Chapter 225: Mobius is very happy

[Your joke didn't seem to be heard by Mobius, and you didn't explain too much. After all... with Mobius's ability, she will find out sooner or later, so there's no need to worry.]

  [As for now... let's just take good care of your injuries.]

  [Things went smoothly afterward. After all, in your current condition, you couldn't do much. You could only stay in the ward and "slowly" recover, and then see the people who came to visit you every day.]

  [For example, your comrades who fought together with you, such as Elysia and Himeko, such as Vill-V, and several people in the laboratory]

  [Himeko didn't need to say much. She was just amazed that you were able to make such a plan based on the data and information you observed on the battlefield, and successfully completed it in the end.]

  [Especially after reviewing your entire command process, she was even more surprised at your decisiveness and judgment... Because your plan seems to be full of loopholes, and it can even be said to be dangerous. If the "Herrscher" fails to follow your instructions at one step, or if you fail to attract the "Herrscher"'s attention, then the whole plan will collapse.]

  [And you also responded to this - if the Herrscher's target was not locked on you, then you would immediately abandon this plan and return to the containment mission...]

  [Like you said, this is just an attempt, an attempt to quickly resolve the current situation. The worst result is just going back to square one... If an accident occurs during the operation, you are willing to bear the corresponding punishment.]

  [Himeko expressed her understanding and admiration for your words... She understood your thoughts and admired your decisiveness.]

  [But she doesn't agree with your approach. After all, if you succeed this time, it's fine. If you fail... then your situation will be very bad.]

  [Of course, she doesn't object to your approach. After all, the war situation is unpredictable, and special situations require special responses... In short, you need to flexibly use your "double standards"]

  [Afterwards, Himeko also expressed her wish to fight alongside you in the future... In a way, this is an acknowledgment of you.]

  [By the way, Himeko also invited you to dance with her at the celebration party... and then you were discovered by Mobius who came to visit you.]

  [In the end, Himeko also left with a big laugh under Mobius's slightly warning look... But you heard that after she left, she went out to drink alone, crying and muttering something like "Another man was kidnapped early. If this continues, I will really become an old leftover woman."]

  [It is said that the other members of the fifth team were speechless. they really don't know what to say…]

  [And the other Elysia...she seems to be very interested in you all of a sudden. She comes to visit you every day and hints at something with words from time to time, trying to get some answers from you.]

  [However, you just evaded the question, answered with some vague words, or changed the subject directly... You didn't want to be honest with her, especially after coming into contact with the "fragments" in the rain.]

  [After all, "this time", the "path" you are going to take is completely different from Elysia's. You don't think Elysia will agree with you, and you don't think you and Elysia will become partners. In fact... in the end, Elysia may even become your "enemy"]

  [But... it doesn't matter. You know very well what you are doing. You have already realized the "path" you will take. You know clearly what you are preparing for, so... it doesn't matter.]

  [It doesn't matter even if I end up being her enemy]

  [In order to reach the "end", it is only natural to pay a little "price" on the way to "advance", isn't it?]

  [Elysia, who didn't get a definite answer from you, was somewhat disappointed… However, from your few words, her suspicions about you became deeper.]

  [Or rather, she has realized something... Although she doesn't understand why you do this, she still shows respect. After all... she herself doesn't have the courage to reveal her true identity to you directly. It's fine if you two just guess and know each other's secrets.]

  [As a result, Elysia's relationship with you has improved a lot, and she has paid more attention to you... Of course, this change is very subtle, and others have not noticed it.]

  [Besides them, there are also several people from the laboratory who come to visit you... Needless to say, Mobius comes to visit you almost every day. No matter what, you are her favorite little guy.]

  [The same is true for Klein. Of course, she came here mainly to report to you. During your rest period, Klein took over your work... Unfortunately, she is not as good as you in terms of her way of doing things and her ability to arrange time. Therefore, she has been working overtime recently and has dark circles under her eyes almost every day.]

  [As for Cang Xuan and Dan's hard for you to say]

  [Except for the first day when these two little guys came to visit you, they really came to visit you. In the following days...they came just to slack off, or to complain to you about having too much work.]

  [There's nothing we can do. Without you, the "efficient processor", the entire lab has become busier. The work that was originally yours has now fallen on them and Klein… The sudden high workload has made them a little dizzy for a while.]

  [No, wait a minute... Considering the daily habits of these two little guys... they wouldn't leave most of the work to Klein, right?!]

  [Tsk… you'll have to discipline these two guys after you get better.]

  [As for the fact that they are using their visit to you as an excuse to slack off... it doesn't matter. Let them be proud for a few days. You will be fine soon.]

