Rising Concerns

Alex was able to convince his father to get a security detail. His concern stemmed from the fact that he still didn't know who The Order was and the force that abducted him. For all he knew, they were still watching him.

"I understand, son. Do what you have to do." Willian nodded. "Though they'd have to stay out of sight like the previous ones we had."

"Definitely," Alex agreed. "It will be like they aren't even around." Of course, to the normal being, it would be a challenge to spot an awakened keeping an eye on them.

"Then it's settled." William got up. "I'll leave you guys alone. I want to take another look around." He gestured for Shawn to follow him.

"So, with that out of the way, what else do you have in mind?" Julia asked moments after William and Shawn disappeared upstairs.

"Right now I just want to relax," Alex replied, holding Julia closer to him.