Chapter 242: Rain, pouring down


When Nozomi came to his senses, what was coming towards him was a raging fire. Although protection had been created and the flames had been blocked, the scorching heat seemed to penetrate the protection of the combat uniform and act directly on the skin, and the burning pain came in an instant.

"Hiss… huh…"

Nozomi quickly adjusted his breathing, steadying his body as he was knocked back, and at the same time tensed his entire body to relieve the pain... But when he focused his attention on this matter, he discovered that the so-called burning sensation was nothing more than "phantom pain."


Vill-V's slightly nervous voice came through the communication.

"I'm fine. Tell me what you saw just now."

"You suddenly stopped moving just now. You must have been affected by some kind of power... In order to prevent any accidents, I took over the operation of the aircraft for a while."

"That's good... But since you didn't see it, that's also good news... At least it proves that only those of us who were present will be affected."

Nozomi rolled over several times and retrieved the "box" with the help of Vill-V. He quickly adjusted his position and avoided its attack.

"Ugh...shit...what is this? A mental attack?"

A distressed voice came from the communication.

" many people are still able to move? And...why is the aircraft on autopilot?"

Himeko's voice also followed, but from her voice, it seemed that she was not in good condition either.

"I took over the aircraft. I saw you all suddenly stopped moving just now. In order to avoid any accidents, I forcibly took over the control of your aircraft."

"...Ms. Vill-V, you should know that installing a [backdoor] on such a critical item is forbidden by the Fire Moth, right?"

Himeko was silent for a while, then gave a somewhat helpless reminder, and then said with some relief.

"But never mind. This time it's all thanks to you... Hua, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine...but what happened just now was..."

"It should be some kind of mental attack. How troublesome... There is no way to defend against this kind of thing. How come this Honkai beast knows so many things?"

Hen smacked his lips, steadying his weapon again and trying to attack it, attempting to reduce the pressure on Nozomi.

No one knew what had gone wrong with it, or if there was something on Nozomi that particularly attracted it. Now it kept chasing and beating Nozomi, so much so that it ignored the other people who had not yet woken up.

While Nozomi was avoiding its attacks, he also tried to fight back... However, it didn't seem like it was going to give Nozomi this chance.


The "key" slowly turned a scale, and then... the inexplicable power spread out again.

"Come again?!"

There was a bit of anger and fear in everyone's voice, but... unfortunately, they did not have the ability to resist this kind of power now, let alone Nozomi who was the target.

After all, the essence of this power comes from oneself, the fear of something happening to oneself... In simple terms, one is scaring oneself.


"Tsk... it's clearer than before."

In a flash, everything in front of Nozomi's eyes changed again, turning into the appearance of space... Ah, yes, this was the "third time", when he was on the moon.

However, compared to the previous time, when he only saw the [ending] scene and everything else was based on Nozomi's own speculation, this time, Nozomi knew even more.

Next to his ears, he heard his own singing... Nozomi understood that he was singing for this [world], in order to change the "pattern" surrounding the planet into a "song" flowing on the planet.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Moonlight Throne will attack next, with the radiance of energy shining brightly… In this final moment, he can still see Eden's [beautiful] appearance, the giant whale flying in space and cruising among the sea of ​​stars.

But... Nozomi knew that he would not be able to see what happened next, and he would definitely not be able to see that scene.

After is not for Nozomi to review his "memories".

And then, Nozomi also witnessed the other [ending] that it showed her, or rather, what Nozomi himself had worried about, which might happen the "third time".

What he saw was that the target of the Moonlight Throne's attack was Eden; the one that was about to be covered by the light was not him, but the spaceship that Eden was riding on.

The "Eighth Herrscher" who controlled all of this seemed to be deliberately creating a situation to force Nozomi to choose between Eden and the [World]. After all... his "song" had already come to an end, and if it was interrupted, all his efforts would most likely be wasted.

But Nozomi naturally had no hesitation about this. Between the [World] and Eden, he would choose Eden and only Eden.

