Chapter 21 : Necklace

"It doesn't seem like a small wound though. How did you get it?" I asked, my voice laced with worry. Amaya held my hands with her warm palms, gently rubbing my hand with her thumb to calm my pounding heart. I wrinkled my forehead, my worried gaze fixed on her while she simply smiled at me.

"While walking down the stairs, she sprained her ankle and fell down." Sophia whispered, her voice heavy with guilt and pain. Seeing her eyes filled with anguish, one would think it was she who had been injured, not Amaya. "It's been a week already. The day after tomorrow, the doctor has scheduled us to remo–"

*Cough– cough–*

Amaya coughed, interrupting Elli mid-sentence. "Are you okay?" I asked hurriedly, rubbing her back. She shook her head and assured me she was fine with a wan smile. "Elli, pass me the bottle."

She released my hand and stretched her arm out for a bottle that was beside Fred. Elli took the bottle from Fred and handed it to Amaya, their fingers brushing into each other. "Thank you..." Amaya smiled, her eyes slightly narrowed.

There was a subtle tension in the air as Amaya and Elli's gazes met. Amaya's smile seemed forced, and her eyes held a hint of something unreadable.

"Have you thought about what you're going to do after high school?" My heart pounded in my chest as Sophia's question hung in the air.

I tried to sound casual as I replied, "I'm thinking of doing a full-time job at a convenience store until university starts." The thought of working again filled me with dread, but I can't talk about L.R. University right now since mom hasn't approved of it.

"A job?" Seth whispered, his eyes fixed on the ceiling tiles. "Maybe I should also do it…" A faint smile played upon his lips, but his eyes held a hint of uncertainty. Fred and Elli exchanged amused glances, their eyebrows arching in exaggerated surprise.

Amaya's gaze remained fixed on the boys, it was hard to understand what she was thinking, there was a smile on her face yet her eyes spoke something else. She was always unreadable and now too, she is unreadable. In my last life, Amaya came to my house to meet me after our final exam. A lot of things have changed in this life. Will that also change?


"Cheers!" I raised my glass to Somiya and Demi. We had decided to celebrate the last day of our high school exams at my house. Beers and snacks covered the table, loud music blared, and we danced together, shouting at the top of our lungs, taking advantage of my mom's absence.


The doorbell rang, interrupting our revelry. Leaving my friends to party, I walked towards the door.

In a loose black shirt and shorts, her hair tied in a ponytail, Amaya stood on the doorstep, her gaze fixed on her phone. "Ama?" I called out. She looked up and locked her phone. "Do you have a minute?" she asked, her voice casual yet soft.

"Care to join us for a party?" I smirked, raising my eyebrows playfully at her. But instead of her usual eye roll, she gently shook her head and pointed towards the road. "Need to tell you something. Care to go on a walk with me?"

My heart raced in my chest. I couldn't explain the excitement I felt at her invitation. Before I could speak, I closed the door and let her walk ahead with a smile on my face. "Can't refuse such opportunities," I grinned, my face flushed, my head slightly dizzy. Maybe the wind would sober me up, I thought.

We walked in silence, her gaze slightly lowered as if she was deep in thought. I couldn't help but stare at her, she was unusually quiet. She bit her inner lip and sighed heavily, her breath hitching in her chest. Glancing away, her eyes shimmered with unshed tears. Soon, we reached a hilltop. "Stay here," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

She walked towards a nearby store and bought a cold water. I sat down on the bench that was provided for visitors, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Here…" I heard her voice again. Glancing to my side, I saw her with a water bottle. I shook my head. "I'm not thirsty." She opened the cap and again gave it to me. "I want you to sober up. So wash your face and drink a little." I took the bottle and raised my eyebrows. "What are you planning on doing?" I asked, unable to stop the smile that spread across my face. I drank and washed my face, then took a deep breath. My heart pounded in my chest as I smiled at her, my grip tightened around the bottle, my gaze fixed on her. Is it!? Is it really a proposal? Is she going to propose to me!? I screamed in my mind. Unlike mine her face wasn't excited; it was rather calm and collected, as if she had practiced a lot in her mind to say it, but her eyes were tense and nervous betraying her calm expression. She parted her lips and I held my breath, "Zeya, I'm leaving tonight."

Leaving…? I was frozen on the spot, all excitement disappearing in a second. I didn't realize I was holding my breath till now.

"Haaaa…." I finally breathed, coming to my senses. "Are you out of your mind!? What were you thinking holding your breath for so long!?" She shouted, anger vivid in her eyes. She snatched the bottle in anger and opened the cap. She hurriedly helped me drink it. "Are you okay?" She asked. I grabbed her hand, my eyes filled with fear. I replied to her, "No, I'm not. Where are you going all of a sudden!?" She avoided looking at me. Her hands trembled slightly too. "Ama, I'm asking something. When are you returning?" I pulled her closer, but her gaze remained on the ground. "Aqua City… I'm not returning." She whispered, her voice trembling. It was a soft melody, a hummingbird's, yet it succeeded in breaking my heart.

