Chapter 180: Your doctor is here to save you!

Outside, people were running and wailing, and the loud noise of collapsing buildings echoed from time to time.

There was often a trembling feeling on the ground, which was caused by monsters running and wreaking havoc.

The petite girl collapsed on the ground, her long silver hair scattered around her, stained by dust and looking gray.

She couldn't move, and she didn't dare to move.

When the monsters were wreaking havoc, when the monsters destroyed the building she was in, her parents were buried in front of her eyes, and finally... there was no sound.

But she was pushed into a corner by her parents, and only with the help of the heavy bookshelves filled with scriptures in the house, did they barely create a space for her to avoid death and survive.

She was not a devout believer, even though her parents took her to church every weekend and told her about the church's teachings from time to time, and there were many church-related books at home, but in the beginning... she did not believe in these things.

But at this moment, with the help of the faint light coming through the gap, she could see that there was an exquisite and thick "Bible" lying quietly not far from her sight, sandwiched between the bookshelf above and the building debris below.

She remembered that her parents treasured the book very much, especially her father's claim that the book would eventually reach the hands of the person it was meant for, and then they would be able to follow that person, the one favored by "Him", and walk together to the [End].

At that time, she didn't feel anything about it.

But at this moment, it was this book, this "Bible", that opened up a small area for her to move around.

Although she was very small, and although she didn't dare to move at the moment, but... at this moment, she was extremely grateful, but also extremely sad.

Because her parents, the father who once treasured this book so much... gave it to her, and along with it, left the hope of life to her.

She wanted to cry, but she didn't dare to... she was worried that the monsters outside would hear her.

She wanted to move her body, but she couldn't because her legs were pinned down by the building, and... before she knew it, she had lost the feeling in her legs.

The petite girl could only crawl on the ground, breathing slowly, bit by bit, barely maintaining her life, praying that at some point she would be rescued.

However, she heard a tremor coming from the ground, getting closer and closer... it was the sound of the monster getting closer.

Whether the monster discovered her or was just passing by... it could lead to her death.

Even... even if the monster didn't come, she might still die.

Because she could no longer feel her waist.

She would die... She realized it.

She might not be able to be rescued... She felt it.

Sorry... Mom and Dad...

The tears that her had held back for so long fell silently.


However, at this moment, she vaguely heard a human voice.

"Is it here... OK... I found it."

With some mumbling sounds, the debris pressing on her was moved away bit by bit. The whole process was orderly and she was not injured due to moving the debris, as if everything had been calculated.

"This design of Vill-V is quite useful... Okay, little guy, can you still hear me?"


She quickly wiped away her tears and answered firmly and excitedly.

"But my legs... my lower body, I can't feel it."

"Well, I know that your lower body is infected... Lift your chin slightly, I'll drag you out, be careful not to get scratched."

When she was dragged out of the ruins, she was able to see the person who saved her... He was a man wearing a light white special combat uniform, and next to him was a huge... uh... "box"? It was this "box" that propped up the debris that was pressing on her, allowing her to be rescued.

In the distance, she could see several people fighting against the huge monster... Obviously, the shaking sound she felt came from there.


Then someone else came.

"Your name... Forget it. Help me keep an eye on the situation over there. I'll deal with this child's problem."

Nozomi shook his head and didn't care about anything else. He put away the "box", stood it up, and then tapped a few places on the "box". The grids containing medicines and medical supplies popped out, and a melodious song sounded.

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that the strange feeling in her body disappeared after the song started.

"It may be painful, but please bear with it. This may cost your life."

Nozomi said this without giving her time to reply. He directly stuffed a wooden stick into her mouth for her to bite. At the same time, he took out a test tube to draw blood, and then put it into the "box" for rapid testing. After confirming that there would be no obvious rejection reaction, he injected her with the reagent.

The member who was watching the situation at the side immediately unfolded the equipment on his back and placed it on her lower body. In an instant, she felt the sensation in her lower body recovering rapidly, but it was followed by severe pain.


The tremendous pain almost made her bite the wooden stick in her mouth to pieces, but in the end she didn't make a sound and survived the whole stage until Nozomi removed most of the crystals on her legs and took out two strange devices, one hung around her neck and the other tied to her legs.

"This thing can stabilize your condition. Don't take it off... Someone will take care of you later. Have a good rest."

Nozomi smiled, rubbed the petite girl's head, and praised her.

"You're strong, little one, but it's okay to yell once in a while."

Immediately, Nozomi changed his tone.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you guys next."

"I understand, Captain."

"Tsk, you guys..."

Nozomi shook his head and ignored them. He just put back the grids of the "box" and reconnected and fixed it to the equipment on the back waist. After combing the shoulder straps connecting the "box" on both sides, he ran quickly... The team ahead encountered problems and he had to go and help.

He placed the "box" on his lower back horizontally and locked it. While holding the "box" steadily with both hands, he activated a function on the "box". A small opening quickly appeared below the shoulder straps at both ends, and a hook was ejected outward. After being nailed to the still intact wall of the building, it quickly retracted, taking the "box" and Nozomi himself out.

Then in the air, Nozomi would repeat this operation... the whole person would move quickly in the city like a swing, which looked fun and handsome. When other people discovered this, they were envious for a long time.

Well... they can only say that this function is worthy of Vill-V.

"Who... is he?"

She blinked her silver-gray pupils and asked softly.

"Him? Our leader, [Nozomi]... What do you think? Isn't this a good name?"


