Chapter 202: Vill-V: Sold by Her Parents

[Well, Vill-V's arrival and the high-profile event she made right after her arrival has given the whole school something to talk about in a relaxed and pleasant way... After all, this is about you two little geniuses, and everyone is paying close attention to your topic.]

[So much so that people are teasing whether you and Vill-V have some strange relationship... Oh, it seems that there is no need to tease because you two are indeed childhood sweethearts. After all, you have known each other for a long time, but you have skipped grades and left Vill-V behind by a distance.]

[But it doesn't matter. Vill-V is also a very terrifying genius. After discussing with her parents for a long time and achieving corresponding results, Vill-V followed you here.]

[It was just that Vill-V's parents suffered a lot during this period. In order to allow Vill-V to come to the top university in Mu Continent and to take care of Vill-V closely, they worked tirelessly. In addition, with the various subsidies and scholarships that Vill-V received based on her academic performance, they finally moved the family to Mu Continent and successfully settled here.]

[During this period, Vill-V was also studying very hard, and her daily entertainment activities were reduced a lot... It can be said that she is not much different from you at the beginning.]

[To the point that in the later years, Vill-V's parents were a little worried about her mental state and hoped that she could slow down a little... They didn't want Vill-V to become famous all over the world, as long as she could live a peaceful life.]

[Although having a genius daughter is indeed a joy, this level of exhaustion... really worries them.]

[In the end, Vill-V had to find some way to deceive her parents, saying that she was not always bored in her studies, and that she still had some entertainment...]

[She originally wanted to continue to have the same hobby as you, such as learning about marine science, or playing music... This way she can continue to be "like you". What you can do, she can do too!]

[Then she discovered that although she had a great interest in exploring the ocean...she did not have much talent in music.]

[In that case, let's change it!]

[After searching for a long time, she was having dinner with her parents when a magic show on TV caught her attention... She saw the magician's techniques and skills at a glance, and subconsciously thought of some areas that could be improved.]

[Vill-V found that she seemed to have a talent for this, so she began to try to study magic... Later, she even participated in a magic show by accident and won first place with a crushing attitude, and also took home a lot of bonuses...]

[Faced with the applause, praise, and cheers from her parents and other audiences, Vill-V seemed to be somewhat dazed... She seemed to like this scene very much.]

[Through this, Vill-V also has her own goal - she wants to become a great... no! The greatest magician in the world! Haha!]

[Vill-V, who has set her own ambitions, also intends to share her ideas with you and wants to know what you plan to do in the future... Coincidentally, she has also come to your school, isn't this a surprise for you?]

[So… things turned out like this.]

[Vill-V didn't get the surprise, but instead made a fool of herself, so much so that she could hardly keep up the "mask" on her face, and ran away with a blushing face…]

[And then she bumped into you who came back to look for her because you saw the news on the school forum…]

[Very good, now Vill-V is completely overwhelmed.]

[After that, there was another commotion. It took a lot of effort to preserve Vill-V's image as a genius girl in front of others... but then there was another round of teasing directed at you and Vill-V.]

[For example, Vill-V is the abandoned girlfriend, and now she comes looking for him... Then there are the stories of chasing husbands to the crematorium, happy enemies, and so on. Multiple versions are starting to be updated on the school forum.]

[Later, some random rumors even came out... Of course, these malicious rumors didn't last long before disappearing.]

[As for the reason... ahem, I can only say that as a genius, you have a good relationship with many teachers, so you have some privileges in many places, so... ahem, knowing some people's names and classes is not difficult.]

[In short, after you knocked on some people's dormitory doors and classroom doors, these messy rumors disappeared... Anyway, they were just talking for fun, and since you didn't like it, they shut up in time.]

[After dealing with the commotion caused by Vill-V, you have finally returned to a relatively normal campus life... right?]

[That's weird. How can campus life be normal under the influence of Vill-V?]

