Chapter 196: So... Welcome to a new "day"! part 5?

[So, are you satisfied with the ending this time?]

'I always feel like something is not right...'

[What's wrong?]

[You successfully used your song and developed a method to cure Honkai Disease with your companions, solving the problem of Honkai erosion. Although this method later deviated from its original trajectory due to some reasons, it is undeniable that your method did save many people.]

[They should have died, but they were saved in the end. This is all thanks to you.]

[In addition, your title as a "doctor" is also known and recognized by everyone. Everyone respects you and is happy and recognizes your decision to go to the battlefield just to save more soldiers.]

[You and your lovers have also reconciled. Although for some reasons, you have not expressed your feelings, you still love each other.]

[In the end, you also gave all living beings "liberation," and no one really died... You successfully rewrote this story and changed the original ending, didn't you?]

[You have successfully continued the story of the previous civilization and even made the later civilization a "game" for you... You have successfully changed "fate," isn't that enough? Is there something else wrong?]

'There's nothing right about this, right?!'

'What the hell is that "Originium"?! Why did they come up with something like that?! That's fine, but why did they just fly to the neighboring Terra continent in the end?'

'And that "game," is it some kind of "Civilization Simulator"? Okay, okay... this is how we play it, right?'

'Damn it, how could the world become like this?!'

[You have to ask yourself this question, and it's best not to swear.]

'...come again!'

[Oh? Are you sure?]

[Afterwards, you may not be able to do this well.]

'No, I can definitely do better.'

'Although the final direction of the world became somewhat strange, no matter what, I saved more people this time than last time, which is indisputable.'

'From this point of view, I did better than last time, so... next time, I will definitely do better!'


[You should know that you can't save everyone.]

[You should know that being able to continue to rewrite this story is already very difficult and remarkable.]

[You should know that you are the only one who can change all this... This is something only you can do.]

[But your power alone is too weak to cover everyone, and naturally, you cannot save everyone.]

[It is remarkable that you have achieved this step]

[Even so, will you continue?]

'Why are you wasting so much time talking?'

'As you said, I alone am not enough to save everyone, but... can't more people help?'

[…Oh? Interesting, you seem to have discovered something?]

'I won't tell you! But that might take a lot of time… Tsk, anyway, don't worry about it!'

'I said that I would let the ending of this story be rewritten until I was satisfied... Now, I am not satisfied!'


'Come again!!!'

[Heh…very good]

[So greedy, so unsatisfied, but... this belief is indeed worthy of praise, this desire for happiness is worthy of praise]

[Then, let's keep moving forward]

[You will get everything you want, so... just keep moving forward]

Thus, the stagnant [time] began to flow.

[Time] continues to move forward, while things move backward, and everything starts to trace back with him as the reference point.

Starlight appeared and transformed into a piece of paper covered with unique words, and then silently merged into his body.

[Ending: Giving the world "liberation," achieved]

[Entry: Record, effective]

[Anyway, welcome to a new "day"!]



It was the sound of pages turning, and this time they were turning very decisively as if they couldn't wait to start the next "story."

It's not that the "story" just now is not attractive enough, it's just that... it just knows what it should do.

Although this may take a lot of time and even cost a lot.

But... it doesn't matter.

Progress always comes with sacrifice. Isn't it natural to sacrifice something for an outcome that satisfies oneself?

After all... this is something only he can do.


"Ahem... I'm back..."

Nozomi coughed a few times out of habit, stared at the sky for a while, then he gathered his thoughts and curled up in the corner to sit.

Then there was a long silence.

Put his hand on his lips, press his lower lip with the back of his thumb, squeeze his upper lip with his fingertips, and press it against the knuckles of his index finger. Press his nails on the soft lips, and feel a slight pain.

Although this time the [ending] was successfully changed, and even the direction of the world was completely distorted, but...

"It's a bit...unpleasant."

Nozomi murmured in a low voice.