She murmured the word in a low voice... lowering her eyes, she looked at the ruins she had just been in... in the gap, she saw the "Bible".

It is still exquisite, like a collapsed building. The flying dust has no effect on it. Even now, there is no trace of damage on it. I don't know whether it is because it is so hard, or because it is too lucky, or... is it really some kind of strange object?

But at this moment, she had an inexplicable feeling.

She... seemed to have found the person her father had mentioned, the one favored by "Him."

"Um... can I ask you for a favor later?"

She spoke softly.

"Can you get me that book...?"

She decided to give him the Bible.

On the other side...

The team members were still covering the injured while fighting and retreating.

"I always feel that at this stage... there is no hope for me..."

The injured man looked at the purple lines gradually spreading on his body, feeling his chest that was about to lose consciousness and spoke helplessly.

"Where are you (obscene word)? Your doctor (obscene word) is here to save you!"

Nozomi's gentle words came from the communication, but the wording... was very surprising.


"It's me, and... shut up and wait for me to save you."

"No need, and the current situation..."

Looking up at the huge Honkai beast, at the Honkai energy that was gradually gathering until it was visible to the naked eye, and at the shining purple light, the members smiled bitterly.

"It's probably too late."

If nothing unexpected happens, they should die directly under the attack of the Honkai beast... In that case, at least they won't feel much pain, nor will they be corroded and turned into monsters... That's good.

"Excuse me, the doctor is here!"

But fortunately, this time, he arrived.

Before the light burst out, before the attack arrived, a grayish-white object fell from the sky, clasped the ground, and spread out in all directions. At the same time, a thin rope also brought a light-white figure in front of them.

When the beam of light fell, Nozomi leaned against the unfolded "box" and relied on the data displayed on the mask to confirm that there was no problem with the protection. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately, Nozomi made a "friendly gesture" to everyone present.

"You guys, cherish your lives, okay? I promised to save you, and I'm here, so don't let yourself (obscene words) give up before I get here, okay?"

"Uh... that... doctor..."

"And you (obscene word), you're saying it's too late? Am I not here yet? Or do you (obscene word) really want to die? Have you asked me? Hmm? I order you to stop dying!"

"No, doctor...your tone...and the way you speak..."

"Any questions?"

"Ah... no... no..."

Looking at Nozomi muttering to himself while providing emergency treatment to the injured members, with a smile on his face, he gave people a very dangerous feeling... Others felt that it would be better not to raise any doubts at this time.

But... he didn't expect that the "doctor" actually had this side... This is the first time he heard of it...

The others looked at Nozomi, who was saying "obscene words" while carefully dealing with the crystals that appeared on the wounded, and thought with some surprise.


"Don't scream! I'm calling you (obscene word)? Just bear it! I'm trying to save your life, why are you screaming (obscene word)?"


Seeing Nozomi ignoring the wailing of the wounded and accurately removing the crystals in a seemingly rough but unexpectedly quick manner, and doing the follow-up work in a timely manner, everyone fell into silence.

'I always feel that the "doctor" at this time... has a very scary feeling. What's going on? What's going on with this feeling of fear?'

"Alright, you guys, meet up with the follow-up troops and send this guy back to recuperate... After that, you will carry out the mission according to the arrangement. Got it?"

Nozomi retracted the unfolded part of the "box" and said.


"Leave the rest to me first."


"Too much nonsense."

"Wait a minute, doctor, we can also..."

Just when the others were about to say something, Nozomi had already rushed out carrying the "box"...

Then, they watched as the "box" on Nozomi's back popped out of the hook and nailed onto the body of the Honkai Beast, and rushed towards the face of the Honkai Beast with him. Then... turned the "box" and activated its weapon side. The light of gathered energy shone brightly, and then... boom!

Most of the Honkai beast's head was blown off.

"Tsk... it's so hard..."

Nozomi smacked his lips, landed steadily on the ground, then turned around and dunked the "box" on the ground to block the counterattack of Honkai Beast... When Honkai Beast hit the "box", the "box" exploded as if it had an explosive counter-attack, giving Honkai Beast another "surprise".

"Explosive Counterattack... What the hell is that? Vill-V, how much stuff did you stuff in there..."

Nozomi smacked his lips, feeling helpless about Vill-V's various weird designs...but he had to admit that they were quite useful.

Turning the "box", the energy glowed again and accompanied by a roar, another piece of the Honkai beast's body was cut off.

"It seems that replacing a High Energy Stone once a month is the ideal state... At this level of combat, I'm afraid it will have to be replaced once every half a month... I have to mention this to Vill-V when I get back."

Nozomi muttered to himself as he input a string of characters on the control panel on the surface of the "box", took out the firearm that popped out from the side and killed a small Honkai beast that wanted to launch a sneak attack with one hand.

He then used the same trick again, ejected the grappling hook, dodged the attack, and closed the distance.

"Okay...get out of the way! We're saving people!"

Let the brilliance of energy shine, then shatter it!


When the roar faded away, the remaining team members could only see the Honkai beast lying on the ground, motionless, and Nozomi moving away as quickly as a swing.

"Here it comes, over here!"

Turning around, they saw that it was indeed the "Rescue Knights"... Oh no, it was the reinforcement team that arrived.

"Captain Nozomi is in the front, clearing out the Honkai beasts, and the rest of the 'Rescue Knights' are following behind to rescue the wounded..."

"So this rumor is true..."

Someone sighed like this.

'Uh... I don't know why, but it seems like a certain misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper... Eh? It doesn't seem to be a misunderstanding?'