Nathan had decided to train Penn with close-combat sparring while getting the Guide to provide guiding at the same time. This was to push him to understand his power better and multitask in a way he had never done before.
The Esper's towering frame and overwhelming abilities, even when toned down, were daunting for Penn. Nathan was a Striker, built for fast and close combat dealing mass amounts of damage at a time. Penn may be classed as a Battle Guide, but he was still a Guide who was just given fighter abilities.
Nathan's directing with power source choice and skills that match the Guide's ability to perform them is what even got Penn as far as he had. He wondered if Nathan would have been an artist or a street thug if he had never awakened as an Esper. The musing made him chuckle.
"Focus, kiddo," Nathan called out, throwing an endless flurry of punches. Penn frowned.