Chapter 191: [Kitten]

[Well, although anyone can see what Vill-V is thinking, let alone you who is quite familiar with her]

[And you are helpless about this. You want to blame someone, but you can't find where to blame... Especially when Vill-V divides herself according to her 'mask,' it is even more difficult for you to say anything to her.]

[Because what Vill-V said was right. When she was divided, except for 'Attachment' who always stayed by your side, and 'chef' who was of no help in the research, the other Vill-Vs were all fully engaged in studying the power of the 'Eighth Herrscher,' even 'Extreme Evil' was the same.]

[The research progress was greatly accelerated as a result, and the speed was also much faster... Under the supervision of the 'Fire Moth,' they could even notice the Honkai energy flowing in the air, and the rhythm of the 'Originium' and 'Soulium' that slowly outlined the human shape.]

[It can even occasionally form text, allowing Mobius and Vill-V to communicate directly with the 'Fire Moth']

[This discovery is so amazing that it is hard for the 'Fire Moth' to believe it]

[Finally, after Mei's repeated verification, 'Fire Moth' finally believed that those who had been 'liberated' by you were not really dead. 'They' just continued to live in a different way.]

[Also, although 'they' don't have a body at the moment, with the efforts of Mobius and Vill-V, they can already communicate and even see the outline of a human figure, so... will the real body be far away?]

[And most importantly... this is a way to survive without the invasion of Honkai! You can even control Honkai energy! What an exciting thing!]

[The misunderstanding of you by 'Fire Moth' has been temporarily resolved, and you have regained some trust. You no longer have to be imprisoned in the same place... Now you can move around with the 'Herrscher Core' in your hand.]

[As for why you only received 'some trust'... that's because there are people within the 'Fire Moth' who oppose your way of life, and even doubt that you deliberately display everything in front of you.]

[You know, you have the ability to resonate with the 'Originium' and control it to a certain extent! What if you are pretending?]

[Thinking about it carefully, this possibility does not seem impossible... Therefore, the 'Fire Moth' split into two factions.]

[One group began to support you, feeling that everyone in the world should be 'liberated' so they could avoid the invasion of Honkai, and even... as Mobius said, all of humanity could 'evolve'!]

[So this group began to contact you and encouraged you to directly give 'liberation' to everyone in the world... They will do their best to help you.]

[The other faction is clearly against you. It seems that their attitude is no different from before, but in fact, you know that their stance is much worse than before...]

[Because your reputation was not very good before, even if there is now evidence that your 'liberation' is not death, under the influence of public opinion, many people still oppose you.]

[At the same time, to prove that the Honkai energy in the air and those 'suspected' words communicated between Mobius and Vill-V were fabricated by you, the opposing faction has started preparing in secret, ready to tear off your hypocritical mask.]

[The most important thing is that they need a fusion warrior who can fight against you and also control the 'Originium.']

[In this way, they can directly snatch the control of 'Originium' from your hands when you 'fabricate lies.' Today, it is proven that all of this was fabricated by you. The so-called 'them,' Mobius, and Vill-V... are just existences you made up.]

[In addition, those who oppose you have also raised a question... Can those who have lost their physical bodies after being 'liberated' by you and only rely on bodies made of nanorobots to survive still be called 'human beings'?]

[Although Mobius scoffed at this question, saying that the definition of humanity should not be limited to this...]

[Vill-V and the others are not very interested in this... After all, in order to save your life, she turned you into a 'monster' in the eyes of others. In this case, how can you expect Vill-V to define humans?]

[But for others, this is indeed a question worth thinking about... Therefore, different people made different choices and leaned towards different factions due to their own beliefs.]

[And so, the two factions you led began to fight each other... As the Honkai worsened and the situation became more critical, the organization that was supposed to save human civilization, the 'Fire Moth,' faced its most serious internal conflict.]

[The threat of Honkai still looms, even growing more terrifying, but the 'Fire Moth' is still embroiled in its own disputes. This is human nature, and it cannot be avoided.]

[At the same time, you seem to be standing at the crossroads of 'fate' once again.]

[According to Mobius and the faction that supports you within the 'Fire Moth,' you will give all living beings 'liberation.' With the current progress of Mobius and Vill-V, people will not only be able to avoid the impact of the Honkai but even reconstruct their bodies and continue living as usual.]

[Or will you remain silent and wait?]

[Will you choose 'liberation,' followed by transformation and rebirth?]

[Or should you continue with your current body, shed blood, and pave the way against Honkai with corpses?]

[You are hesitant... because you don't know if humanity is truly ready to accept this 'evolution' at this moment, nor do you know if your 'liberation' is fit for human civilization as a whole.]

[But... soon, you'll understand what you should do.]

[A congressman from the faction supporting you has approached you... You know this person too, Light, who was your friend in your youth.]

[He brought news... The child you and Mobius once looked after together, Narcissa, or Rosemary, has not been seen for a long time.]

[At the same time, they found a list of a plan from the 'opposition'... It recorded the personnel that the 'opposition' deemed suitable to become fusion warriors, as well as some 'bodies' with special circumstances.]

[Including but not limited to Rosemary, Eden's parents, Eden... You even saw Sakura and Rin's names.]

[And at the end, the name of Rosemary... was highlighted.]

[As mentioned before, in order to expose your "lies", the faction that opposes you needs a fusion warrior who can fight against you and control the "Originium."]

  [So, they are trying to replicate your situation. In other words, they are looking for people who have been treated with "Ore Disease Therapy" and still have some residual effects to perform fusion surgery.]

  [In fact, it was with this thought in mind that Irine was led step by step to the operating table by the "Fire Moth" and underwent the Fusion Warrior Surgery.]

