Chapter 234: I am not, I did not, don’t talk nonsense!

[When the "Fifth Great Eruption" broke out, you submitted an application to fight together as expected. Of course, because the situation was urgent, you did not wait for the permission of "Fire Moth" and set off directly.]

[After all... it was such a coincidence that you "just happened" to not be at the base of the "Fire Moth" at this time. You applied for an outing in advance to collect samples of special Honkai beasts that crawled out of the sea in the coastal areas.]

[And Mobius "just happened" to have made new progress in her research on "Shesha", so she didn't go with you.]

[And it just so happens that the coastal area you investigated is close to the outbreak site of the "Fifth Great Eruption". Therefore, in order to scout the enemy and find survivors, your team must go and check it out.]

[Ah... everything is just so "just right", isn't it? This makes it impossible for "Fire Moth" to refuse even if they want to.]

[After all, "Fire Moth" really doesn't want you to go to the battlefield, even though you have shown good combat and command abilities before... but you can play a greater role outside the battlefield.]

[Unfortunately, there is no point in saying more now. After all, the situation is urgent. In addition, you have brought all the equipment with you because you are going out to investigate and collect samples. In this case... they will let you go.]

[Your arrangement for "Fire Moth" is not surprising. After all, you are facing the "Herrscher". As long as it can increase the chances of winning, anything is fine... The only problem is that you will have to face Mobius' complaints and "revenge" later.]

[But those can be put aside for a while. If nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to catch Kalpas this time... And that is indeed the case. Because you arrived early, you also successfully ran into Kalpas, who was fighting against the "Fifth Herrscher".]

[And the battle situation is just as you expected. It is now at a stalemate. It is no longer like before, where Kalpas could solve it alone.]

[At the same time, while others were amazed that someone could actually fight against the "Herrscher" and even hold their own for a period of time, you had already joined the battlefield carrying the "Box" that was updated by Vill-V again, in order to relieve Kalpas' pressure.]

[Kalpas just glanced at you, with a bit of hostility and mania in his eyes, but in the end, seeing that you helped him, he temporarily suppressed his hostility towards you... Compared to you, the "Herrscher" in front of him is more attractive to him.]

[You also took over the command of the troops in a tough and skillful manner, which made the original captain of the team feel helpless... But out of trust in you and your excellent command in the last "Herrscher's Crusade", the other soldiers had no complaints.]

[Thus began a containment battle against the "Fifth Herrscher"... But unfortunately, as a being that controls "extreme cold", the "Fifth Herrscher" can have a great impact on people just by standing there, and the extremely low temperature around it makes it difficult for people to move.]

[This time, you can't do it as perfectly as you did in the "Fourth Herrscher Crusade". After all, you can't compete with the "Fifth Herrscher" for its "power". The power it exerts is naturally real, and the extremely low temperature is not suitable for "Mother" to help you…]

[The falling rain will probably be frozen into icicles before it even hits the ground, and then become a weapon to attack you... Although you can give the rain the property of being difficult to freeze so that the rain can fall successfully.]

[However, the dampness and extreme coldness after the rain will increase your burden and make your actions more difficult... You are lucky, after all, rainy days are your "home court". It can even be said that on a rainy day after you are exposed to the rain, it is not impossible for you to kill the "Fifth Herrscher" alone in seconds.]

[But... that requires you to completely accept the rain, show your true self, and tear off your "human" skin, which is actually something you don't want to do.]

[It's not that time yet.]

[What's more... even without the help of rain, you are not unable to fight, nor can you command. You should know that in addition to rain, the breeze can also bring you information, and the most important thing on the battlefield is information.]

[But this is still not enough. Facing the "Fifth Herrscher", who you cannot "weaken" and has even been strengthened, this is not enough.]

[On such a severe battlefield, there will certainly be situations where you need to "exchange pieces". Learning to make choices is a necessary part of battlefield command... Ah, but unfortunately, you chose to take them all.]

[Why else would you prepare so much and even come to find Kalpas?]

[Of course, you are using yourself and Kalpas to act as the "Exchange"!]

[Of course, you don't need to say more. Your strange self-healing ability is your capital. At the very least... it's just revealing your true self in advance and starting the "chess game" in advance. Although there will be some problems, it's not much of a problem... It's just that there will be a lot of things that need to be remedied later.]

[And Kalpas, as an anomaly among anomalies, was even an "inhuman" existence from the beginning, so he was naturally outrageous. Coupled with his own nature of craving for battle, the rage that almost never extinguished would support everything he had.]

[So, you two are already abnormal, aren't you the best candidates for "exchanging pieces"?]

[After all... you won't really be "exchanged", you can even use this to "get something for free".]

[In addition, the wind caused by the temperature difference between the low-temperature environment and other areas will bring you information. You have also successfully suppressed the "Fifth Herrscher". Although you cannot kill it, it doesn't matter. Support is coming.]

