Chapter 189: Herrscher of Sentient: The sisters are sweating profusely...

[Because you let go of some of your insistence, you are no longer so averse to the idea of ​​'liberation'... Somehow, you feel as if you have broken free of some chains, and feel a subtle sense of relief.]

[However, the outside world, especially the 'Fire Moth', is not as relaxed as you are... Mobius and Klein are 'dead', and Vill-V is also 'dead'. It can be said that the 'Fire Moth' has suffered an unprecedented blow.]

[If the disappearance of Vill-V can still be compensated by the Engineering Department, then the disappearance of Mobius is really irreparable... After all, many technologies now rely on her, especially the fusion warrior surgery.]

[At a time when fusion warrior technology was still in its infancy, the importance of Mobius was self-evident, but now... haha.]

[Although it is possible to let others take charge of 'Fire Moth', such as Mei, or others, but no matter what, they can't compare to Mobius. After all, she is an expert in this field, and no one can compare to her.]

[Plus, Mobius was considered a veteran of the 'Fire Moth', so how could the 'Fire Moth' not be nervous when such a person was 'killed'?]

[Not to mention, you were the only one present when Mobius and Klein 'died', which almost makes it clear that you are the 'murderer'... or at least you are closely related to it.]

[But in the end, 'Fire Moth' was unable to attack you... On the one hand, your fighting power was too strong. With the help of the 'Box', it was difficult for 'Fire Moth' to have the confidence to restrain you. If they had a quarrel, Kevin or Elysia would have to deal with you.]

[And if two fusion warriors with 'monster' combat power fight each other... no matter what the final result is, it will not end well for 'Fire Moth'.]

[On the other hand, there are only a few high-end combat forces left of 'Fire Moth', and they must be cherished. Even if you make such a serious 'mistake', 'Fire Moth' will have to accept it with a pinch of the nose.]

[Although you have brought great panic to everyone, and everyone's rejection and 'misunderstanding' of you have reached a peak, but... I still say that in the face of a more terrifying crisis, this contradiction 'Fire Moth' has to be put aside.]

[Besides, you didn't show an obvious antisocial personality, nor did you cause too much disaster. Although the indirect impact of the two incidents of Mobius and Vill-V was huge, but... at least you didn't directly hate humans, that's enough.]

[Grit their teeth and let it go. When 'Fire Moth' finds a replacement for you and no longer needs you, they will deal with you!]

[Let the Engineering Department fill in Vill-V's vacancy.]

[The position of Mobius was also filled by the relevant personnel of the Research Department.]

[Especially the fusion warrior surgery, which must be arranged as soon as possible. When the 'Fire Moth' has enough combat power, you will be kicked out. Therefore, public opinion about you must also be controlled... But it seems that this aspect does not need to be controlled? After all, the attitude of the public towards you is already very bad.]

[At the same time, due to the lack of two key figures, the technological progress of 'Fire Moth' has gradually slowed down. Although there is still the genius Mei to support it, it cannot make up for the gaps of Mobius and Vill-V.]

[Especially Vill-V. Without her designs, the update speed of 'Fire Moth's' weapons has slowed down a lot. For this reason, 'Fire Moth' 'had to' expand the scope of use of 'Originium weapons'. After all, this kind of weapon is easy to use and simple, and it can also recycle energy after use. How great is that?]

[At the same time, in order to prevent your ability to resonate with the 'Originium' from affecting the 'Fire Moth', the 'Fire Moth' began to try to replicate your state at that time.]

[In simple terms, the 'Fire Moth' is trying to combine the fusion warrior surgery and the 'Originium' technology in order to obtain a being similar to you, so that it can at least fight against you.]

[Then in this delicate environment, the 'Eighth Great Eruption' came.]

[At first, a mysterious 'sleeping sickness' spread among the crowd. At the same time, because the 'Fire Moths' used 'Originium weapons' on a large scale, the dust belonging to 'Originium' was everywhere.]

