Chapter 186: The Flesh is a Shackle



"Nozomi? Are you listening?"

"Hm? Ah... Sorry, I was spaced out for a while."

"Really? You're standing there in front of a cute girl like me, and yet you're still in a daze... That's too much, isn't it?"

Elysia reached out and gently tapped Nozomi's nose, saying with a little dissatisfaction.

"And this was when Eden was singing for us... Being distracted isn't something a good listener should do~"


Nozomi understood that it was his own fault, so he lowered his head slightly in the direction of Eden and apologized softly.

"It's okay, I don't care about this kind of thing."

Eden smiled lightly and shook her head to show that she didn't care, but then she looked puzzled and asked worriedly.

"But you, Nozomi, you seem to be easily distracted recently... Did something happen?"

"If you need any help, Nozomi, you can tell us. I will help you~"

Elysia also said so.

"Nothing, it's just... it's a little too noisy here."

When this was mentioned, Nozomi looked embarrassed, as if he was troubled by something.


Elysia and Eden looked around... there were only three of them here.

Originally, this was a place reserved for Eden to rest and practice. As a major "sponsor" of the "Fire Moth", she deserved this small privilege.

After encountering the "Seventh Great Eruption", Eden no longer performed on stage. At most, she would practice by herself in this quiet place every day to maintain her own level... Occasionally, she would invite Nozomi and others to listen, but that was all.

The same was true today. Eden invited Nozomi to come and listen to her songs, hoping to get some advice or inspiration from him... Even though Nozomi has changed his "appearance" now and almost no longer sings, they don't care about it as they are "confidants" to some extent.

Elysia happened to run into the two of them, and she was also on break, so Eden invited her to come and listen.

In other words, there were only three of them here, and just now, there was only Eden's singing here, so what exactly did Nozomi mean by "noise"?

"Nozomi, what are you talking about... There are only three of us here?"

Elysia tilted her head in confusion and asked Nozomi.

"…Well, it's true that there are only three of us, can I tell you?"

Nozomi held his forehead with some distress as if he was stuck in some kind of dilemma.

"But there are actually more than just the three of us here."


"Elysia, you know, Eden is very popular. Her previous concerts were always sold out, so... actually a lot of people like to listen to her songs, and now, there happens to be such an opportunity to hear them, so... they all came over."

"Nozomi, what on earth are you talking about..."

Elysia's face looked a little strange.

"They... You don't mean to say that there are other people here besides us? Like ghosts or something?"

"…You could say that."

Nozomi nodded.

"…Are you serious?"


Nozomi nodded again.

"…No, doctor, how can you believe in these supernatural things?"

"But under the influence of Honkai, anything is possible, isn't it?"

"…Is there anything you can prove?"

Elysia thought for a moment, then asked.

She was willing to believe Nozomi's words because Nozomi had said similar things to Mobius and Vill-V, so Mobius and Vill-V had been studying this point desperately recently.

Vill-V was worried that Nozomi was affected by the Honkai, while Mobius felt that she seemed to have discovered a ladder for life to "evolve", so she tried every means to get in touch with the "them" that Nozomi mentioned... Both of them have even neglected sleep and food for this matter.

Fortunately, Vill-V had exercised regularly in the past, so her body was able to hold on. However, after becoming a "fusion warrior", Mobius became more and more unbridled, often conducting research day and night without eating or drinking, which made people worry that she would suddenly die (in fact, this really happened).

Even when Nozomi was chatting with others, he had inadvertently revealed similar things, but these were not taken seriously by others. Instead, they were regarded as a "suspicious point" to prove that "Nozomi at this time" was not "Nozomi before"... After all, how could a "doctor" say such mysterious things? Right?

Sure enough, the current Nozomi is nothing more than an "artificial monster" created by Mobius and Vill-V. It is just a "thing" covered with the skin of "Nozomi" - many people believe so.

Come to think of it, Nozomi never seems to shy away from this matter and is willing to discuss it, but... unfortunately, not many people are willing to believe it.

And more importantly...

"I'm sorry, Elysia."

Nozomi said softly.

"I can't prove anything to you, because the way to prove it is to let people [die] and let them [be liberated]."

"…That's really bad."

Elysia was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly.