Tears streamed down my face as I desperately fought to hold back the rush of emotions threatening to consume me. My voice hoarse and broken, I released her hand, uttering words that echoed the despair in my heart. "I thought you… wouldn't... go." I turned away, my gaze lost in the vast expanse of the sky above. Water was never needed to sober me up; her words were enough.

"I never said I wouldn't go." Her words cut through the silence like a knife, a chilling reminder of my own unfounded assumptions. I had foolishly believed that if I didn't go, she wouldn't either. Why? Because I had convinced myself that our feelings were mutual. While I was busy in the excitement of a party, she had been packing her bags to leave?

"Ama... did you even once–" My voice trailed off, unable to complete the question that burned within me.

"Zeya, come to Aqua City."

I turned to face her, my eyes wide with shock. Had she forgotten that my mom had refused to let me leave this city? Finally, she met my gaze, her own eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. She took a deep breath and spoke words that left me torn, should I be mad or glad. "It's okay if your mom refused. I'll pay for your traveling expenses. Live with me in my apartment. I'll pay your living costs and university fees too if you… wish to be with me. I won't leave you alone, I promise." How easily she said…

My hand trembled as I involuntarily took a step back. I could never leave against my mom's wishes. Never! She reached out and took my hand, and I noticed a small piece of paper clutched in her palm. "My number. I never gave it to you before… the choice is yours. I'll respect your decision. Bye-bye."

With those words, she walked past me, her footsteps echoing in the silence. "Are you leaving without a hug?" I whispered, my voice barely audible. I glanced at the piece of paper in my hand, a symbol of the choice I had to make. "You know… it can be… our last meeting." I whispered… Her footsteps paused.

I felt something cold against my neck. It was her favorite silver necklace, the one she always wore. Her hand gently caressed my waist, and I could feel her warm breath on my neck as she rested her head against mine shoulder. Her soft and gentle whisper sent a shiver down my spine. "It was the last gift my papa gave me. I had always worn it since the day I got it. Take care of yourself, Zeya."

I felt a tingling sensation as her warm lips brushed against my neck. She embraced me tightly, her back against mine, and then she was gone, leaving behind only the cold and the echo of her whispered words.

After that day, I thought Amaya and I were destined to go our separate ways. But to my surprise, my mom actually allowed me to go. I had always believed that my mom's decision was based on her realisation that it was what was best for me. However, as I looked back, I couldn't help but wonder if Amaya had played a role in convincing her. The necklace she had given me, something so precious to her, was still around her neck.

"It's pretty, right?" Sophia's voice broke my thought. She reached out and touched the necklace, a smile on her face. "I've always admired it." I nodded in agreement, a small smile of my own gracing my lips.

"Of course it's pretty!" Amaya exclaimed proudly, taking the necklace in her hands and running her fingers over the delicate butterflies that adorned it. "My Papa chose it. He always knows what's best for his princess!"

"Princess?" Seth asked with a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Princess for my one and only Papa," Amaya replied, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "For you, I'm a queen. Respect me, or I'll call your mommy and tell her about that time you were jailed, dear."

Amaya's playful threat was met with laughter from the group, and I couldn't help but smile at the bond they shared.

"The necklace suits you a lot," I whispered. It suits her more than me. Perhaps because I had worn it for so long, I felt a connection to it—an old connection.

"This necklace is more precious to me than my life itself," Amaya said, her gaze wistful as she glanced at it. "My Papa brought it for me." Her warm smile and the way her eyes sparkled as she looked at it spoke volumes about its value to her. "Do you see these butterflies?" she asked, showing it to me.

"Umm..." I nodded, reaching out to touch them. My fingers trembled slightly as they grazed the delicate necklace, as if I were holding a priceless diamond—though this necklace was worth far more than any diamond.

"Turn the butterfly," she said. I glanced at her, then at the others, who were all smiling warmly at me. I turned the butterfly around and gasped as I saw the tiny letters written into the butterflies. I had never realised there were names on it. "These are the first initials of the people who are dear to me," Amaya explained. "P for Papa, M for Momma, S for Seth, another S for Sophia, E for Elli, and F for Fred."

It was strange... There had been seven butterflies back then. Had I counted wrong?

"Amaya, is this a customised necklace, or was it bought from a store?" I asked. It was a rude question, but the words had escaped my lips before my mind could catch up.

"That question never occurred to me," Amaya replied, her voice trailing off. "Papa gave it to me, and I accepted it. So I don't know."

Why had I asked that? Perhaps I had simply mistaken the number of butterflies...

"But you were able to add our names and butterflies to it," Elli pointed out. "So wouldn't it be a customised one? I don't think you can customise a store-bought necklace later."

I glanced at the necklace in my hand, which now had six butterflies. Seven butterflies... had she added my name that time then? I never took it off after she had given it to me, so I had never seen the letters before...

Amaya took the necklace from my hand and fastened it around her neck. "I never let it be far from my heart," she said, her smile wistful. "It will always be close to my heart."

"C'mon, let me wear it for just a second," Sophia whined. "I'm your best friend!"

"Never," Amaya refused. She never let anyone else wear it? Somehow, I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. It feels great to know at least at one point, you had placed me before your friends.