times (Color)] is triggered, your natural affection for each other is greatly enhanced, and it is easier for you to understand each other. At the same time, you gain the ability to activate [Song of the Century] to a certain extent. When you play/sing together, it can greatly increase the scope and effect of [Song of the Century].

(In that era, there was a pair of brilliant "double stars", one located in the sky, and the other among the people. The one in the sky was shining like dazzling gold, and its light could be seen at night or in the daytime, which was fascinating; the one on earth was exquisite and transparent, like a transparent diamond, and it became more beautiful after thousands of polishings, which made people pity it.

People yearn for the bright star in the sky, wanting to shine like it; people like the pure star on earth, because it is as gentle as the breeze, and people love this pair of stars, a pair of stars that shine with their own light yet complement each other; the pure star makes the shining star no longer so far away, letting people know that she loves everyone as much as he does; the shining star makes the pure star leave the chaotic crowd and keep it away from those malicious blades.

In that era, there was a pair of bright "double stars", one as bright as gold, the other as pure as diamond; one shone in the sky, attracting attention, no matter if it was night or day; one drifted among the people, listening to words, no matter it was suffering or happiness; one praised the beauty of the world, and the other comforted the pain of others. They complemented each other and shone together in our era)

"Very long."

Nozomi complained subconsciously.

"And isn't this praise a bit too much? It makes me feel a little embarrassed."

But... it's really fun.

"...Ahem, okay, let me focus my mind a bit and think about this [entry]... No, what is there to think about?"

This is obviously a highly targeted [entry], which is the crystallization of Nozomi and Eden's emotions, experiences, and talents. This [entry] also represents that from now on, Nozomi can be said to have directly passed the level in the field of [art].

And from now on, the relationship between Nozomi and Eden... will become subtle. It can be said that as long as they meet and get to know each other, their affection for each other will increase sharply. It can be said that the two have reached an inseparable state. After all, no matter what the process is, the two will eventually meet in "Fire Moth"

Not to mention that as long as one is exposed to [Music], they will more or less know Eden, and combined with the talent in the field of [Art] mentioned in this [Entry], Eden will definitely notice Nozomi... It can be said that no matter what, they will meet, know each other, and most likely... fall in love in the end.

It can be said that Nozomi and Eden did it, and they will always be together and accompany each other.

They really became "twin stars" who accompanied each other, followed each other, and illuminated each other.

Well... unless one of the two parties dies suddenly before the encounter, this result is basically inevitable.

"It can activate the ability of [Song of the Century] to a certain extent... It seems that they are also [terms] that complement each other."

"And to some extent, it is bound to Eden... Well, there is nothing wrong with that~"

Nozomi subconsciously raised his hand and touched his lips, as if he could still feel the soft touch and the slight sweetness of roasted marshmallows. Then, he smiled happily.

"And... let me see... ah, I found this [entry]."

Nozomi searched through the [Event Board] briefly and finally found the column he wanted.

[■■■: Young ones, don't worry, I'm by your side, healing your pain]

[■■■: Young ones, don't worry, I'm by your side, judging your sins]

"Sure enough, this time when it was triggered, it became two..."

Nozomi subconsciously opened the [recording board] and began to write down his thoughts and speculations.

"[Healing Pain] and [Judgment of Sin]... They correspond to Gabriel and Michael respectively. It seems that this is indeed a [entry] that can be slowly upgraded. If I'm right, the next time it is triggered, there should be three entries, and the new one should be Raphael's."

"And... we've already seen three [angels]... Water, Fire, and Wind... Are they based on the [Four Elements]? Then the next one is Earth? Will it be Uriel...?"

Nozomi guessed subconsciously.

"...Anyway, no matter what, this can be considered an advantage of mine, a blessing from the past."

"Then there are the follow-up arrangements..."

"Now that I have reached the top in this aspect of [art] and have the proof and guarantee... I should try to expand into other paths."

Nozomi began to plan his next journey, trying to deepen his impression as much as possible.

"Since we want to expand our careers... then music can't be our main job. Just treat it as a hobby. This way, I can have common topics with Eden. If we're lucky, we might even get to know each other in advance."

"Then I still have to find a chance to go to the Far East and meet Sakura... This cannot be changed."

"Mother... uh... the problem with Ocean is still the same. I can touch her, and as long as I stick to my own cognition, I can get help. But after the hug, I will inevitably have a Herrscher reaction, which will arouse suspicion from others and lead to bad consequences. I have to pay attention to this... I have to think of a better solution."

"After that, we should try to make use of the [Healing Song]... This should be [replicable], and we should try to arrange it in the early stage so that we can save more people."

"As for the goal this time... well! Relax a bit! Save more people on the original basis!"

Patting his face lightly, Nozomi habitually erased everything he had written from the [recording board], then jumped up, tidied himself up simply, and immediately took a step forward, walking towards the exit illuminated by light with a happy and determined heart.

"I did it before, and I can definitely do it this time!"

"Just wait and see! I will definitely make this [story] what I want it to be!"

What a confident statement.


[Welcome to a new day]