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Journey To Hell...

On April 19th, 2021, my journey to hell began. My name is Kyle. I live with my mom, Dorothy Damian. My dad passed away when I was five.

"KYLE! KYLE!" He heard as he slowly waltzed back into consciousness."Huh?" Kyle sighed with a hint of exhaustion as he started to regain his vision. It was his teacher, Miss Gravy, a blonde-haired woman in her mid-thirties, dressed in formal attire—a sky-blue T-shirt tucked neatly into a tight black skirt that accentuated her curves."MR. DAMIAN," she said as she slammed a detention slip on his desk. "DETENTION NOW!" yelled Miss Gravy. Just as Kyle was about to leave the row, he tripped on a classmate's foot, and for some reason, the whole class burst into laughter. Kyle ignored his classmate, who had intentionally placed his foot there, and left the classroom.It was the end of the school day. The air was filled with the joyous chatter of students at Bailey Academy as they stepped out of the school gate. Meanwhile, Kyle was still stuck in detention. After a while, the environment became extremely quiet. Bailey Academy's detention system was very thorough, ensuring that each 'misguided' student was kept in their own private cell, so Kyle was all alone. He walked around a bit, staring at the clock, whose hands seemed to move slower than a snail. He tried talking to himself, but the conversation only fed his impatience. After all activities seemed futile, he finally fell asleep."Ҝㄚㄥ乇," whispered a thick, dark voice unlike any he had ever heard. Kyle ignored it, trying his best to fall asleep."Ҝㄚㄥ乇 ᗪ卂爪|卂几!!" The voice called out again, darker than before, leaving Kyle in shock. Scary thoughts filled his mind, only to be eased by a knock on the door. His best friend, Bart, had come to his rescue. Bart unlocked the door, peeked through, and called out to him. Kyle replied, "Man, you really had me there," and giggled. Bart, not paying any attention to what he said, urged, "Come on, buddy, we need to get out of here fast." Kyle packed his bag, and they both ran out of the classroom."Ahh... Ahh..." They panted, having already reached a few blocks away from the school. Bart was smaller than Kyle, but he was a lot braver, and Kyle looked up to him for that. They both walked home together every day, as they lived very close to each other."So, Kyle..." Bart said with enthusiasm, "have you heard about the museum opening a few blocks from our house?""Yes, my mom works there," Kyle chuckled."Whoa... That's the first museum to open in Draken City, and they say it has a real legendary cursed box. And your mom works there?" Bart saluted."You really think so?" Kyle asked, and Bart gave him a look of approval before saying what was really bugging him. "I was thinking we could sneak into the museum tonight..."Kyle's look was one of total, passionate disapproval, but Bart went on, "See a few things and—""Sorry, but that's a no," Kyle cut in."Wait a minute, I'm not done yet. Think of it! We'd be the first people in Draken City to ever see it. Imagine the look on Larry, Mark, and Jone's faces." Larry, Mark, and Jone were bullies who had been making life miserable for the pair for as long as they could remember, but Kyle still thought it was a bad idea."I know you want to say no, but I'll be waiting for you tonight at 8:30 p.m.," Bart said as he entered his compound. Their walk together had come to an end, as had their talk. Kyle sighted his house and marveled at how fast time had gone; he wished detention could have been like this.Kyle opened the door to his house, flung his bag without caring where it landed, and headed straight to the parlor, where he jumped onto the couch. "Ahhhhh," he exhaled, obviously tired, even though all he did was sleep. He called out for his mom, but she wasn't home. It was like this almost every weekday, but Kyle understood that his mom had to work extra hard to provide for him, so he held no grudges, though he did feel down sometimes. He got up, visited the kitchen, and checked the fridge. There was a sealed plate of frozen beans and tomato stew. "Ugh... Beans and stew," he said. He checked the time; it was 6:44 p.m. 'Less than two hours left,' he thought to himself as he went to his room."My life is boring," Kyle said to himself as he swiped through his phone, getting really tired. He settled down on his bed, using his hand to locate his pillow and drawing it closer to his face. After a few minutes of thinking, he fell asleep.It was dark, but it wasn't too hard to spot the red stains on the walls, which had an offensive odor. Kyle found himself in a dark, tight room, sitting on a metal chair. He couldn't even react to the foul-smelling odor around him, which every human would know by instinct—it was the smell of death! He noticed the chains on his legs, which left a trail behind him. As he slowly turned his head, he saw a huge pile of dead bodies, all cut up. It was the nastiest sight he had ever seen. He tried to run, but the chains held him back. That was when he saw the door, which had been left open and was the only source of light, leading to a white passage. He began to hear footsteps from the other side of the wall. These ominous footsteps echoed through his body, worsened by the screeching sound of metal being dragged along. The sounds seemed to come to a halt at the door. Kyle could now see the shadow of this creature, which he identified as a... That was before it appeared before him, gently placing a katana on his neck. Kyle woke up immediately. It felt like his heart was going to stop if he kept dreaming any longer.He looked at the time; it was 8:15 p.m. Kyle had made up his mind... He was going to the museum. Staying at home alone any longer would make him more insane than he already was, he thought to himself. Kyle put on his favorite jacket, which he hung on his door, went to his mother's room, and took a bunch of her special keys, which she always hid in her wardrobe. He locked up all the doors and headed straight to the museumNext chapter

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