"I take it back," Alex muttered. "I welcome every small challenge." He couldn't wipe the grin off his face.
Laws… Rules….
It wasn't that he hadn't heard those words before. He just didn't think to associate it with what he continued to discover about himself.
Why was the difference between two elements just the difference in the fundamental particle that made them up? Why could water turn solid and then into gas? All these were small but significantly important things we gloss over every day.
'On the basics of basic levels, everything is just one thing made many.' Alex mused as he stared at his left hand, clenching and unclenching it. 'The only thing that differed was how they were put together and the strength of the forces that did that… the rules… the laws…'
With a thought, Alex morphed his hand into water, and then into earth and finally into metal. He could keep going as the only thing that changed was how particles were put together.