Chapter 236: [Nozomi], reporting to you

[In the end, Pardofelis managed to stay in the laboratory. Although she was somewhat afraid of Mobius for some reason, and Mobius didn't have a good face towards her, she allowed her to stay in the laboratory after all.]

[Of course, Pardofelis also had her first official "job"—playing with Griseo and taking care of Griseo when no one else was free.]

[This is actually a very easy job. After all, Griseo is a very well-behaved child. Her interests are limited to painting. When Griseo is concentrating on the canvas, she is very quiet. She has no other hobbies except sticking to other people.]

[And surprisingly, Griseo seemed to like Pardofelis very much. Or maybe it was because Pardofelis knew how to get along with children? In short, the two of them had a very happy time together.]

[However, during this process, Pardofelis occasionally felt the sharp gaze from Mobius...]

[Although Pardofelis doesn't understand what Mobius cares about, forget about you. After spending some time in the "Fire Moth", she also understands the relationship between you and Mobius and even heard about your ambiguous relationship with several other girls... If that's the case, she can also understand why Mobius reacted like that when she approached you.]

['But what about Griseo? Doctor Mobius, you are not going to be jealous of a child, are you?' Pardofelis often thinks so.]

[Because of all these factors, Pardofelis realized one thing—Mobius is a very troublesome person who should not be provoked.]

[Based on this, Pardofelis basically avoids Mobius when she is not taking care of Griseo. At the very least... she will seek your protection.]

[Because she has discovered that you are not only able to control the dangerous Mobius but also have a wide network of contacts in the "Fire Moth" and have good relations with all parties... Isn't this a great partner?!]

[In order to hold on to you as a "thigh" and at least prevent you from being disappointed in her and giving up on her, Pardofelis is also working hard to show off in front of you.]

[So, out of this desire to stay (after all, the treatment you give is really good), plus the desire to cling to you as a super "thigh", and a little fear of Mobius, etc... Pardofelis relied on her own perseverance and forcibly changed her bad habit of "taking" something at random.]

[Hmm... maybe there are some reasons related to Griseo that made Pardofelis persist? After all... Pardofelis doesn't want to be a bad role model and let Griseo learn something she shouldn't learn, or realize some wrong ideas.]

[More importantly, Pardofelis knew that stealing was wrong, but she had to do it in order to survive. Now that she has solved her own survival problem and can even live comfortably, she feels that she does not need to keep this bad habit.]

["After all, it would be bad if we set a bad example for little Griseo!" This is what Pardofelis replied when you mentioned this incident by chance.]

[You can see her straighten her back, pat her chest, and say this with some pride... Then, you can also see that when Griseo called out "Sister Pardo" in a playful manner, Pardofelis showed a happy expression on her face. She first responded softly, then quickly greeted you, ran to Griseo's side with a brisk pace, and took her to play together.]

[If Pardofelis had a tail right now, it would probably wag happily as well.]

[And Pardofelis's efforts were also noticed by others. Blanca and Hen successively recognized Pardofelis and acknowledged her as Griseo's playmate. Their relationship with her also improved a lot.]

[Mobius seemed to have changed her attitude towards her because of this. Her tone towards her was no longer cold and she would occasionally give her tasks to pass on information...]

[Of course, when Pardofelis first received these things, she was a little timid, but after confirming that Mobius was not targeting her, she also completed all the tasks seriously...]

[She really wanted to stay here, to stay in this life that, in her opinion, was already on the right track and quite relaxed and happy.]

[Well then... Pardofelis's situation has been stabilized for now, and then it's Aponia's turn...]

[In fact, you don't have to worry about Aponia. As I said before, when Aponia's suspicion is cleared and the "Fire Moth" finds out that she really took in those patients just out of kindness, the "Fire Moth" will not do anything to her.]

[After all, there is a treatment for "Honkai Disease", and all we need to do is find a patient. All other problems seem less important.]

[Then, at this time, if you reveal to them the special features of Aponia, they will naturally keep Aponia so that they can explore the special features of Aponia.]

[At the same time, in order to prevent them from using some extreme means, you have to mediate and communicate more with Aponia... Oh no, you don't need to communicate anything with Aponia at all. She basically smiles and nods in agreement with whatever you say.]

[According to her, you are getting closer to the "end", and she is happy to be by your side and witness you until this moment.]