Therefore, he interrupted his "song" and tried to use his power to protect Eden instead.

However, at this moment, he was too "fragile", this time he was too "soft", so that the power he developed was based on protection and treatment. After leaving the planet and losing his sensitivity to water, the ability to hurt others could be said to be completely gone.

Therefore, he was unable to dismember the Moonlight Throne, stop the attack, and protect Eden. He could only choose to use his own "song" to protect Eden.

And then... naturally, and as expected... it was late.

After all, the glory of the Moonlight Throne has already shone, and it is too late to change its target.

So Nozomi watched helplessly as the spaceship Eden was on disappeared before his eyes and her figure faded away.

Then, as if to deliberately provoke Nozomi, he suddenly found out that the "Eighth Herrscher" controlled the [Fourth God Key] and fell directly from the space orbit, completely destroying the base that preserved the "Utopia" and the "Garden of Eden"...

In this way, the people in the [painting] will never be able to get out... no, they may even die because of it, and the people outside will also have no way out.

Nozomi could even vaguely hear the unbridled laughter of the Eighth Herrscher, as if he was mocking that everything he had done to save the [world] was in vain.


In response, Nozomi just remained silent and quietly clenched his palms.



When Nozomi came to his senses, the silence that belonged to the moon in his ears was replaced by the roar of guns and the sound of burning flames.

At the same time, coming towards them was another fierce flame...but this time, the energy protection on Nozomi's body seemed to be exhausted, so that Vill-V could only remotely input commands for the "box" to change its form in order to protect Nozomi.


"Brother, are you awake again?"

"Well, thanks to you, Vill-V."

Nozomi tugged at his combat uniform slightly, and at the same time, cooperated with Vill-V, using the weapons in the "box" to fight back against it... Nozomi certainly knew who was helping him fight and who was protecting him while he was stunned.

"Why are you the only one attacked by it this time? Nozomi, what did you do to it?!"

Hen's words made Nozomi somewhat silent, but the message he revealed made Nozomi somewhat concerned.

Then, Nozomi also understood and said with a smile and a slightly relaxed tone.

"Maybe it took a fancy to me."

"You kid, stop being narcissistic here, do you have any other way... Tsk!"

Hen was just about to ask Nozomi if he had any ideas for a counterattack. After all, everyone else had woken up gradually. Although their faces were somewhat pale, they could still continue fighting after taking a breath. In that case, Nozomi could not be left alone to continue being beaten.

But at this moment, everyone saw...


The "Key" turned another scale.

Nozomi no longer wanted to say anything about this.



'Very good, much clearer than last time.'

And this time, just as Nozomi expected, it was the "second time".

This time, what he saw was not very long, and not much happened.

The only small change was that... in the end, Nozomi's [Judgment] against himself failed.

It was simple, really simple, a matter that was extremely simple... It was just that there was a slight mistake in his [judgment] of himself, in his [verdict] of himself.

Then, his self was swallowed up by the "first time", the "abyss" created by Nozomi himself.

Finally... to the surprise of others and as everyone rushed to respond, the world was swallowed up by the sea and the entire planet turned completely blue.

There is no fire, no warmth, only seawater, only wet cold.

And the "pattern" surrounding the planet has not changed at all.


Nozomi adjusted his breathing slightly and slowly loosened his clenched hands.



'Ah... How boring, the scene is exactly the same as the previous ones.'

'The only thing that has changed is the condition of my body… The wound has appeared and the pain is real.'

'I can even feel my body getting weaker and my strength slipping away... How boring.'

Nozomi's originally somewhat annoyed and anxious heart became calmer... He was somewhat too angry.

"Hey! You! You Honkai beast! Take a look at us…"

"What are you planning on doing by staring at one person all the time?!"

"Vill-V! Can you still operate it?! Take Nozomi and retreat! Go to a safer place! We'll come this way!"

"I'm doing it!"

The communication could be heard with the teammates' desperate shouts, and even Vill-V's voice became a little anxious... In that short period of time, Nozomi could see countless instructions through his mask... That was Vill-V helping.