  [On the third day of your recovery, you received news that Hen's team had also resumed contact and successfully returned to the base. After he learned about your situation, he also brought his family to visit you.]

  [To be honest, you don't really want Griseo to see you like this. Although your injuries are recovering quickly, you still look a little scary. Griseo is still young, and it would be bad if she had any trauma from this.]

  [However, Griseo doesn't seem to care about this at all. She even imitates you with interest and rests on the bed like you.]

  [Even when Blanca and Hen weren't noticing, Griseo quietly crawled into your arms, lying down like you, and then fell asleep under your arms... You didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this, and could only remind Blanca and Hen to take Griseo back to rest.]

  [Mobius, who also witnessed all of this, looked at Griseo with complicated eyes, and then looked at you with equally complicated eyes. Finally, she sighed with a little annoyance, and a little helplessness and bitterness.]

  [During this period, Vill-V also came to visit you. After meeting Mobius, she made a fuss at first, and then she and her parents showed concern for you...]

  [It's just that when Vill-V's parents come to visit you, their eyes often wander between you and Mobius, and finally their eyes will stay on Vill-V, looking at Vill-V with a look that means "I'm disappointed in you" and a little bit of "You deserve it"]

  [When Vill-V turned around to express her doubt, they sighed deeply, looking as if their daughter was hopeless, which made Vill-V feel confused.]

  [But what they don't know is that when they are away and when Mobius is not around, Vill-V will still sneak up to you and look a little... uh... "fragile"? It makes you feel a little surprised.]

  [Ah... yes, Vill-V is still the same Vill-V, but you have been looking at her proud and confident appearance for too long, and her rather weak appearance is almost forgotten in the corner of your memory.]

  [You comforted her skillfully, and then... you noticed something was wrong.]

  [Vill-V's attitude towards you seems a little too deep... and she hopes to get the "stone" back from you]

  [In her words, she has made a new discovery in her research on "stone", but she is missing your half, so...she wants you to "lend" it to her]

  [In fact, after coming into contact with the "fragments" in the rain, you had some guesses, so you did not object, but agreed quite happily... But this matter has to be settled after you recover.]

[Seeing this, Vill-V also nodded, indicating that she would wait, and then left happily.]

[Before she walked out of the room, she met Mobius... You clearly saw that when Vill-V passed by Mobius, she gave her a smug and proud look, which made Mobius feel puzzled.]

[But there is one thing that Mobius is very clear about... Vill-V's happiness must be related to you.]

['Tsk...Are you a peacock? You're always flirting with girls' Mobius complains to you in a somewhat unhappy tone.]

[However, even so, she still insisted on coming to see you every day... She even tried to cook for you, hoping to nourish your body.]

[But unfortunately, as a "useless person" who is almost trained by you to do nothing but research and experiments, Mobius obviously has no talent in cooking.]

[In the end, she could only bring some fruits or nutritional supplements that she prepared herself for you, which made you laugh (although doing so would draw the glare of Mobius).]

[Your body is still recovering rapidly, at an astonishing speed, and Mobius, who comes to visit you every day, noticed this. After a moment of silence, she did not say anything. When others expressed doubts, she casually explained that she had used extra potions.]

[Anyway, every time Mobius comes, she drives everyone else away, and no one else knows what happened inside. Plus, this is what Mobius said, so naturally... there is no problem.]

[Come on! That's Mobius!]

[Therefore, everyone didn't pay too much attention to it. They just sighed that Mobius was really amazing and seemed to have developed some new medicine... At the same time, others also sighed that Mobius was really a monster. She dared to use this medicine that was obviously not made public and not reported on her directly on you. It was really too much.]

[Mobius no longer cares about this. Compared to these "abnormalities" and "specialties" in you, the "misunderstandings" she has to bear are nothing.]

[On the fourth day of your recovery, Kevin and the members of the first team came back to rest and visit you... and you also learned about the situation on the front line from them.]

[Although there were not many Honkai beasts on land due to the "Fourth Great Eruption," they were quickly cleared out, but... a large number of Honkai beasts appeared in coastal areas, and there seemed to be a change in the sea, and a large number of Honkai beasts ran out of the sea.]

[Before this, Kevin and his team had gone to guard the beaches in various important areas... Fortunately, after holding on for a few days, the Honkai beasts seemed to have temporarily retreated, and they were able to catch their breath for a while.]

[However, the sea route is almost cut off, and the large number of Honkai beasts lurking in the ocean also makes it difficult for the "Fire Moth" to deal with it... This is not good news.]

