In movies, books, games and all other kinds of media, the supernatural is always portrayed as a world of fiction far from reality. A playful creation from one's imagination meant to be a source of entertainment and nothing more and that is what I believed all my life. Even with the weird abnormalities I witnessed in the world, I always passed all of it as some sort of psychological disorder I had and was something which everyone else reality didn't really hold, as such, I learned to create a boundary between my weird reality and what was supposed to be everyone else's, but now, what is the true reality when I just witnessed the girl, I have known for almost all of my life completely change her physical biology, to be that of another species all together.

Am I really going crazy from grief or is this some kind of vivid dream like all the others. I was stunned by what I had just seen that even when the creature that was moments ago my best friend charged at me, a predator ready to devour prey, I stood there and just marveled at its magnificence even when it was filled with such intense murderous intent. Its white fur coupled with its blue eyes were a beauty to behold exuding a celestial aura full of divinity, its sharp fangs that could mince the meat of my bones were mesmerizing and dazzling, even its paws were ethereal limbs. A pounce at me took me out of the daze but it was far too late for me to react. The creature before me opened its mouth wide opened and dug deep into my flesh, an excruciating pain followed leaving me in blackness.

When I opened my eyes, I was back in my room, well maybe not. There laid Jasmine beside me sleeping beautifully. My mind still trying to comprehend what it had witnessed. Were yesterday's events a dream? The sharp pain in my right shoulder was still fully there so that couldn't be the answer, could it? Maybe my symptoms are escalating even deeper and further because what I saw yesterday couldn't be real, plus it's not like this is the first time I have been spirited away into a phantasmagoria but never had I had one that vivid.

"You awake?" Jasmine murmured stretching out her fragile delicate fingers but for me that mark had already been placed so the body reacted as it should even if it was all a dream.

"Are you afraid of me?" She asked tears already forming under her cool lids. "I am so sorry about yesterday. I never meant to hurt you like that." She looked at me as if She was expecting a reaction. "No, it's okay, I guess it wasn't your fault, or was it?" I replied following the statement with a light chuckle. She looked at me and quickly she retorted "It wasn't my intention to hurt you like this… You know it's not easy right." She said while getting up from the bed. "Being a werewolf I mean."

"A werewolf?"

What was she talking about I thought yesterday's events were another of my delusions, is she trying to play along? But how can she? It's not like she can see my delusions, can she? No, I don't think so, so if that's not the case was all that happened yesterday real? Let's just play it by ear.

"Oh is that what you are?" I replied in attempt to ease her obvious guilt while calming myself in the process. "But it's kind of cool though, isn't it? I mean you can literarily turn into a wolf." Her expression quickly soured as soon as my words grazed her ears. "Cool, is it truly?" She then directed her blue globes towards the door. "Anyway, I am truly sorry for yesterday. I wanted to reveal this world in a much better way than what transpired but here we are anyway, you wash up and come meet me downstairs, I will answer all your questions as I am pretty sure you have so many." With that she walked out.

This world? What world is she talking about? A world where people can change their species? Nah that can't be real but what if it is? I mean that would mean I am not truly sick, but is that really a good thing? My mom has tried so had to help me overcome my skewered world view but what if it wasn't really skewered. What if I was just being kept away from a beautiful world so that I can live as a normal human being, but who wants to be normal these days. Suddenly I was filled with awe of how dazzling her beauty was yesterday and with it come the realization of how dangerous my best friend was.


What a cold tone she held today unlike her usual cheery self, but I suppose it is to be expected. Questions she said, well she was not wrong, I thought to myself if my best friend was a werewolf, what other creatures exist and who else beside me was one of these creatures. Then the picture of that beefy lady came to mind, she talked of witches, is that also something that exist in this newly discovered world? I suppose it does otherwise why would she mention it. Does that mean I am a witch? No let's not jump into conclusions. I don't even know what a witch is but what's for sure is that somebody from my house was either one of these witches or had a relation of some kind with them. These witches also might have something to do with their deaths. Yeah, I got to find out more about this witch stuff.


"Emma, so how is school?" Seriously woman can't you see I am trying to talk to your daughter, is what I wish to answer but…

"It's alright, nothing too taxing. Jasmine also seems to be settling in quite well."

"Oh, that's good to hear, you know how awkward she usually is."

"Well not as awkward as me, so she should just be fine."

"With you I know she definitely is. Okay you girls enjoy your breakfast, as I take care of somethings."