  [It's a pity that in the end, Irine did not become the fusion warrior they expected... Although she is powerful and can resonate with the "Originium," she can even gain some power from the Honkai energy in the "Originium."]

  [But after all, this is not what they want, a fusion warrior who can "control the Originium" and compete with you for control.]

  [So, in order to get the results they wanted, they...began to expand the scope of the test subjects.]

  [Coincidentally, there is such a person who did not receive complete treatment after receiving the "Ore Disease Therapy." Because the location of the crystals that remained was too dangerous, they remained in her body.]

  [And now, the crystal that remained in her body has unsurprisingly caused her to be infected with "Originium Disease." At the same time, because of her special situation, she has been targeted.]

  [Maybe... she can be the key, and become the fusion warrior they want.]

  [Her memory is also unstable due to the Originium, and she has difficulty remembering many things. In other words... as long as the method is correct, she can be easily controlled.]

  [And what a coincidence, at this moment she has lost her most powerful umbrella... Who let Mobius be "taken away" by you?]

  [Ah... God, what a perfect body! If she succeeds, she will definitely be a perfect "weapon"! She will definitely tear apart your fake skin!]

  [As for her age? It doesn't matter.]

  [After all, for the sake of humanity, some small "sacrifices" are acceptable, right?]


  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  In the test site, the testers silently watched the violent scene inside through the observation window... The "Originium" was growing wildly, and was finally crushed, crushed, and shattered by an inexplicable force, as if an invisible force had directly destroyed it.

  The Honkai energy spread in the test field, along with the sound of the young girl howling in pain... The remaining "Originium" in her brain was growing and spreading, causing her pain while also increasing her strength.

  At the same time, the fusion warrior's recovery ability is also curbing the spread of the "Originium." This repeated process has brought her greater power but also brought her greater pain.

  Her ears were filled with the roars of her "companions" and their indignation at the cruel and despicable methods of the experimenters... but their voices could not reach the ears of the testers, and she was the only one who could hear the voices of her "companions"... and at this moment she was overwhelmed by pain.

  Because of their experiments, their former "companions" all died for various reasons, were covered by crystals, swallowed by "Originium," and finally... were "liberated."

  The "companions" were unfortunate. They became failures and were abandoned by the testers, so all the "companions" died.

  The "companions" were lucky. They died of "Originium Disease" because the experiment was unsuccessful, resulting in the failure of the Honkai beast genes and "Originium" to reach a balance, and were eventually swallowed up by the "Originium." In the end... they were "liberated."

  But she was lucky, she succeeded. The experimenters successfully reproduced Nozomi's condition on her. Although it was not complete, it was enough... She was the only successful experimental subject.

  And just as they expected, she had the ability to influence and control the "Originium." Due to special circumstances, she even possessed extremely powerful "telekinesis." That terrifying power made the testers panic, but also excited.

  But she was also unfortunate because she succeeded, she survived, and even possessed abilities similar to Nozomi's... but because it was not a perfect replica if she used her abilities for too long, she would have to endure the pain of the crystals spreading and piercing her brain.

  But... it doesn't matter, it's actually a good thing.

  After all, this would cause further damage to her brain and make her memory more susceptible to problems, which means... she would be more easily guided and controlled.

  "It's... perfect."

  The leader sighed.

  "As long as the ability is used within five minutes, there will be no effect at all... and the full-strength telekinesis can even crush specially constructed chariots and aircraft into discus, and the whole process takes less than a second."

  "Although the resonance of the Originium will cause damage and severe pain to oneself, the strength of the ability will also increase significantly, and the ability to control the Originium can be obtained to a certain extent..."

  "It's... perfect."

  The man clapped his hands in satisfaction.

  "Alright, everyone, let's celebrate. We have accomplished our goal and have successfully gained the power to tear apart the hypocritical skin of that [Monster]."

  "Next, let's release the sedative hidden in her body and let our lovely [Kitten] calm down and rest for a while, okay? Otherwise, she might tear the protective isolation layer apart, and then we will all die under this furry [Kitten]."

  "Understood, Commander Al."

  The others nodded, then stopped recording the data and activated the sedative buried in her body... but unfortunately, it failed.

  "Oh? Interesting... Has your ability evolved so quickly to the point where it can remove foreign matter buried in your body?"

  Al said with interest.

  "As expected, you are a very talented child, [Kitten]."

  "But... it's a pity."

  Al made a few gestures, and the others also activated the backup plan. The test site was quickly filled with smoke.

  "Please take a nap now, okay? I'm a forgetful yet always angry little cat~"


  Sensing something strange, she was like a cat, with her hair standing up, and even her tail standing up. Almost the next moment after she made the threatening move, the several gaps in the test field that were spewing smoke were quickly blocked by the "Originium", and then... shattered and damaged.

  But unfortunately, she had already inhaled the special high-concentration hypnotic gas, and with the addition of some "special soothing drugs", the kitten, who was originally still frightened, soon calmed down, slowly collapsed to the ground, and fell asleep... Even if the voice of her "companion" was still lingering in her ears, it could not stop her from closing her eyes.

  She was so tired, she was in so much pain, she wanted to sleep.

  As long as you fall asleep, the pain will go away.

  When you wake up again, it will be a new day.

  I will not remember the pain at this moment, nor will I remember the sadness at this moment. a new beginning again.

  "Okay, thank you for your hard work. Now, let's retrieve our [Kitten] and then continue the guidance work, and strive to..."

  "Who did you just say you wanted to recycle?"


  Al's eyes widened suddenly when he heard the voice, and then he immediately turned around and prepared to attack.


  However, all that came into view was blood.