Battle Royale (10)

Alex's attention was caught by the small boom, followed by the explosive at the base of the mountains. He immediately knew his shooter was trying to distract him. Of course, he didn't bite.

He stood his ground and called back his spear.

He called out the attempt of his shooter but still received no response. He pretended to focus on the direction the explosion came from, baiting his shooter to take another shot at him.

But the shooter was smart enough to not fall for his poor attempt at being distracted.

'This is getting frustrating.' He complained inwardly and looked at the timer. About 12 minutes was left before the first hour was over.

He wasn't worried about making the cut, as the little he had gathered amounted to 81 eliminations. His attention returned to the other side of the river where the first arrow came from.

'Come on, take your best shot.'