Sushang, processing their conversation in her own way, chimed in. "If people could get a shot at fighting the Lord Ravager, even if it's just a shadow, I bet loads of folks would pay for it. Heh~ I know plenty of Cloud Knights who'd be interested. And I'm sure lots of outlanders would love to try something like this too."
March turned to Bailu, raising an eyebrow. "But the Echo of War is located in the Scalegorge Waterscape, right? Isn't that a restricted area for the Vidyadhara? Outsiders aren't supposed to just wander in."
Bailu waved it off. "That's not a problem. We can just do what we did earlier—poof!—and teleport them straight in. As long as we're only bringing in a few people and they don't wander off, no one will notice. I can even set up some barriers to keep them from sneaking around."
Pei Guang's eyes gleamed with inspiration. "Actually, we could add some extra services. Like offering personalized 'fancy kill' recordings—let people compete to see who can defeat Phantylia in the most stylish way. We could edit highlight reels of their kills. I bet once they see themselves looking cool, they'll be itching to come back for another round the next week."
March snickered. "No wonder you're the best! Even though this is just an Echo, if Phantylia knew we were treating her like this… heehee~"
She could already imagine Phantylia's furious expression. And if you're wondering—yes, Phantylia was furious.
Bailu tilted her head. "But how are we supposed to sell this?"
Pei Guang leaned in, excited. "For now, I've got an idea. We'll treat the challenge slots as raffle prizes. Anyone who checks in at Aurum Alley for seven days straight gets a raffle ticket. Every week, we draw one or two winners to get free entry. As for the remaining spots? We let Jing Yuan handle it. He's a general—I bet he's a pro at this kind of thing.
Let him sell the rest, whether it's for money or resources. Whatever he earns, we split it fifty-fifty. Sure, it's just basic currency and materials, nothing that'll boost our strength directly, but money and resources are perfect for expanding our business and building up infrastructure."
After all, now that he owned the entire solar system, Pei Guang needed resources to develop Earth. He'd been racking his brain for a way to acquire them quickly, and now—bam! A perfect source of income had just fallen into his lap.
As for whether the Echo of War would attract attention? Absolutely. The universe wasn't lacking in anything—except maybe a shortage of rich people, since there were plenty of those. Echo spaces weren't rare. What was rare was an Echo space where you could challenge a Lord Ravager without repercussions.
Normally, an Echo like this wouldn't even exist, and even if it did, it wouldn't be stable. But thanks to Pei Guang's "player" influence, not only were these ùspaces stable, but they also refreshed every week.
If someone could pay a bit of money to experience a battle against a Lord Ravager—even a weakened version—that alone would give them bragging rights for life.
Bailu was absolutely thrilled about the plan, especially since Pei Guang promised her half the profits. Even without a detailed strategy, she could already imagine an endless stream of money flowing straight into her pockets.
Of course, as the High Elder of the Vidyadhara, she wasn't planning to hoard it all. Since they were using the Scalegorge Waterscape as the venue, she'd keep a little for snacks, but the rest? She'd invest it into revitalizing the Vidyadhara.
Bailu had a bold dream: she wanted to buy hundreds of Star Destroyers. That way, when the Vidyadhara went to war, they could just ram those ships straight into the Abominations of Abundance.
And if they encountered an enemy too tough to handle? She'd simply hire Pei Guang with all the money she'd saved up.
Bailu wasn't selfish. The moment she realized she'd be getting a cut of the profits, she was already strategizing ways to help the Vidyadhara thrive. In this galaxy, money wasn't everything—but with the Interastral Peace Corporation around, money could solve about 90% of problems.
And if the Preceptors disagreed? Bailu had a plan for that too: she'd just slap a pile of cash right in front of their faces and see if they still objected.
Her vision for the Vidyadhara's future differed from that of the Preceptors. While some of them wanted to preserve tradition forever, she wanted change.
She didn't care about lofty ideals. She just wanted her people to be well-fed, well-clothed, and safer when fighting Abominations of Abundance.
Someday, when they encountered Vidyadhara from other Xianzhou ships, those folks might be stuck with standard-issue weapons—but Bailu's people? Each one would have their own Star Destroyers. Worst case, two people could share one!
Where would all those Star Destroyers come from? She had absolute faith that the invincible Pei Guang would figure it out for her.
In her eyes, Pei Guang was simply unbeatable.
Even though she had no clue how much money this project would actually make, her trust in Pei Guang was rock-solid. If he said it'd be profitable, then it'd be a fortune.
Meanwhile, somewhere inside the power core of Pei Guang's Star Destroyer, Phantylia—the unfortunate victim of all this—was pinned in front of a screen by two people, forced to watch a video from just a few minutes ago. The footage? Stelle, gleefully bashing 'her' body with a baseball bat.
She felt like she was on the verge of losing her mind.
But she couldn't escape from the power core—not that she could even defeat the people holding her down. All she could do was sit there, subjected to her own public humiliation.
Fortunately for her, a few of those people had finally left. Based on what she overheard, it seemed like some new boss was about to spawn, and they had to go play—something about weekly limits and party restrictions.
She didn't care what it was. As long as they were gone, that was all that mattered!
Of course, that was just Phantylia's current thinking. It wouldn't take long before she deeply regretted everything—regretting that she ever messed with the Xianzhou, regretting that she ambushed March 7th, and most of all, regretting that she didn't just run when she had the chance instead of picking a fight with a player.
Because soon enough, Phantylia would find herself responsible for completely trashing the so-called "dignity" of a Lord Ravager. It would get to the point where, even if some civilization on a distant planet were about to be destroyed by a Lord Ravager, someone would still casually say, "Haha, I've beaten Phantylia before!"
But that wasn't even the worst part. The real kicker was that the Echo of War's location made it impossible for other Lord Ravagers to come over and help.
Not to mention, the severed head of Phantylia hanging at the entrance of Luofu, along with the spoon the Lighting Lord carried as a trophy, was more than enough to scare off any other Lord Ravagers from causing trouble anytime soon.
And so, it was destined…
The disgrace of the Lord Ravager would be broadcast across the entire universe.
Because let's be honest—what attracted people wasn't Phantylia's name.
It was the title of the Lord Ravager.