Ch. 57: Kraken Soup For The Soul, Part 2

Penn sat up in his bed at the crack of dawn, restless. The monster-fueled nightmares and the possible sleep paralysis didn't help the matter. Instinctively, he glanced toward the balcony door. It was closed - but unlatched. He clenched his jaw tightly, feeling unsettled. He looked down at his lap, not seeing anything that would have held him down. The Guide clenched his fists, then relaxed his hand with a sigh, getting out of bed. 

Picking up his phone, Penn saw new articles appearing from interviews with the Hunter's Association and fellow ranker Hunter's. Frowning, he paused to look closer and read through the top article. Allegedly, permanent gates had started flickering strangely lately - something that was unheard of. Some Hunters had even claimed that gates have changed bosses or even classification ranks.