'Ha... now I'm really being a substitute.'

But this time, it didn't even give others time to breathe, or rather, it didn't intend to give Nozomi time to breathe.

"Damn it!!!"

An angry roar from Hen was heard over the comms, followed by the sound of ammunition pouring out.


However, the "Key" still turned, once again, one scale.


"…I knew it."

Nozomi looked at everything in front of him and murmured softly.

This time, he returned to the "first time", or rather, he "saw" what it wanted to show him, and even another [ending] of the "first time" that Nozomi himself had worried about.

And this time, it is clearer than any time before.

"Promise me, Nozomi..."

What Nozomi could hear was the voice that belonged only to her - Elysia.

"Always...always, keep going~"

he can feel the unique scent of Elysia.

"I know, I've always known, Nozomi is a very strong person. It's really amazing that he can persist until now."

He could feel the warmth coming from her body... She hugged him tightly and buried her head in his arms. Rarely, she did not look up at him.

"So, don't worry, just hold on, and then... just wait with hope in your heart~"


He could also naturally feel the spreading and growing pink crystals gradually enveloping his body.

But this time, she didn't get her wish.


The sword blade pierced the skin, penetrated the flesh and bones, and finally... pierced through her body.

The blood flows quietly, dyeing the puddles on the ground red, but in a flash, the bright red blood will disappear and turn into... the azure blue color that is unique to water.


Elysia seemed very surprised and puzzled, and when she raised her head, she could only see Nozomi's disappointed, resentful, hostile and distracted... eyes.

"Ah…ah…I'm sorry…"

Elysia muttered to herself.

She could only lower her head, with understanding, helplessness, and sadness, and then raised her crystal flowers bloomed, trying to wrap Nozomi up.

However, the rain fell and the blue water rushed, shattering her last effort and the last bit of luck.

She could only retreat forcefully, putting some distance between herself and Nozomi, and finally, with injuries, she fought against Nozomi.

There is no need to elaborate on what happened afterward. All you need to know is that Elysia... no, she, and even them, all the people left in this [world], died and became a speck of foam in the sea.

Even their efforts and everything they left for future generations were destroyed and submerged, leaving only a pile of useless and broken waste.

However, Nozomi did not disappear, nor did he die... He was just immersed in the sea, lying quietly in the deep sea.

From now on, all [civilizations] born on this planet will be [liquidated] by him at some point, without exception.

He... Nozomi, the existence of this name that originally had a beautiful meaning, became the most profound despair and the [end] of everything on this planet.

And on this beautiful planet, there will never be a chance for such a dazzling thing as civilization to be born again.

"…I knew it."

In response, Nozomi just murmured calmly.

Ah... this was also what he had imagined and worried about. What would happen in the end if he couldn't hold on the "first time"?

Yes, this was something he himself had feared would happen, something he had been terrified of.


"You don't need to tell me this kind of thing."

Nozomi's voice was very calm, so calm that it was... a little scary.



'That's really boring.'

Nozomi, whose body crashed through the ground and even into the underground shelter, was covered in burns and blood, thinking expressionlessly.

The combat suit made of "Soulium" on his body has been damaged for the most part, and he is frantically absorbing the surrounding Honkai energy to replicate itself in an attempt to repair itself.

The "box" seemed to have been knocked away by it and was temporarily separated from Nozomi... It was a pity that the mask was broken, so it was impossible to understand what kind of instructions Vill-V had entered.

His sight shifted, and Nozomi noticed those people who retreated to the corner... Ah, was he mistaken, was the engineering of "Fire Moth" so bad that it could allow him to crash into the shelter?

'Looks like I'll have to file a complaint against the people who built this shelter later.'

'Or... was the attack on me so severe that it could break through the wall of the shelter?'

'Oh... it seems to be true. My whole body hurts. I wonder how many of my internal organs are still intact. How many bones are broken? Who knows?'

'But... it doesn't matter.'