"Is there no way to prove it indirectly?"

"…Actually, there are, but you can't see them."


"Some time ago, wasn't there news that someone was suddenly infected with "Originium Disease"? And there was also an incident where a patient who was still undergoing treatment was engulfed by "Originium Disease" and eventually his body was broken into pieces?"

"Well, you, Nozomi, bore a lot of blame for this incident... After all, the way they died was exactly the same as the way you freed the Seventh Herrscher."

Elysia nodded and remembered what Nozomi said, but that was just a small sudden incident. Soon after that, there was no one who was engulfed by "Originium Disease" for inexplicable reasons... But there are still people who are suddenly infected with "Originium Disease".

According to the subsequent investigation of "Fire Moth", this situation first occurred after [Sariel] appeared and before Nozomi completed the operation, but the earliest case was not taken seriously... In other words, this is not actually Nozomi's problem, and it is still [Sariel], this special Honkai beast, that caused all this.

Although the detailed reasons are still unknown, the Fire Moth speculates that it was because of the "Originium Dust" spread by Sariel. This dust is mixed in the air and cannot be detected by the naked eye. It can be inhaled into the body inadvertently.

When the amount of "Originium dust" accumulated in the body reaches a certain level, it will cause "Originium Sickness"... In addition, mining "Originium", using "Originium weapons", and even those who are engulfed by "Originium Sickness" will turn part of their bodies into dust when they are broken, which in turn increases the content of "Originium dust" in the air.

In other words, as long as we continue to use things like "Originium", the environment of the entire world will become worse and worse, and in the end... maybe everyone will be infected with "Originium Sickness".

But now that "Originium Energy" has formed a complete profit chain, the "Fire Moths" will not stop using this "convenient" thing... and they are unwilling to bear the stigma of "polluting the air and dragging all mankind into chronic death."

So, who can take responsibility?

Hmm... if you think about it carefully, the way Nozomi freed the Herrscher was very similar to the way those who were engulfed by "Originium Sickness" disappeared. In that case... let him be a "shield"!

Anyway, he has already been judged as a "man-made monster" by others, so it wouldn't be too much to bear one more bad reputation, right?

Therefore, with the instigation of some people with ulterior motives, Nozomi was inexplicably burdened with a "bad reputation"... Although there was no concrete evidence, the corresponding suspicions never stopped.

Of course, the few people who have a good relationship with Nozomi are naturally willing to believe him. After all, as a "doctor", there is no reason for Nozomi to let others be infected with "Originium Sickness".

Even if he gave [Liberation], Nozomi only gave [Herrscher], and only once. Does this prove anything?

But judging from Nozomi's current attitude... it seems that the actual situation is not like this.

"Wait a minute, Nozomi, you don't mean to say... this matter is related to the "them" you mentioned?"

Elysia reacted and said in surprise.

"That's about right... They didn't know their own situation at the time, so it led to some tragedy... Or maybe not? After all, when they met, the scene was still quite awkward."

Nozomi's expression became a little strange.

"If I had to use an analogy... it's probably like a ghost wanted to ask you for help, but accidentally scared you to death, and then you turned into a ghost, and then the two of you just stared at each other..."

"Uh... Phew... It's a little embarrassing to think about it, but it also seems a little funny."

"That's about it."

Nozomi sighed.

"So after that, they were very careful... but sometimes they still wanted to touch their friends or relatives who were still alive, so there were signs that many people were inexplicably infected with the 'Originium Disease.'"

"I have tried to dissuade them, but... you know, you can't stop missing someone, and you can't contain your emotions. Often they won't stop until they realize that their touch causes distress or even fear to their relatives and friends."

"So I can only try my best to prevent them from doing something that they will regret, and, if necessary..."

Nozomi was silent for a while, then smiled.

"I will do it for them. After all, I am the most special one here."


"[Still alive]...Nozomi, do you mean... they are already dead?"

Elysia fell silent, while Eden beside her noticed the wording in Nozomi's words.

"If you think that losing the body is death... then, yes, they are already dead."

Nozomi nodded.

"Just like me."

"...Nozomi, what are you talking about? Aren't you still standing in front of us?"

"But this body is the work of Mobius and Vill-V, isn't it? My body has been crystallized and shattered, isn't it?"