"Sure thing Mrs. White and thanks again for the clean laundry."

Finally, she is gone.

"So Jasmine, don't you have something to tell me?"

"What would you like to know?"

"I don't know, maybe just begin with what the hell you are and we can move from there."

"Ok, as I told you before, I am a lycanthrope or what you would call a werewolf born to the white clan."

"White clan? Sounds fancy. So is this a pack or…?"

"Yeah, you could think of us like that."

"And is the rest of your family also part of this white clan?"

"Well, my father, brothers and sister are but my father's wife is not, she is from another clan."

"But she's still a werewolf?"


"Wow, what a family! Every one of you is a wolf. Must be great to be among your kind."

"You think so! Maybe?"

"So how does the wolf thing work is it like in movies and novels, where you are cursed to turn on every full moon?"

"Well partly yes and partly no but is that all you want to know? I thought you would be more interested about your own identity rather than mine."

"So, I do have a special identity."

"Of course… You are taking in this stuff more easily than I thought."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I was expecting you to be in total denial of all this."

"Denial, I guess that would be the normal reaction to such information. But as you know I am not normal."

"Yeah, and neither am I."

Jasmine does have a point though; I am very accepting of the situation. I didn't even try to defend my normalcy but do I really have a normalcy? I suppose, I have never truly given up on the notion that my world is real just like how other peoples is even when everybody in my life tells me it isn't.

"So do you want, to learn about you and your special Identity?"

"What could be so special about it?"

"You have no idea but first are you still interested in finding your dead relatives?"

"Dead relatives! Do you even have to ask?"

"Okay come with me."

"Do you know where they are?"

"Just come with me."

"You really like leading me on these days. Fine if you can help me find them, I will forgive you for the hot and cold stuff and the shoulder bite."

And there she went again yanking me as she liked leading me straight to her driveway.

"Get in, he will take us there."

"Your brother?"

"Hi, Emma?"

"Hello, Gilbert… Why is he here?"

"He is our driver of course."

"Uh you got us a chauffeur, fancy. So where exactly is he taking us?"

"You'll see."

"So it's a date then. I guess we will be missing school today."

Off we went, driving like we were on a road trip, though the journey was so quick I barely had time to brace myself. This was the second time I'd have to see them as lifeless corpses. With Mom returning today, I was already dreading how I'd break the news to her. But what terrified me most was why—and how—the White family ended up with the bodies. I couldn't shake the feeling that maybe they were behind the crime.

We walked slowly through a vast collection of tree species, famous for its scenic trails. The nature around us was inviting—warm and calming—but no matter how beautiful the surroundings, my heart pounded like a drum, each beat filled with fear. I could feel the tremors of terror coursing through my body. Finally, we arrived at an unmarked cabin, hidden deep within the forest.

"We are here. Jasmine! Emma! Please give me a moment I set things up inside so that we can enter."

"Sure thing."

"I will be right back"

"Ok we are waiting."

We sat there in awkward silence neither of us uttering a single word. Jasmine must have sensed my suspicions as she dared not approach or make any small talk with me. Then out of nowhere, I started hearing the sound of a violin. At first, it was so faint and soft that I thought I was imagining it, but it gradually grew louder, with more orchestral instruments joining in. It was as if an entire orchestra was playing nearby. I glanced at Jasmine to see if she could hear it too, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Can't you hear that?"

"Hear what Em? "

"The sounds, I didn't know you placed an ordered for a musical number. It's like the trees are literary singing."

"Well, we are in a forest so it's natural to hear all sorts of sounds in nature."

"Of course, I know that but those aren't the ones I am talking about. I am talking, about you know… the orchestra."

"Orchestra? Are you ok Emma, I am pretty sure there are no sounds other than those of the forest."

"Well, my ears say otherwise."

"I am sorry but I don't hear any kind of music or orchestra."

"Ok, forget about it."

"Girls, I am done you can come in now."

With each step I took into the cabin, the music gradually got louder more intense and extremely vivid that I felt as though I was in a concert hall. Visually, the cabin looked exactly how you would expect a cabin too, the only difference was the underground pathway. That was the place where the cabin ceased looking like a cabin and straight up looked like a dungeon out of a movie, fully equipped with chains, multiple cells and other what nots. What was this scenario and what horrors were being done down there. The place couldn't be a historical piece as it was still filled with fresh blood stains and a very pungent stench relaying stories of its very active nature.