[As someone who had participated in and successfully conquered two Herrschers, Elysia was very sensitive to timing. Before joining the battle, she observed for a while, then seized the opportunity to penetrate the defense of the Fifth Herrscher from an unexpected position, successfully injuring it.]

[It's a pity that it reacted, otherwise this attack should have directly penetrated its heart.]

[The pain makes it angry, so it will naturally want to fight back, but in such a high-intensity battle, even a short pause can be fatal, not to mention that Elysia's attack gives you the opportunity to "kill" it.]

[The brief pause allowed it to react quickly, and it quickly shifted its attention to Elysia who suddenly joined the battle. As a result, it blocked the energy arrow that Elysia followed and was aimed at its forehead. At the same time, it also re-strengthened the defense around itself.]

[Then, you used the "Box" to break its incomplete defenses again. Kalpas' figure rushed into its body despite the extreme coldness around it, and a series of combos almost killed it...]

[Unfortunately, there was still too much ice covering its body, which bought it some time, allowing it to successfully repel Kalpas before being killed by Kalpas, and barely surviving for a while.]

[But I'm sorry, you already have enough information and chess pieces. The places that need to be exchanged have been filled by you and Kalpas, and the moment of victory was also created by Elysia. So what is needed next... is just a series of moves.]

[When it just managed to repel Kalpas, when it scattered ice, trying to disperse and freeze everything around it, your "Box" has been fully charged, and one arrow (cannon) shattered its newly drawn defense, and the attacks of the rest of the soldiers followed closely, destroying its possible counterattack.]

[Then, you endured the extreme cold and attracted its attention, using its last defense against an attack that could not possibly hurt it. Finally... the energy arrow emitting pink light attacked again and pierced it.]

[I'm so sorry, Checkmate is dying.]


"Alright, Kalpas, don't move. I'm healing you."

Nozomi squatted beside Kalpas, whose body was covered with icicles, and spoke as he picked the ice off his body.

"...Hehe... Don't think I can't smell it."

Kalpas was silent for a while before answering with a sneer.

"The damp smell on you makes me sick... You are so hypocritical and mysterious."

However, despite saying this, he had no intention of moving or struggling and just let Nozomi bandage his wounds.

"I didn't expect your vocabulary to have expanded."

Nozomi said with some surprise.

"But... I won't deny what you said."


As Nozomi finished his words, Kalpas swung a punch towards Nozomi's face... but Nozomi blocked it with his hand.

However, this dull sound still startled the others, causing the surroundings to fall silent for a moment, and everyone turned their eyes to the two of them.

"Alright, alright, don't be nervous... The enemy has been defeated, okay?"

Nozomi first deliberately raised his voice so that the people around him could hear him and put their minds at ease. They all showed an expression of understanding at the same time... It turned out that they had not yet recovered from the war situation. they understand.

"Kalpas, although I don't mind fighting with you..."

Nozomi held Kalpas' fist and put it back to his side little by little until Kalpas relaxed his strength, Nozomi let go.

"But not now, okay?"

"Humph... you are just a hypocritical guy in human skin... What? Do you really value this boring skin?"

"Whatever you say... However, if you want to fight me, I can indeed agree to it... But not now, just be quiet for a while, okay?"

Nozomi spoke softly as he continued to help him pick off the remaining icicles on his body as if nothing had happened. He then applied some medicine to him and wrapped a bandage around his wound.

"...Hmph, hypocrisy."

Kalpas looked at the blood-stained bandages on his body and snorted again, but this time he did not have any extra reaction and just continued speaking.

"But why should I listen to you?"

"I can provide you with combat opportunities later, and let you enjoy the thrill of fighting... I also give you a promise, a promise that you can fight and kill me, as long as you are patient for a while."

Nozomi said with a smile.

"It's like clenching your fist and pulling it in so that you can punch harder when necessary, instead of backing off."

"Hehe... Haha! I like the way you put it!"

Nozomi's metaphor made Kalpas understand the meaning quickly, so he laughed twice and then responded... It was his laughter that attracted the attention of others again. After Nozomi waved his hand slightly, indicating that Kalpas was fine, they withdrew their gazes.

"How is it, Kalpas?"

"…Very good."

Kalpas was silent for a while before saying this.

"Although I don't know how you know me, and I don't know why you make me feel so uncomfortable... But since you said so, I will naturally agree to it!"

"I am looking forward to that day... When that day comes, I will tear your hypocritical skin into pieces."

"Before that, I hope you can do what you said. Bring me the battles, the killings, and the enemies!"


Nozomi nodded and bandaged Kalpas' last wound... Although this action seemed unnecessary for Kalpas, the attitude was what was important now.

Then, Nozomi smiled, stretched out his hand, closed his four fingers, leaving only the little finger, and gestured towards Kalpas.