[This means that when someone is eroded by Honkai due to 'Sleeping Sickness', the 'Originium' dust in and around the person will quickly gather together, and finally cover the person with crystals, and finally... break.]

[The whole process looks like a person who inexplicably fell into a coma, and then was infected with 'Originium Disease', and then was covered by crystals, and finally shattered, as if they died from a sudden outbreak of 'Originium Disease'.]

['Fire Moth' finally discovered the difference after spending a lot of effort, and concluded that the cause of 'sleeping sickness' should be 'Herrscher'.]

[When Mei returned with psychiatric drugs for resistance and distributed them to the base members, the 'Eighth Herrscher' had already come to the door. Many members of the 'Fire Moth' base fell into a coma, and because of the large number of 'Originium weapons' in the base, crystals appeared on the surface of many people's skin.]

[At this critical moment, the 'Fire Moth' is very nervous, but in fact... the 'Eighth Herrscher' is more nervous than them.]

[Because it didn't know how those people who were still in a coma and about to die in their dreams... suddenly disappeared? They were out of its control all of a sudden as if they were suddenly 'liberated' at the moment they died.]

[At first, it thought that the 'Fire Moth' had taken some kind of insurance, so it broke into the 'Fire Moth' base, intending to 'clean up' all the people here, and at the same time find out what this so-called insurance is, and prepare to destroy it.]

[Then, it met you... er... or rather, you guys.]


[what the (obscene words)... What's wrong with this guy's mind? So heavy? Why does it feel like he's dragging a thousand and eight hundred people...]

In the spiritual world, it constructed, it complained softly.

Just now, it disposed of the spirit of a very strange guy.

It was a strange guy who looked like metal but not entirely metal, like a 'monster' but covered in human skin... More importantly, he was very strong.

In order to prevent him from causing trouble to itself, it took great effort to drag him into the spiritual world, intending to make him fall into a dream to avoid interfering with its actions.

Then, it heard the voice that belonged to 'them'.

'Eh? You speak much more clearly now!'

'This isn't the real world, is it? Where is this place?'

'I heard that the Eighth Herrscher appeared, and everyone affected by it will fall into a coma, so... we are actually in a dream now?'

'Whose dream is pure white... at least there will be a scene there, right?'

'Who knows? But here we have bodies again! And we can speak clearly... It's really great!'

'Is this the [Honkai Impact]? This is too outrageous, isn't it?'


The noisy words of the crowd entered its ears, and it saw 'them' appearing in the 'Pure White Dream' it had created...

This should be its [safe house], a place where it can unilaterally influence other people's [dreams], but why... why are there so many people here?! Where did these 1,800 people come from?!

[Why...are you here?! Get out!]

It roared, with a hint of panic and confusion in its words... It really couldn't understand why so many people could come here directly when this was clearly its [territory]!

However, just when it wanted to use its power to separate the people in front of it, or even kill them directly... it found that its power had no effect on them.

It was as if they were not human beings, but some more special existence.

'They' seem to be 'dead', but still alive; seem to be 'alive', but difficult to perceive. Only in this special area constructed by it can 'their' figures be stable and clear.

Their spirits were heavy and steady, as if their bodies had entered this place as well, and perhaps even carried some kind of metal weight...

[What... How could this happen?!]

'Hey, who is this? Is it the Herrscher?'

'Why is it so flustered? It looks like a little girl... Oh no, it's a little girl.'

'So... is this actually a realm created by it?'

'Stay alert and beware of its attack.'

'Ms. Himeko, you seem too nervous... But you're right. It's always good for everyone to be careful.'


Compared to its panic and 'them' who were still noisy, Vill-V and Mobius looked around at the space around them.

"Interesting... It seems that [Honkai Impact] really gave us a big gift~"

Mobius looked at it not far away with interest.

"This power related to [consciousness] and [spirit] is exactly what we need... After we analyze it, we may be able to use the spirit to touch the Honkai energy, or even... control the Honkai energy!"

Mobius seemed excited.