He did not obtain any past memories from the [Ocean/Mother], and his recognition of his [blood relatives] and Skadi was only possible through that weak connection.

In addition, although his relationships with Sakura and Eden progressed smoothly, even a little too smoothly, due to the remnants of the past, but... they ultimately did not come to fruition.

This was both because he was accommodating Vill-V and because of his own problems... Just like he said at the beginning, he should have liked and loved her to his heart's content, and that would have been fine, but in the end, he still became timid.

Even the choice of life was the same... His hesitation led Irine to be led to the operating table by the "Fire Moth" and also caused Narcissa/Rosemary to suffer harm. This kind of man-made suffering was unnecessary and avoidable.

'Maybe... I should be more resolute, and be more open-minded about people and life... Just like Mobius said, the definition of people should not be limited to this.'

Of course, more importantly... this [ending] was not what he wanted.

"I can... do better."

Nozomi muttered to himself in a low voice.

His advantage is that he can accumulate strength from the past, become stronger, and be able to start over again and again.

"So... this isn't a simulator..."

Nozomi sighed like this and for the first time faced the thing he had been avoiding.

No, it would be better to say that he knew it from the beginning. Ever since the [first time], he and Sakura have always maintained a connection; and since the [second time], Aponia's attitude towards him; not to mention after the [third time], his feelings for Eden were directly condensed into a colorful [entry], allowing the two of them to meet and know each other forever, and in the end... fall in love.

In addition, there are [blood relatives] who always accompany me, and [ocean/mother] who loves him too much...

Everything proves that this is not a simulator at all.

All the past [rounds] have actually happened and truly exist.

What he gained was not the so-called "memories" in the [simulator], but everything he had truly experienced.

And every time he [started over], it meant that he denied the possibility of a future and the people who would live in that future... Perhaps in a sense, every time he chose to [start over], he killed countless people.


Nozomi lowered his head and looked at his hands... Perhaps he had never escaped the ending of the "First Time". He had actually completely become the "Final Herrscher," constantly denying the future of human civilization and destroying it in a "retrospective" way...

Perhaps, self-destruction is a good choice...


Nozomi clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and readjusted his breathing, adjusting the heavy thoughts in his mind and the pressure in his heart.

"…We can't just give up."

Nozomi encouraged himself in this way.

Don't dwell on the past, just remember it, and then... move forward more firmly.

Just as "time" only moves forward, it continues to move forward, carrying with it everything that has settled in the past.

Then... turn it all into what you expect.

"Then... let's check the harvest."

Nozomi spoke calmly as he called up the [Event Board], ready to examine his achievements this time... The overall direction of the world has become distorted this time, but he did discover some things and had some ideas based on them, but now... he still needs a little clue to confirm.

If that was the case... then he knew what to do.


[In this future, you have achieved the following]

[The "Two Sides" of a Person]: Because you have learned some conflicting knowledge, in addition to your original appearance, you also have a threatening "mask" to protect yourself in dangerous situations, but you seem to use it only in extreme situations.

[Childhood sweethearts who are completely in love...?]: The relationship between you and Vill-V is amazing. It is hard to imagine that you two are childhood sweethearts and you don't have any romantic feelings at all... By the way, did Vill-V's feelings for you become more and more morbid in the later period?

[Love at first sight?] After you met Sakura, you quickly became closer to her thanks to that wonderful connection.

[Mutual Love]: The person you like also likes you... but I always feel like something is wrong.

[Friends of Women]: You maintain very good relationships with quite a few women, and you are even very close to some of them.

[Fire Moth]: Omitted

[Like Your color...]: Omitted

[Ore Disease Treatment]: With the joint efforts of you and your companions, you have found a way to solve the problem of Honkai erosion.

[One of the developers of "Originium"]: Although the emergence of this thing is not mainly due to you, the "song" you provided is an indispensable cornerstone.

["Rescue Knights"]: You formed a special rescue team and made a great impact, helping and benefiting many people.

[The First Fusion Warrior]: You became the first person to undergo fusion warrior surgery, and due to special reasons, your body became extremely special.