"So, you promised? You have to behave yourself before you fight me, okay?"

"…Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"Just tell me whether you agree or not."

"…What should I do?"

"Just copy me."


Nozomi wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but he always felt that Kalpas's expression under the mask seemed awkward. However, despite Kalpas's reluctance, he awkwardly raised his hand, bringing four fingers together and hooking his little finger with Nozomi's, which signified agreement.

"That's all I need."

"Well, I'll submit an application to the Fire Moth later. I believe they won't pass up on your strong combat skills… As for the special part of your body, I'll also figure out how to explain that. In short, don't worry about any other issues. Just enjoy the battles."

Nozomi stood up and casually spoke.

"Oh, and if you feel unhappy, come to me, but don't fight others—they can't withstand your strength."

"Hohoho… Anytime is fine?"

Kalpas stood up as if nothing had happened, ignoring the surprised looks from the others. He slightly moved his shoulders, and his eyes under the mask locked onto Nozomi, as though ready to start a fight right now.

"No, only when I'm free."


Nozomi blocked Kalpas's fist again.

"Kalpas, I already told you, not now."

Nozomi's voice was light and easy.

"You should rest now because trouble is coming later."


Kalpas curled his lips and walked away, finding a quiet spot to rest. There were too many people around, and it was making him uncomfortable and irritated.

"Oh my~ Nozomi, are you hated?"

Elysia's cheerful voice came at the perfect moment.

"Kalpas is always like this, no need to worry."

Nozomi turned around, greeted Elysia slightly, and walked towards another spot.

"Thanks to you this time, Elysia."

"No, no, no, how could that be~ Although I'm also important, I still hope you can lead even better~"

Elysia blinked and smiled as she quickly caught up with him.

"This time, it was all thanks to you and that guy... Kalpas, right? Thanks to you both for handling so many dangerous situations. No one got hurt... Congrats, Nozomi, another flawless command~"

"Everyone's singing your praises~"

"Don't flatter me. If I let it get to my head, I might fall."

Nozomi waved his hand, amused, then looked over at Hen, wrapped in a blanket and shivering. He chuckled.

"What's wrong, Hen? Feeling cold?"

"Yeah, I'm freezing… ah… help, I think my blood is turning into ice."

Hen spoke with some embarrassment, though his tone was playful. It was clear he was relaxed now.

"Who told you to get so close to me? Feeling better now? Regretting it?"

Nozomi teased.

"I just wanted to ensure precision…"

"Are you so unsure of yourself?"

"Ahem, I'm old, after all."

"Are you serious? Should I go back and tell Griseo her father is already an old man?"

"You wouldn't dare!"

"What am I afraid of?"

Nozomi crossed his arms, raising his eyebrows with amusement.

"When the time comes, I'll have Griseo call you an old man. I bet you'll be thrilled, right?"

Hen imagined the scenario where his sweet Griseo called him "old man" in Nozomi's arms, while Nozomi wore a smug grin beside her. No, it felt like his head would explode.

"Nozomi! I will fight you!"

Hen, now in a fluster, threw off the blanket and leaped at Nozomi.

Then, the frail Hen was promptly subdued by Nozomi with one hand, who also took Hen's blanket and wrapped Hen back into a bundle. The surrounding crowd laughed at the scene.

"Alright, how are the other teams doing? I heard the Kevin took over the captain's position earlier, right? Leading the team to hunt down the Herrscher's companion Honkai beast? How's that going?"

After "handling" Hen, Nozomi took out his terminal, ready to write a report about Kalpas to the Fire Moth, while asking about the status of the other teams.

"Don't worry. While Kevin's command isn't as sharp as yours, their own combat ability is top-tier. The suppression mission is nearly over. We should hear good news from them soon~"

Elysia smiled.

"That's good. The Kevin's combat strength is indeed sufficient..."

After all, no matter "which timeline," Kevin has always been the strongest on the human side.

"If that's the case, then I can rest easy... I have other things to take care of, so I'll be heading off now, alright?"

"Won't you rest, Nozomi?"

"No, there's still much to handle, I can't stop here."


Elysia clasped her hands behind her back, leaned forward, and blinked her lovely eyes as she spoke softly, her voice laced with mischief.

"Are you sure you're not avoiding returning to the base to meet Mobius?"

"You know, you went to the battlefield without her permission this time~"

"I imagine Dr. Mobius must be worried about you."

"When you go back, I bet she'll complain, right?"

"So... are you making up an excuse to run from Mobius's retaliation~?"


Nozomi's body tensed up slightly, and he cleared his throat. With the knowing glances from everyone around, he made his final "retreat."

"I'm not, I didn't... Elysia, stop with the nonsense."

And with that, Nozomi quickly made his exit, not looking back.

All that was left was the sound of laughter from the crowd, watching him "escape in a panic."