[You naturally know what she is talking about, but you are somewhat surprised that "He" favors Aponia so much that he actually gave her the ability to see the silk thread at this moment... Logically speaking, this should be something Aponia has when she becomes a "non-human".]

[Aponia just shook her head... At this moment, she can't see other people's threads. She can only see yours and the thread connecting her and you. This is why she trusts you so much.]

['I see…' You seem to understand a little bit.]

[Then, the only thing you have to consider now is whether the "Fire Moth" guys will use some over-the-border means.]

[Ah... Come to think of it, I haven't mentioned that name for a long time. That terrible, disgusting, chaotic place where you once stayed—"Poison Pupa".]

[Hmmm… just in time. Before the "chess game" begins, let's get rid of some of the guys who might interfere. they can't let themselves get confused and fight among themselves in the face of a massive threat… This is not good. they won't be able to withstand the impact of the Honkai on their consciousness.]

[In addition, they also need to do a good job of protecting their consciousness. It is too easy for ordinary people to collapse and despair if they unilaterally display their overwhelming advantage, and it will allow the Honkai to take advantage of the situation... ah, really, there are so many things to consider and so many things to deal with.]

[But now... let's first clean up those guys who might hinder us.]

[After all... thanks to previous research and your assistance, Mobius's research on Honkai has become more in-depth.]

[In addition to the appearance of Kalpas and his several outstanding performances on the battlefield, Mobius became very interested, and her research and some plans became more radical... Well, in other words, Mobius has now completed the draft plan for the fusion warrior.]

[Even after discussing with you, the initial design of the Fusion Warrior was almost complete... and Mei later noticed a clue and joined in to further improve the plan.]

[If nothing unexpected happens, the Fusion Warrior Plan should be completed before the next "Great Eruption" breaks out... and then it will be opposed by the Fire Moths. Based on this plan, the Fire Moths will reject you and launch some attacks against you.]

[Mobius and you, they can't move, and it's not easy to move, so they will focus on Mei... Ha, it turns out that everything is a circle, and it will come back to you after all the twists and turns.]

[…No, this should be a kind of "node of destiny", just like a certain plot that is bound to happen in a "story."]

[Unfortunately... This time, it will be different.]

[You will distort all this in another direction.]



It is the sound of rain falling along the window sill.

A damp smell spread outdoors, accompanied by a cool breeze, bringing a hint of chill.

The sky was blocked by dark rain clouds, casting another layer of dark curtains over the already pitch-black night. At this moment, even the rain could not be seen. The only way to judge the severity of the rain was by the sound of rain falling around and the rain falling on one's body.

Only when people turn on the lights for illumination, can everyone see the transparent raindrops reflecting the lights with the help of the lights.

But... that's all.

There is no moon or stars, the sky is as black as ink, and the rain is like a curtain... all of this is blocking people's vision. The instinctive fear of darkness and the unknown makes people irritated.

Similarly, out of their instinct to seek a sense of security, people always choose to stay indoors on rainy nights, using lights to dispel darkness and the unknown, and using warmth and dryness to dispel cold and dampness.

Well… most people are like that.

"This isn't a very nice day, Al."

A middle-aged man looked at the pitch-black rainy night outside the window, frowned slightly, and spoke softly to his companion.

"And... I always have a very dangerous feeling, as if I am being watched by something."


The man called Al rarely showed any frivolous look. After a brief silence, he nodded slightly and spoke seriously.

"I have the same feeling, a feeling of being targeted by something very dangerous... This shouldn't be the case. We clearly promised those guys that as long as we help them, we can enter the power level of the Fire Moth, at least as a hidden 'knife'..."

"Unless they want to abandon us completely, we shouldn't be targeted..."

"Or they just want to push us out to take the blame."

Another person expressed his opinion to Al.

"Didn't someone give us the order to assassinate that genius girl before?"

"I know, that Mei, the one that Dr. Mobius has taken a fancy to... To be honest, she's quite difficult to deal with. It's not easy to deal with her in the Fire Moth."

Al said so.

"Even if we find her out, it will be difficult. At least she has a guard team around her. At worst, she has her boyfriend Kevin. If we fail to hit her, the people we send out may not come back alive."

"Hmm... maybe they will survive in the end? Then they can find us, and those guys can just put the blame on us, leaving themselves clean, hehe..."