Then at the far end I saw it, the bars covered with roses. Inside was the silhouette of a human girl. Immediately my mind went into overdrive, were my suspicions true? Did Jasmine and her family want to silence me? Did all that time with her mean nothing?

"What are we doing here? I thought you were taking me to my dead people?"

"Emma, I have somewhat both good news and bad news."

"What do you mean?"

Then a soft frigid voice revibrated through the place.

"Emma is that you?"

That voice, that familiar voice.

"Is that girl who I think it is?"

"Yes, the good news is that your sister is still alive."

"Josie, is that you?"


My feet quickly gained sentience propelling me towards the cage like structure that my dear sister was being kept in.

"Don't worry sister I will open the door for you."

"Emma! No you can't."

"Hey Jasmine why is this thing locked and why are you putting my sister in such a horrible place. Do you really have something against my family?"

"Emma it's not what you think."

"Really? Then quickly open this cage so that I can take out my sister."

"I am sorry Emma, we can't."

"You can't? What do you mean you can't? Do you not see the horrible state she is in?"

"I know Emma but we can't risk it, she is too dangerous."

"Dangerous? Her? Have you met my sister? She is the sweetest person I know."

"Maybe she was as a human but now…"

"But now what isn't she still human?"

"Here comes the bad news Emma, Josie is no longer… she is no longer human. She is transitioning into a vampire."

"Vampire? Here we go again, first it was werewolves now it's vampires. So what? is she going to drink blood from people like how vampires do in movies? I am assuming that's why there is a bucket of blood there."

"We are still not sure about that?"

"What do you mean you are not sure?"

"There are different types of vampires so we are not sure which one she is yet. We went with the assumption of blood as those are the most common but she has barely drunk the thing."

"So what if she is a vampire, you are a werewolf and you are still you so won't she still be herself?"

"Emma you have to trust me on this, the situation can't be taken lightly."

"Do I look like I am taking this lightly, she is my sister for goodness's sake. You expect me to just sit back and watch her suffer?"

"I sympathize with your pain but you are new to this world and don't know how dangerous vampires especially mutated ones are."

"Sympathize with your pain? What a lovely statement, I am sure you do, otherwise she wouldn't be in chains would she?"

"Emma I really mean it. This is- "

"So how long is this going to take."


"So how long are you going to keep her like this?"

"I don't know, maybe a bit over 12 hours."

"12 HOURS!!!... And then she will be fine again right."

"If she feeds she will."

"If she feeds, what do you mean if she feeds? Does that mean there is a chance she will not?"

"Don't worry about her Emma, she definitely will be fine."

"How can I trust you Jasmine when I am not sure even who the true you is?"

"I promise Emma, I will bring back your sister in one piece."

"… Fine, what about my grandma, is she also a vampire?"

"No… she is not"

"And thank goodness she died a witch otherwise we wouldn't have known what to do with two vampires let alone one."

"Can you be a little sensitive Gilbert."

As soon as his words landed, I couldn't help but tap into my spartan mode and with it a kick to his face was the result.

"Don't be angry with him Emma, he is foolish and doesn't know what he is talking about."

"He really should've just stuck to looking pretty and kept quiet. You've got one simple job today, Mr. Chauffeur."

I can't believe I used to have crush on such an insensitive bastard.

"Jasmine, can you take your brother out? I need some alone time with my sister."


"Don't worry I won't try to do anything unwarranted."


Jasmine left with her brother, leaving me alone with my sister. Now that it was just the two of us, I found myself at a loss for words. We never really saw eye to eye— her careless, childish nature always clashing with mine, despite her being the older one. I didn't know how to even start a conversation with her. The tension hung in the air. What do you say to someone you barely understand, let alone connect with?

Maybe it was time to stop overthinking and just... see where the moment took us.

"How are you feeling."

"Pretty amazing, it not like I just died or anything."

"Nice, you are starting to get sarcasm but really are you hurting somewhere?"

"My stomach is churning but it will stop eventually I think."

"I am sorry, is there anything I can do?"

"Letting me out would be nice, don't you think?"

"I know but…"

"It's alright I understand. This is also nice, we are vibing like sisters for once."

"…So how is your love life going?"

"Love life? It's pretty lit, I think. What about yours?"

"Well, you know… it's… great."

"Hmmm, I be- "

She suddenly started to cough up blood.

"Are you alright?"