'This little pain is nothing.'

"Big Brother…"

A little girl timidly entered Nozomi's field of vision... white hair and emerald green eyes...

'It's you, Narcissa... should I say unexpected? Or not unexpected?'

She seemed very scared, but still walked forward and tried to pull Nozomi's body, wanting to take him to a safer place.

"…I'm fine."

Nozomi slowly forced a smile, and with his blood-stained and burned hands, he gently pushed her away and pushed her into the shadows.

"It will be safe to hide here."

Nozomi endured the pain bit by bit, climbed up, and looked behind her... There were several children of the same age as her, and several adults who were obviously responsible for taking care of them.

In response to this, Nozomi showed a rather happy smile.

"Don't worry, it will be over soon..."

Nozomi whispered softly.


The "box" controlled by Vill-V came to Nozomi's side and stayed at the gap.

"Nozomi, are you still alive?"

In his ears, he could hear the anxious concerns of his comrades.

And in the sight... it seems that the "Key" wants to turn the scale again.

However, this time, it failed to get what it wanted, and Nozomi... would not let it get what it wanted.


A piece of building debris rushed towards it at a strange speed. Although it was burned by flames halfway, the subsequent attacks successfully interrupted its movement.

"I'm fine."

Nozomi first responded to Hen and the others' inquiries, and then switched to the exclusive channel for contacting Vill-V and spoke again.

"Vill-V, open the "box" and block the gap."

"Eh? But…but…"

"I'll take care of the rest."

Nozomi's tone was firm and unquestionable.

"...I see."

Seeing that Nozomi even tore off and gave up his combat uniform made of "Soulium", Vill-V understood.

He just silently adjusted the mode of the "box" to block the gap in the shelter.


Nozomi chuckled, took off his communication device, and then... crushed it.

"Is this what you want, [senpai], or should I call you... [Sister]?"

Nozomi raised his head and looked at it... it still maintained the appearance of a "Key" and seemed to still want to turn another scale.

However, the sense of threat coming from Nozomi, the overly strong hostility and targeting, forced it to stop this action.

No... it should be said that Nozomi at this moment will not be affected by its ability. After all... at this moment, the scarlet and gold in his pupils are extremely dazzling.

"Ahh... it's true that plans can't keep up with changes... but, it seems that there is no problem in doing it a little earlier."

"Come on... is this what you want? Is this what you want? For me to accept you again and again and become like that."

"That's good."

Nozomi smiled, and in his smile there was a hint of madness and anger... He at this moment was somewhat similar to him at the "first time".

Nozomi... was really a little angry.

"Then I will grant your wish."

His tone suddenly became calm and cold.



It is the sound of rain falling.

The other members who still didn't understand the situation looked at the rain clouds that suddenly swept in and everything suddenly became dim, and they were somewhat panicked... There was obviously still a super troublesome Honkai beast that had not been dealt with, and a "rainstorm" came at this critical moment. This was terrible.

And it's difficult to ask for help, after all, the other side has to face the "Herrscher"... Damn, fighting on two fronts is really troublesome!

However, just when they wanted to start the aircraft to meet and support Nozomi, they found that Vill-V did not give up control... and even took them away from the battlefield, saying that they would need to deal with the tide of Honkai beasts caused by the "heavy rain" next.

As for the doubts and accusations from Hen, Himeko, and others, Vill-V blocked them all.

Vill-V, who had already made a promise, would naturally do her best to help him, whether in terms of concealment or assistance.

So... we just need to restrict the others. Even if they want to forcibly jump out of the plane to support Nozomi, they must be stopped.

The battlefield... just leave it to Nozomi.

After all, Vill-V knew very well how angry Nozomi was at the moment.

And then… they don't know if it was an illusion of the people present, but even though they were at such a long distance and even though there was the noise from the aircraft, Hen, Himeko, and the others… still seemed to hear Nozomi's low whispers.

"Pouring like a flood"


It was as if a bubble in the sky had popped.

Heavy rain came in an instant.