Al chuckled twice and then stretched.

"Oh~ Although I knew I would encounter this situation, those guys are too disappointing. I helped them do so much rubbish, but in the end, they still abandoned me because of such a small matter."

"This is no [small matter]."

The other person said seriously.

"The plan they submitted was too dangerous."

"Yes, yes, it's dangerous... Haha, what do you mean by dangerous? What do you mean by in order to ensure the definition of human, we can't actively create non-humans... Aren't they worried that once an individual with excessively high martial power appears, their own position will be unstable, and their power will be lost as well?"

Al stretched and spoke casually.

"To be honest, I want to support that plan... As long as we have a successful case, we will have more say."

"Al, it's not good to be too greedy. You have to do it bit by bit."

"Yes, yes, I know."

Faced with his friend's persuasion, Al naturally agreed happily.

"So the assassination must continue. We cannot disobey their orders now... Humph, once I have some say, I will let them know what it means to overturn the table."

"Yes, and we have to succeed... Otherwise, if Mei survives, we won't be able to handle the revenge from her faction."

"Yeah, that's right. Not to mention Mobius, who is secluded in the laboratory but has terrifying power, and her assistant... but she is very difficult to deal with."

Al lowered his head, thinking.

"he is just an assistant, but now he is almost in charge of everything Mobius says outside... Besides that, he has a good relationship with the engineering department and the operations department, and he gets along well with the ordinary soldiers..."

"His battlefield command is also outrageous. He achieved a record of zero deaths in both [Crusades]. He is not an easy character to get along with."

"So, we have to succeed... huh?!"

The two people in the room frowned at the same time, and their bodies tensed at the same time.


"Yeah, I feel it..."

Al slowly narrowed his eyes and moved his arm silently, trying to touch the weapon he had hidden under the table.

"Something dangerous thing is approaching..."

"It's a bit too much to say that I'm a [thing]."

A relaxed and steady voice echoed quietly.

And... it didn't come from indoors, it came from outside!

"I am a human being... at least, that's what I think."

The voice outside continued, its tone still calm, like a quietly flowing stream.


Al didn't respond, but quickly grabbed the weapon under the table.

The body... can't move?


There was some light laughter coming from outside the house.

"You are just resting here. It is not completely enclosed. In other words... there are gaps in the doors and windows. As long as there are gaps, wind and water will float into the room and surround you."

"And this invisible and difficult to sense water will naturally be absorbed into your body... hehe."


It seemed to be the sound of a door being unlocked.

'This is impossible! Whether it is the physical key or the electronic password, only the two of them should have it!' Al thought with some doubt, staring at his door with wide eyes as if he wanted to confirm who the guy who came to trouble them was the first time.

'No... that's not right. This kind of strange ability should only be possessed by...'

The two people in the room thought of an extremely terrifying existence 'the Herrscher.'

"So... I'm sorry, I'm overwhelming you guys right now~"


The door opened, revealing the figure outside.


What followed was that the damp and cold air outside quickly rushed into the room. The sound of heavy rain instantly filled the surroundings and occupied the hearing of the two people.

"Great multi-lock, but... still a little too simple."

He smiled and moved his gloved hands gently, inputting special commands into the devices on his knuckles.

"The power of technology, you two."

He even deliberately showed off, as if he was showing off to outsiders some excellent work made by his relatives and friends. He deliberately let the Soulium flow like water in front of the two people, transferring the decoder back to him and making it a part of his special combat uniform again.

"You... no, wait... you are... Herrscher?"

Al looked at the person in front of him and said with some doubt.

"Well... you can say that, but at the same time, I am also a [human]."

"At least that's what I think."

He smiled, blinked his strange three-colored eyes, and stared at the two people in the room with calm yet dangerous eyes.

"Long time no see... No, it should be [first meeting], Commander Al of Poison Pupa."

"Even though you don't remember it, but..."

Nozomi bowed slightly towards the two of them and spoke softly.

"Your [Top Card]——Nozomi, has come to report to you."


The lightning struck, illuminating the dark rainy night behind him for a moment.

The lights in the house flickered as if they had short-circuited due to moisture.

However, in a trance, only Nozomi's strange three-color pupils, with the scarlet being the brightest, were particularly obvious, and only... the sound of violent rain filled their ears.