"If it can be done, it can also guide the Honkai energy to attract the 'Originium' dust in the air, and then build a body that can be moved... But it is better to use 'Soulium', so that at least a robot body can be obtained."

Vill-V was also thinking about the feasibility of this method.

"As long as we get a body, everything else will be easy... What do you think the success rate is?"

"Success rate? Of course, it's 100 percent... No! 1,000 percent!"

Mobius narrowed her pupils, which were no different from a snake's, and stared closely at the animal not far away, making its scalp tingle.

"We must succeed, and then we will guide the [evolution] of mankind!"

"Use the [Spirit] to touch the Honkai energy, guide and control the Honkai energy like a [Herrscher], and finally... outline the body with your own consciousness! What a wonderful future!"

"Sure enough, the little white mouse is really a blessing to me!"

Mobius seemed very excited... she could already imagine that future scene.

"Stop your smell, old woman..."

Vill-V first put on an expression of disgust that looked "extremely evil" and then changed back to an "expert" look, falling into deep thought.

"Let's stop imagining the future for now. Everything starts with... we have to defeat it first, obtain its [core], and analyze its [power]."

"Still maintaining your unnecessary [mask]?"

Mobius raised an eyebrow.

"Why, you don't want to stick to your [brother] anymore? Your weak and frail appearance is really impressive... What is it in your words? Oh yes... the [attached] Vill-V? Or... that is the real you?"


Vill-V sneered twice without any emotion and ignored her.

"But you don't have to worry. Its power... shouldn't have much effect on us."

Mobius did not dwell on this topic too much and returned to business.

"Otherwise we wouldn't be standing here. In other words..."

"We are in the [advantage] stage now."

Vill-V stated the conclusion... it was obvious.

"Ahem, so..."

Behind the two of them, someone coughed twice and asked them.

"Now, as long as we can get rid of this Herrscher, we may be able to regain our bodies, right, Dr. Mobius? Ms. Vill-V?"

"It's not a possibility, it's a certainty."

Mobius corrected him.

"We will definitely do it."

"...Did you hear that, guys?"

The man's tone suddenly became higher.

"For our health!"

"To have delicious food!"

"To be able to touch the world again!"

"Go, go, go!!!"

[Hey!!! Don't come over here!!!]


Vill-V, Mobius, Klein who followed Mobius, and Skadi who had not moved, silently watched the others rush towards it...

Mobius and Klein are scientific researchers, and they don't have as much power as the others, so they just need to watch here. Vill-V feels that there is no need for her to join in... and she still has to figure out how to get in touch with the "Soulium" and build her own body.

At the same time, after coming here, Vill-V had a bolder idea...

As for Skadi? Skadi is here to cover the bottom.

[Blood relatives] love "them," so she will naturally protect "them." If "they" cannot fight against it, then Skadi will take action.

But from now on... it seems that her help is not needed.


At the same time, in the "Fire Moth" base outside, Irine, who had undergone emergency fusion warrior surgery due to the invasion of the "Eighth Herrscher" and successfully survived to become a slightly special fusion warrior, followed the instructions and entered the field of the "Eighth Herrscher."

However, before she could search for others in her dream or fight against the "Eighth Herrscher," she suddenly woke up, or rather... the "dream" constructed by the "Eighth Herrscher" suddenly shattered.

"Huh? Eh?"

Irine, who suddenly woke up from the dream, had not yet reacted and was still wondering why she woke up so suddenly. She first thought that the "Eighth Herrscher" had discovered her and kicked her out.

When other members came to tell her that the physical coordinates of the "Eighth Herrscher" had been discovered by Nozomi and the crusade was quickly completed, and that the "Eighth Great Eruption" had ended... Irine was still a little confused.

It took a lot of effort to make up her mind to follow Nozomi's footsteps, become a fusion warrior, and contribute to humanity.

Fortunately, she survived the operation table and gained the strength to fight against the Herrscher.

It took a lot of effort to prepare for the battle with the Herrscher and the fight against Honkai.

At last...

Huh? That's it?

Is this the end?