"But if we change our thinking and regard the spirit, or even the ethereal soul, as proof of human survival... they are undoubtedly still alive, but in a more unique and wonderful way."

Nozomi lowered his eyelids slightly.

"The body is nothing but the shackles of the mind, the chains that bind the spirit, and the container that binds the soul. Breaking it may be another kind of [liberation]..."

"...Nozomi, your words just now are somewhat dangerous, right?"

"Yes, I know."

In response to Elysia's reminder, Nozomi just nodded calmly.

"But... after seeing another way for people to survive without suffering from the Honkai, or even without suffering, to be honest, it's hard for me not to be tempted."

"And all that is required is... just [liberation]."

Nozomi sighed, then gave a faint smile.

"But please don't show such doubt and vigilance, Elysia."

"It is difficult for me to explain to you what I saw... people tormented by misery and suffering, physically, mentally, and spiritually."

"I slowly watched their bodies filled with scars, their spirits becoming broken, their souls becoming fragmented... and finally slowly diluting, withering, and finally dying."

"Just like you back then, Eden."

Nozomi looked at Eden beside him and said softly.

"Under the raging fire, you stayed alone on the stage, letting the wailing flow into your ears, letting the raging fire burn everything you could see... At that time, your spirit and your soul were also on the verge of withering."


Eden looked at him in surprise.

"At that time, you thought about dying along with the stage, right?"


Eden hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly with some helplessness and a little joy.

She was helpless that Nozomi could actually see her condition at that time, but she was also happy that Nozomi could actually see her condition at that time.


Elysia tilted her head in surprise and grabbed Eden's arm with concern.

"How come I don't know about this?"

"Because there's no need, Ellie."

Eden shook her head slightly.

"When Nozomi rescued me... when I witnessed everything with my own eyes when I luckily survived, I realized that I couldn't just die like this."

"I should remember everything that happened in front of me, and then move forward more firmly… This is what I can and must do as a survivor."

Eden suddenly laughed again.

"Besides... my parents are still here, my best friends are still here, my confidants are still here... if I die now, it would be too sad."

"I knew you were the best, Eden~?"

Elysia got close to Eden, but Eden just smiled and didn't mind her closeness.

"So, Elysia, do you understand?"

Nozomi on the side said slowly.

"It's hard not to be tempted by a torture that can free people from misery and misfortune."

"...But please rest assured, I know the value of life and its brilliance, so I suppressed this thought."

Nozomi shrugged and spoke half-jokingly.

"After all, this method requires giving others [liberation]... The whole process looks no different from killing someone. To be honest, it's quite terrifying."

"In that case, should we thank you?"

Elysia blinked, and her tone returned to her usual cheerful tone.

"Yeah, after all, I saved the world several times, right?"

"Hmm? Why do you say that?"

"I didn't have that weird idea to [destroy] the world. This was all thanks to my self-control. Doesn't this count as my contribution?"

Nozomi spread his hands and made a joke that was neither too big nor too small.

"You know, when Mobius learned about this, she strongly supported me in implementing this method... or was it me who persuaded her to stop?"

"It seems like I really need to thank you~?"


Nozomi nodded with satisfaction.

"Hmm? Speaking of which..."

Elysia rolled her eyes and suddenly thought of something.

"Since Nozomi said you can see Eden's original spirit and soul, then... can you see mine?"


"Can you tell me about it? I'm curious about what it looks like."

"…I won't tell you."

Nozomi thought about it for a while, then smiled and refused.

"Eh~ why?"

"I promised you I would tell you, didn't I?"

Nozomi shrugged, then took out his terminal. Just then, a crusade mission was sent to him, so he should prepare.

"Okay, I have a mission here, so I'll leave first... Eden, let's get together again next time when we have time."

"Okay, I look forward to your triumphant return."

Eden smiled and nodded.

"What about me? What about me? It's not good for Nozomi to ignore girls, okay?"

"See you later, Elysia... But maybe we'll have to fight side by side on the battlefield."

"That's true, hehe~"

Elysia stuck out her tongue, acted cute, and watched Nozomi leave.

But as she looked at Nozomi's back, the smile on Elysia's lips slowly disappeared.