"Nothing too bad, you know me I am always fabulous even when taking L's in life."


Then there was a long awkward pause

"Am I going to die? I feel like crap so might as well end it."

"No you are not, I mean you haven't achieved your dream of becoming a world class violinist. So…"

"…How did you know about that?"

"Ms. Park happened to mention it to me."

"Did she? That's nice. I have always enjoyed playing the violin. It is a great comfort in my life."

"Then make sure to stay strong for me so that you could play something for me."

"Sure thing, Sorry for not telling you earlier."

"Well, it's not like we talked all that much. Hehehe"

"Yeah, I suppose."

The expression she wore at that moment was one I was all to familiar with that even with her disheveled state I could still tell.

"But we can from now on, can't we? We are blood sisters after all."

"Is that a promise?"

"Yeah, but for now just focus on staying strong. Then the first thing on my to do list after you get out of here is to hear just how terrible of a violinist you are."

"You definitely will be shooketh… It's crazy how much I miss the orchestra that I can even here it now."

"Wait you can hear it?"

"You too?"

"Yeah, I thought I was going crazy"

"Maybe we are going crazy together?"

She looked at me smiled then dropped to the floor flat

"Josie Are you okay?"

There was no response

"Josie, can you here me?"

No response. I tried calling out to her a few more times but there was no response at all. My heart sunk and my body went on autopilot, seeking out Jasmine. Once I found her, I frantically asked her for help with my sister but she was so adamant about not doing anything. How could she be so cold and detached with my situation. My body was shaking and I could feel everything crumbling as if the whole world was collapsing on itself. This was a first, was I really emotionally breaking. I am usually passive to these kinds of situations but today, even breathing was hell of a lot to ask, it was like my insides were being crushed into oblivion both my heart, lungs, brain everything was systematically shutting down. But even as this was happening my pleas to jasmine only kept getting stronger. Jasmine after seeing the bit crumbled to it. I suppose I still hold a place in her Icy heart. I was able to convince her to open the cell to just check on her and maybe release her from those chains, they looked really painful.

She was reluctant but for my sake, she agreed.

While Jasmine was opening up the chamber, I was calculating how I was going to take her out of there and run. I waited patiently as she relieved her limbs. Just as I was creeping nearer and nearer Josie suddenly bolted up, threw all of us aside with such super human strength and ran off. As she was doing this, she hit me into blankness but before I could fade the image of a gorgeous girl not known to me come to view. What was up with that?

When I came too, It was already night time and the moon was full, up and high.

"Oh, you are up. Welcome to the party."

Her voice was velvet, dripping with mockery as she stood poised, ready for the chaos.

"Great, a party I didn't RSVP to. How generous of you."

"So how are you feeling Darling?"

"What d- "

"Who cares? Let's skip the foreplay and get straight to the fun. Josephine, love, it's time I showed you the perks of being a noble vampire"


"Yeah, now which one would you like to snack on first? We've got options, from boytoy, to girlfriend, but if those aren't to your taste we also have this charming little vixen or maybe you will prefer to I don't know to quell your vendetta. Whatever you want we have a variety So, pick your poison."

"What's going on, a twisted buffet??"

"Can't you tell? We are preparing a 3- course meal. You all look positively… mouth- watering."

"I am sure we do, but- who are you again?"

"Oh, just someone who's known you all your life. But that's irrelevant. What matters is that it's your sister's first time, so be a dear and wait for her to sink those lovely fangs into one of these... delectable options."

"Should we? And are you just going to sit there looking pretty or are you also going to partake."

"Maybe I will. But let's not spoil the youngling's fun. Your first should be memorable. Sweetheart, have you decided who will be so lucky to take your blood virginity."

"Josie! Can you hear me, Josie!!"

"Oh, don't waste your breath, darling. She can only feel the hunger now. You're lucky I'm here to supervise. Otherwise, the carnage... well, it's still inevitable. Back to you, Josie— who will it be?"

Josie was stirred into action. She moved like a predator, her instincts taking over. I watched helplessly as her eyes darted between each of us—Victoria, Rafael, Jasmine— all frozen in fear or admiration, I wasn't sure. But I could move.

"Can you get any slower sis, if you can't choose, I will do it for you. It's not like it's my first time."

Suddenly, a surge of rage boiled up inside me— though I couldn't quite pin down why I felt so violently irritated.

"Are you suggesting offering yourself to her, oh my what kind of taboo situation is this?"