[Normally, whenever Vill-V is free, she will come to the medical school to block you, saying, "Who told you not to tell me that you wanted to change your major? I made such a big fool of myself... As compensation, you have to be the first audience for every new magic trick I perform!"]

[Although Vill-V verbally said that you are the audience, in fact, she wants you to be the assistant and the "support" during the magic show... and she will play some jokes on you during the process, such as asking you to go back to the dormitory with a face full of paint.]

[Small things like these can make Vill-V happy for a long time... and then her good days are over.]

[Because you learned from Vill-V's parents that when Vill-V was studying magic, she actually rejected the existence of an "assistant". She felt that she could do it all by herself... In other words, she asked you to be an "assistant" just to make fun of you.]

[Hmm... that's good. Girls have grown up and become stronger. That's good.]

[So one day, when Vill-V dragged you to be the first audience for her new magic trick, you took the opportunity to have a good "talk" with Vill-V.]

[The effect is very significant. Vill-V couldn't hold it in for long... She fell down limply, lying on your legs and refusing to move. Her words also changed from exaggerated to timid, with a familiar sense of hesitation and cowardice.]

[She slowly confides in you how exhausted she has been over the years, how she complains about the tediousness of her study schedule... Although these were all her own decisions, they still make her feel distressed and tired, especially the mental pressure that has made her feel breathless several times.]

[Especially when she chose to skip a grade and go to high school, the gazes that changed from curiosity to surprise and then to strangeness made her feel uncomfortable... Being treated as a genius and then as a monster was really uncomfortable.]

[Especially when there are jealous looks and gossips behind her back, it's really annoying. She doesn't know how you managed to survive.]

[But fortunately, she finally persevered...]

[Also, her parents... Vill-V feels very sorry for making them worry. In order to catch up with you, she gave up her parents' invitations to go out and relax several times.]

[But fortunately, her parents were willing to support her and to make sacrifices for her ideas... which eventually allowed her to successfully come here and even settle down in Mu Continent.]

[But... she still too tired.]

[So, when she saw you, she had some complaints... Although she knew that all this was her own fault because she set you as her "target" on her own, she still wanted to put some of the blame on you.]

「Really? Why are you acting so nice? She has to work so hard to catch up with you... That's about it.」

[So, after seeing you again, she did not take off the "mask" in front of you as agreed, but deliberately kept that look, and then used the excuse of "performing magic" to vent her complaints.]

[Although Vill-V knows that she seems to be unreasonable in this regard, but... this is the only way she can think of to take revenge on you.]

[It's just that… she finally took off her "mask" in front of you, and slowly fell into a peaceful sleep under your comfort and singing.]

[At the same time, you also began to understand Vill-V's daily life and tried to help her arrange her schedule... In the past few years, she has developed many bad habits in order to catch up with you as soon as possible.]

[Not to mention staying up late, her diet is a big problem. If she had her parents to take care of her at home, it would be fine. But at school, Vill-V's diet is really casual... She eats snacks whenever she can, and drinks instead of water, because the sugar in the drinks can make her less concerned about hunger.]

[Also... Vill-V's body is really too "fragile". She has been studying indoors for a long time and has not even exercised much... This won't do!]

[A good body is the foundation of everything. How can you do other things well without a good body?!]

[So, in the next period of time... people in the school will find that the situation between you and Vill-V seems to be reversed.]

[In the past, it was Vill-V who came to the medical school to block you, but now you are going to block her in the engineering school just to monitor her daily diet and exercise.]

[Especially for daily exercise, you specially adjusted your schedule and almost always came to the Engineering College in the evening to block Vill-V just to supervise her night running.]

[So when she returns to the dormitory exhausted, she basically just takes a shower and goes to sleep, and she basically falls asleep as soon as she lies down.]

[This is the effect you want.]

[To be honest, this arrangement made Vill-V miserable at first... How good of a body can you expect from a test-taker whose physical fitness is half-useless?]