"He won't figure it out..."

Elysia whispered.


"Hmm? I'm fine, Eden~?"

Faced with her friends' concern, Elysia smiled again and temporarily suppressed the doubts in her heart.


{Hey, "Doctor", please don't leave. Let us take a look for a while...}

{I also want to listen to Eden's live performance... "Doctor" can you stay a little longer next time?}

{But Eden actually specially invited the "Doctor"... I didn't expect you guys to have such a good relationship.}

{It seems like we have known each other since school days. Ugh… What an enviable friendship… It's been able to last this long…}

{Enough, you guys, just think about yourselves... Now there are missions coming from above, the more important thing should be to fight against Honkai, right?}

{Ms. Himeko, you are too nervous... The "Doctor" will be able to solve it quickly, right? At worst... we can help you?}

{And I don't understand why the "Doctor" doesn't follow Dr. Mobius's wishes... What's wrong with making everyone like us? We don't have to endure the invasion of Honkai, and there's no change in the physical sense...}

{Shut up! Do you think it's good now? You can't touch anything! And if you touch others, you will cause trouble to them. Do you think it's good?}

{But wouldn't it be nice if everyone became like us… Then there wouldn't be any troubles…}

{...What you said seems to make sense, but there seems to be something wrong?}

{But how did we become like this? It seems that if we die from "Originium disease", we will become like this? Why?}

{Who knows? Anyway, the Honkai is getting more and more outrageous, and we are pretty good now.}

{I want my family to come along...}

{Forget it, the process is too scary, or do you want the "Doctor" to be vilified again?}

{What kind of rubbish are the top brass of "Fire Moth"... They spread rumors about "Doctor" like this? And the others are really stupid, they actually believed it.}

{Rumors will definitely spread quickly, and since other people can't see us, they will definitely believe us... There's nothing we can do about it.}

{But it's annoying... "Doctor", let's find a chance to kill all the top executives of "Fire Moth"? Then join forces with Dr. Mobius and Miss Vill-V to bring salvation to the world directly? Anyway, I think it's fine for us to do this.}

{I agree!}

{I object! Because I can't eat anything! You might as well kill me if I can't eat anything good!}

{...It seems so.}

{Why don't we let the "Doctor" ask Dr. Mobius to help us find some methods? Hmm... it would be best if we could create a body, otherwise floating like this and crowding around the "Doctor" is not a solution.}

{I think it's pretty good, right? After all, the "Doctor" has such a good figure…}

"Okay, quiet down."

Nozomi noticed that the topic was becoming increasingly off-topic, so he lowered his eyelids slightly without moving his lips or teeth, but his stern voice echoed around him... But unfortunately, apart from Nozomi himself and [them], no other living person could hear this "voice".

"I will tell Dr. Mobius about this. If I have the chance, I will take you to listen to Eden's songs..."

{Then can the Doctor sing a duet with Eden? The Doctor sings so well anyway... can you show us how good he is?}

{That's right!}

"...Okay, quiet down. I will try my best to satisfy you, but please focus on the mission first, okay?"

Nozomi pinched his brows with a headache and reminded them helplessly.

{OK, OK! It's a promise, "Doctor"!}

{Go, go, go! For the duet of Eden and the Doctor! Let's work hard and finish it as fast as possible!}

{That being said, in the end, wasn't it still the "Doctor" who solved the problem himself?}

{Well, we are helping by cheering them on.}

{Wow, you're the atmosphere group, right?}

{Actually, it's cheerleading?}


Nozomi ignored [their] messy words and focused his attention on the terminal.

According to the description, he is going to defeat a strange Honkai creature next... because it is not known whether it should be considered a "Herrscher" or a Honkai beast.

Because the other party is a humanoid creature, but although it exudes powerful Honkai energy, it has not reached the level of a "Herrscher"... In short, it is very strange.

"A humanoid Honkai creature... came out of the sea...?"

Nozomi looked at the terminal. There was a white-haired girl with red eyes, wearing a red skirt and a hunter's hat. She was holding a dark sword in one hand and a short staff like a conch in the other. There were several small blue fishes surrounding her. The overall image looked very strange.

"I feel like... it looks familiar."

Nozomi murmured so.