[Blood relatives reunion]: No matter what, you still remember her, you are blood relatives, no matter what, you are connected by blood.

[The body is a fetter on the spirit]: Your vision is affected, and you are able to witness people's souls and spirits trapped in the flesh and suffering from misfortune and pain.

[So-called "liberation"]: You liberate people from their fleshly bodies and enable them to attain "liberation."

[The Final Herrscher of World Destruction/Salvation ]: You destroyed civilization, but you also saved the world. This is difficult to define, and people can only think about the difference themselves... But no matter what, they survived.


"As expected..."

Quickly skimming through the achievements, Nozomi looked quickly at the newly added entries in the [Entries].

[Cure for "Ore Disease"] (Blue): You and your companions developed the "Ore Disease Cure," which saved most people who would otherwise die from "Honkai Disease" and indirectly promoted the emergence of "Originium."

Effect: You will gain a certain amount of inspiration when researching and developing "Originium Disease Treatment," and a small amount of inspiration when researching "Originium."

"Very good, I got it."

Nozomi felt a little happier when he saw this entry.

"And with inspiration correction... maybe I can research this method myself? This way I can get it done early, as long as I learn more..."

"I want to know what to learn... As for the foundation, [Song] can be learned by the entry, so I don't need to worry about it... I can't neglect the knowledge related to medicine... After that, I have to learn the knowledge related to biology and pharmacy from Mobius... and engineering and materials science from Vill-V..."

"…It's bad. Do I have to learn so much?"

The corners of Nozomi's mouth twitched slightly.

"...Forget it, I can only push forward a little bit more by myself, and then I'd better look for someone to help me."

There is a limit to one person's power, at least for now.

Then the next one...

[What is the boundary between life and death?] (Purple): As the first person to undergo fusion warrior surgery, your existence has become somewhat strange due to your special circumstances, and you are even called [Frankenstein]. In addition, your vision has changed, all of which has led to a new understanding of life and death.

Effect: All aspects of your body are slightly enhanced, and your compatibility with the [Honkai Beast Gene] is slightly increased; your spirit is moderately enhanced and becomes more resilient.

"I thought it was 'liberation,' or meditation or something like that... After all, I saw those former 'Angels' before..."

"But the effect is very good, it strengthens my physical and mental fitness... but I don't feel it at all."

Nozomi clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and felt it for a while, but he didn't seem to find any signs of enhancement in himself.

"And the compatibility with Honkai Beast genes has increased... So far, it seems that all I have accepted are [Angels], right? And almost all of them are unique, and only I can bear them. Those [Angels] are almost all coming for me..."

In other words, Nozomi doesn't need to improve his compatibility at all, because the one who is most compatible with him is always the [Angel], as if it was destined to be his.

...No, maybe there will be some difference, but we will know it later.

"So... is it true..."

And this was undoubtedly a clue, an evidence, an evidence to prove his guess.

After facing up to the fact that all of this was not a [simulator], but had actually happened and was already part of the [past], Nozomi had many speculations.

Subconsciously, he opened the [notepad] and started writing down what he was thinking.

For example... is the so-called [entry] really something "newly acquired" rather than something he already possessed?

After all, the generation of each entry is related to what he has experienced, but there is no specific pattern... but most of the entries are useful.

Nozomi subconsciously looked at the [entries] he owned.

It can be said that the two entries [Record] and [God's Favored Person] are at work. After all, the former is the basis for him to obtain new entries, and although the latter has never been seen to take effect, the improvement in luck may be passive?

But... it's still not right, or this is also a doubtful point.

[People favored by God], people favored by [Him]... If [records] were formed based on the past, then this entry would be completely unnecessary.

Because the second time, He called Himself the Younger One, and almost every angel called themselves ■■■...

So when [Gabriel] addressed [■■■] the first time, was he also a [young person]?

In other words, he might have been targeted a long time ago, so why was such an entry only formed after he met Him for the [second time]?