[So it wasn't long before Vill-V started to avoid you... She didn't want to run at night! A weak girl is a weak girl! There is also a market for weak pretty girls!]

[Unfortunately, Vill-V's approach is useless.]

[Because you have studied here before, there are many acquaintances in the School of Engineering, including but not limited to classmates, seniors, juniors, and instructors... In short, no matter where Vill-V runs to, you can catch her.]

[In the end, Vill-V even thought about sneaking back home to avoid your "arrest".]

[Then... Vill-V's parents simply "betrayed" her.]

[They think it's a good thing that you can take Vill-V to exercise. they can't let Vill-V stay at home to study all the time... and as you said, a good body is the foundation of everything.]

[So, while comforting Vill-V, Vill-V's parents turned around and informed you of Vill-V's news. After you arrived, they carried Vill-V to the door and pushed her into your arms.]

["I'll leave Vill-V to you" — That's what they said.]

["I will take good care of her" — You nodded seriously.]

[Only Vill-V looked at her parents in disbelief, with an expression like "Are you really my biological parents?"... Honestly, it was quite funny.]

[After that, Vill-V made a fuss for a while, and then she seemed to be completely disheartened, and you carried her back to school... This was the small "compensation" Vill-V got after making a fuss.]

[The other students and teachers are happily watching the interaction between the two of you... Just kidding, there's fun to be had, why not enjoy it?]

[Especially when they saw Vill-V running on the playground with a look of despair on her face under your urging, everyone was so happy... Of course, a few friends who were familiar with you didn't dare to laugh out loud.]

[After all, if you catch them... hehe, sorry, there will be one more person running on the playground.]

[Of course, in order to ease Vill-V's complaints, you will also accompany her to exercise. It's better to say that you just bring Vill-V along during your daily exercise.]

[At the same time, you will also give Vill-V a small reward in your spare time, such as making her a delicious meal, or playing with her, or singing a song for her... and when she asks for a "rest", you will not refuse.]

[This kind of interaction was also seen by others, who all expressed their gratitude... so much so that a post was specially opened on the school forum to describe the friendly interaction between you and Vill-V.]

[It's just that every time someone jokingly asks whether you two are lovers, you and Vill-V will almost simultaneously show a contemptuous expression and accuse each other of having your brain filled with "love"… If they have the leisure time, they might as well focus on perfecting their own design.]

[As time went by, no one in school asked you this question anymore. Anyway, they don't understand what's going on with your relationship. So… just don't worry about it and just have fun watching it.]

[On the contrary, when Vill-V's parents knew about this, they would sigh from time to time and look at you and Vill-V with a look of disappointment, which made the two of you feel confused...]

[So, after Vill-V joined, your daily life was still fulfilling, but it became more fun... Your studies were also progressing as usual, and both of you were able to fully develop your abilities.]

[Vill-V was once recruited by some research institutes, but she was not interested at the moment, and she was still planning to continue her studies for a while, so she did not agree.]

[As for you... uh... you applied to change your major after studying for more than two years...]

[And this time, your goal is biology]

[It's just that there seems to be something wrong with your transfer this time…]

[Or, because you were active in the medical school, and because you had contact with the biology tutor in advance because of your own intention, and then you achieved some results... and then someone knew about it]

[To be more precise, a senior named "Blanca" happened to meet you when she was looking for a biology tutor when she returned to school to visit her tutor. She then learned about your strange intentions from your tutor and learned about some of your conditions and grades from your tutor.]

[At first, all of this was nothing. Blanca just sighed that you are such a genius, but it's a pity that you are unwilling to further your studies in a certain field. She doesn't know what you are thinking.]

[But the problem is that when Blanca returned to the laboratory where she worked, she mentioned your situation to her "superior" and took the opportunity to sigh about your talent and your strange ideas that made people feel confused.]

[Then... your figure first entered the sight of Blanca's "boss" - Dr. "Mobius".]