[But that has nothing to do with you for now. After all, you are now a great contributor to the "Fire Moth" and the only person injured in the "Crusade". You deserve respect and preferential treatment. Therefore, after everyone briefly told you about the current situation, they didn't say much more.]

[You don't need to worry about these things now, just take a good rest.]

[It's just… unfortunately, if you really want to know the information, you don't necessarily need to hear it from them.]

[On the sixth day of your recovery, most of your injuries had recovered and you could even get out of bed and walk normally. Your speed amazed many doctors.]

[You also took this opportunity to open the window and feel the rain and breeze that have not stopped recently.]

[From them, you learned everything that "Mother" and "Blood Relatives" had done... At the same time, you also understood why the drizzle never stopped... It was simple, "Mother" was concerned about your injuries and wanted to see when you would recover.]

[…Well, as expected, you are still the most beloved child of "Mother." You express your gratitude for "Mother's" love, and at the same time express your concern for your "blood relative." You ask "Mother" to tell "blood relative" not to rush to look for him… It's too dangerous, too easy to be exposed, and easy to be "attacked."]

[Even if she wants to come, it's better to be secretive... Never mind, you can't expect your "blood relative" to understand how to come to see you secretly, so you should find a chance to see her.]

[Hmm? As for those people you specifically "marked"? Ah... you don't care about them. It's better to say that their results are within your expectations.]

[At the same time, you also roughly understand why Elysia and Himeko stayed in the base of the "Fire Moth"... Who let the people they escorted get into trouble?]

[Although the scene was destroyed beyond recognition by the waves... there is still some Houkai energy left there!]

[Although I don't know why the bodies of those people were not found, and why only those people were in trouble, the other staff and security personnel, although they don't know anything, were more or less injured, but they are all alive and well. Why is this?]

[Although according to the time, those people got into trouble after Elysia and Himeko left, but... there is still Honkai energy left there!]

[In short, the disappearance of those people has become a big mystery, and Elysia and Himeko were kept in the "Fire Moth" for investigation because they were suspicious... That's why they didn't go out to participate in the battle.]

[But unfortunately... in the end, the "Fire Moth" was unable to find anything. Elysia and Himeko knew nothing. They just carried out their mission seriously.]

[As for the staff and security personnel, they knew nothing at all... In the end, this major incident with many suspicious points could only be left unresolved. A small number of people lost their jobs, and there was no other way to deal with it.]

[In the end, the Fire Moth could only conclude that those people were hit by the Honkai explosion and died because of it.]

[As for why only those people died... they don't know!]

[Now, the more important thing is to snatch the resources from those people! Hurry up and grab them! Whoever grabs them first will own them!]

[Ah... ahem, sorry, I lost my composure. The most important thing right now is the Honkai beasts lurking in the ocean and the powerful Honkai beasts that appear in the coastal areas... Only these are the headaches for "Fire Moth."]

[It's just that those have nothing to do with you. On the seventh day of your recuperation, your injuries have recovered, leaving only a few marks. Logically speaking, you can start working now.]

[But you didn't. You were dragged back to the laboratory by Mobius and locked in the deepest research room. No one except her can see you, not even Klein, Cang Xuan, and Dan Zhu... let alone Elysia and Vill-V!]

[As for the excuse used by Mobius... it's that you still need to recuperate. There are still traces of Honkai erosion on your body. You need to wait until you are cured before you can continue working... During this period, she will be responsible for taking care of you.]

[There is nothing wrong with this reason. After all, there are indeed traces of Honkai erosion on your body... It can't be helped. It is natural for this situation to occur after suffering such serious injuries when facing the Herrscher.]

[But... if it's just for the purpose of curing Honkai erosion, there's no need to "lock you up", right? You should know that you have developed a special treatment method that can automatically cure Honkai erosion. There's no need to go through so much trouble.]

[And the second half of what Mobius said is also questionable... Take care of you? She's thankful that she doesn't need you to take care of her, but she's also taking care of you? Are you kidding?]

[But Mobius did not answer these questions. Anyway, she had already given enough reasons.]

[And you also understand what Mobius is thinking... She is aware of the "special" in your body, so she wants to study you.]

[So, you have no objection to Mobius's proposal. You also told others that it's okay, you believe the doctor.]

[Mobius is very happy.]

[Whether it's because of the "specialness" she discovered in you, or because of your trust.]

[Of course, more importantly, other people don't know what your God-given "specialness" really means in her eyes.]

[You are like the most perfect and best "sample" given to her by God, an "existence" that allows her to explore deeper things.]

[As expected, Mobius likes you, and you are worthy of her preference.]

[Whether it is your own "specialness" or your ideas and cognition.]

[Sure enough, you should belong to her.]