Was it because he finally discovered this thing that this term was formed, or was it because he did something to earn this term?

There are other entries as well. What are the reasons for their formation? Or... the conditions and reasons for the effectiveness of the [record] entry, and how are the new entries condensed?

'In addition, every time I [start over], I can hear the sound of turning pages in my mind, and every time I [start over], I have to do it in a way that leaves no "memory" but only impressions... but the [Ocean/Mother] can retain the "memory".'

'And judging from the situation every time I come back here, I haven't lost that "memory"; it's just been sealed temporarily, it actually still exists... So is this part related to the [Record] entry?'

'[Story] ... Pages ... Turning sound ...'

'Every new [story] has to start a new page, right?'

'But the past [story] is still preserved in the previous pages... right? So this is the [past], what actually happened.'

'So the [page] that records the [story] is the true embodiment of the [record]... right?'

'It is that [page] that constitutes these entries... and thus forms its own power?'

'No... that's not right... there should be more... otherwise, it can't explain why my "memory" was sealed. After all, this thing is not a "simulator," and sealing the "memory" is purely unnecessary.'

'If it was [Him], or if some other being did it intentionally, then it would be impossible for me to come into contact with [Ocean/Mother] during the course of [the story] and retrieve my past "memories"... even if that "memories" did not contain the "memories" here.'

'So the sealed "memory" should be related to something else... Is it the price of some kind of power?'

'[Start over]? It seems unlikely.'

'So... could it be this?'

Nozomi's gaze fell on the word [record].

And... [Records], [Young People]...


Nozomi narrowed his eyes; he felt that his guess should be correct.

Continuing to flip through the pages, Nozomi noticed that special [entry].

[■■■→■■■■](Purple→Gold):Currently invisible.

"It has become four words..."

Nozomi was stunned for a moment, then started laughing.

Sure enough, his guess was correct.

This special [entry] and [record] are matched... as expected.

Nozomi figured out a lot of things.

"And... I wrote it down subconsciously..."

Nozomi looked at the [recording board] that had been written a lot by him and shook his head helplessly... This was another piece of evidence.

"Besides that... this has also changed."

Nozomi pulled the panel and looked at the colorful [entry].

[Century Song (Color)]

Tip: Under the current circumstances, under certain conditions, [Song of the Century] can trigger two [miracles] related to [relief/destruction].

"It has been upgraded to twice, and the so-called [Miracle] conditions have also changed..."

Nozomi closed his eyes, thought for a while, and calculated the feasibility of the idea.

"If we rely on this..."

Nozomi reached out and touched the entry that still displayed as [■■■■].

"And this..."

Nozomi looked at the entry named [Record] again.

"It should be possible."

Although according to current speculation, doing so is likely to come at a considerable cost... but you can try it first, or in other words, make some preparations for the real plan and lay a solid foundation.

"Then... I may have to trouble [Mother] again."

Nozomi muttered this to himself, and then gave a bitter smile.

"Thinking about it carefully, I am really an [unfilial son]... Although my mother has long passed away, I later called others [mother] or something... Oh, [mother] was not a human being in the first place."

"But this is too much... taking advantage of the fact that you are spoiled and being so unbridled..."

Nozomi lowered his eyes, pursed his lips, and finally stood up firmly, erasing what he had written on the [record board].

Although he felt sorry, he had to do this and he would definitely do it.

"Everything is for humanity..."

Nozomi murmured in a low voice, but after thinking for a while, he smiled mockingly, shook his head, and denied this statement.

"Everything is done to change this [ending], until..."

Nozomi took a step forward and walked towards the exit illuminated by light.

"It satisfies me."

'Just wait and see... I will definitely do it.'

'The ending of this story will be decided by me!'


[Entry: Enlightenment (Purple), has taken effect]

[You have realized something, you have set your future path, and you are determined to follow it]


It seems that he has some ideas. In that case... let's look forward to it.


[Welcome to a new "day"! ]