"So come on josie, I will be your first so don't do anything you will regret."

"Oh my is this how people display sisterly love these day's"

"Does the vampire package come with a mute option or is that feature only available to premium members?"

"I am as premium is it gets baby. So josie what do you say, will you take on this wincest offer?"

"I guess that's my answer blood is indeed thicker than water."

Josie's gaze fixed on me, wild and hungry, a look I had never seen before. It was as if something deep inside her had snapped. She moved without thought, instinct taking control, her body coiling like a predator ready to pounce. I could see it in her eyes— she wasn't my sister in this moment. She was something else, something dangerous, ready to tear me apart.

But just as she lunged, the creature from yesterday— the same one that had ripped into my shoulder— appeared between us. This time, instead of attacking me, it stood as a barrier, protecting me from the sister I no longer recognized.

Josie, driven by whatever primal force had taken hold, sank her teeth into the creature's nape. But the moment she did, she recoiled in horror, spitting and jumping back as though she'd bitten into something vile. Her face twisted in confusion, like she couldn't believe what she'd just done—or what she'd become.

"Well the wolf just had to spoil the fun, Just as we were getting into something good."


"I am so sorry, I…"

"Josie, Is that you Josie?"

"Well, for the moment but she still needs to feed so… Ah I see the makings of something beautiful. Instead of having stale prey, lets warm it a bit. You there!"

As if under hypnotic control, sister's lover sprang up.

"Come over here."

"Is hypnosis one of your abilities?"

"You catch on quick."

"Well I would imagine, other wise how would any one give you their time of day."

"Quite sharp-tongued, aren't we? but don't worry will get to you. You there, Miss I want to find my dad come here too."


"Who else would it be little witch. There is a game I want us to play with your former best friend."

"What do you mean a game? This was not the deal we made."

"Don't worry love, I always keep my end of deals. But don't you want to fulfill your heart's desire? I can smell the jealousy on you love."

"Vic- what's happening? uhhhh!"

"Jo are you alright jo!"

"She will be so what do you say to a round of a 3-way devil's tango.?"


"What do you not want to?"

"Of course not."

"Your mouth say's no but what does your heart say?"

"It also say no."

"I don't think so love, I should know it's screaming at me right now?"

"Yeah, I would think so, mother was right vampires aren't to be trusted."

"I am trying to give you a 2 in 1 deal love, don't you want that little pest out of both your lives?"

"Hey you two, are you going to leave me out of the fun."

"I said seat tight, sugar-lips."

"Well, I am not one who likes to take orders. How about you cut a deal with me instead of her."

"A deal?"

"Yes, a deal. So how about it?"

"Hmmm... I do love a good deal. What type of deal are you proposing?"

"How about you take me instead of my sister, I assume you are the one that turned her. Turn me instead and I will forever be your vampire servant."

"You, a vampire servant?... Hahaha. You don't really know who you are do you?"

"I don't, but from the way you are speaking, I must be someone with a great identity, so how about it, leave my sister alone and take me instead."

"And what stops me from taking you both?"


"I thought so, so sit tight and watch the fun."



"It looks like she can't hold on anymore so what is it going to be princess."

"Fine whatever?"

"Okayyy!! Participants get into position. We will begin the HUNT."

"The hunt? Is this some kind of game to you?"

"I am doing this for your sister love so just sit back and relax, your wolf friend is pretty tired so do look after her."

"Ok ready set, run like your lives depend on it because, spoiler it does."

Victoria and Raphael took off in long strides, their movements quick and desperate. An instinct within Josie snapped to life, driving her forward like a predator sensing blood. In seconds, she was upon them, her pace so relentless that they barely made it far. Victoria was the unlucky one, caught first in Josie's sights. But just as Josie pounced, Victoria vanished, dissolving into thin air.

Josie hesitated, momentarily thrown by her prey's sudden disappearance, but she quickly redirected her focus, leaping onto Raphael. Her fangs found his neck, sinking deep. Blood flowed as she drank, his groans of pain filling the air—a truly horrifying sight. Was this the world I had thrown myself into? The beauty I saw seemed to only tell half of the story. Frozen in fear, I watched as Raphael's body crumpled to the ground, lifeless and empty. My gaze flickered between Josie and the now- still Raphael, trying to process the nightmare before me.

"I think that is enough fun for today. Go to sleep now little one."

And with that simple instruction my body gave in and I could feel myself fading into the embrace of sleep