Pei Guang scoffed. "Of course! And the way you just described the situation only reinforces my confidence. At first, I was still debating whether I should take some people and secretly develop elsewhere, then come back later for revenge on the Antimatter Legion. But now? I feel like I'm on top of the world! From today onward, our goal is simple—make Earth the one and only voice of the galaxy and let humanity paint the stars in our colors!"
March 7th, who had been listening from the side, sucked in a sharp breath. "Whoa… That's a bit much, don't you think?"
Pei Guang: "Of course not! I'm not about to let the Voidrangers waltz into my house and crap all over the place. That would be humiliating."
Herta Puppet: "Whether or not you find it humiliating isn't the issue. The problem is—we're lacking energy."
Pei Guang: "Huh? Lacking energy? Then build more nuclear power plants!"
Pei Guang clearly remembered that nuclear power plants were part of basic technology and could provide a huge amount of resources.
The Herta Puppet spread her hands. "Great idea. Nuclear power plants do provide plenty of energy, but they're also the easiest targets for the Legion. What we need is something more efficient, smaller, and with a higher energy output."
Pei Guang: "Got any ideas?"
The Herta Puppet replied with absolute certainty, "Yes. But Earth's current level of technology can't produce it. Unlike you, I don't have overpowered knowledge—I'm limited by basic technology. I have the blueprints, but I can't use them."
It was frustrating. The technology she possessed could absolutely solve their energy crisis, but it required a solid foundation to even get started. Earth's technological base was decent, and some energy facilities could be built, but the process would take too long.
What they needed now was energy that was fast, efficient, and safe. Her solution was efficient and safe but not fast enough. Nuclear power plants were fast and efficient but not safe enough.
Hearing this dilemma, Pei Guang actually began to think seriously. "This problem is actually pretty easy to solve. I could just cheat my way through, grab some facilities from the space station or Xianzhou, and bring them back. But cheating through the game is boring… If I don't cheat, then how should we do this? Ah! Got it!"
Pei Guang scrolled through his system's technology tree, searching for an energy solution that could develop quickly.
Pei Guang: "I keep telling you guys—'Use it for power! Use it for power!' Now we finally have the perfect opportunity. Herta, build more bio-energy power stations. I'll find a way to capture some Voidrangers and have them generate electricity for us. Honestly, ever since I got here, I've been thinking about how to make efficient use of them."
Hearing Pei Guang's plan, the Herta Puppet thought seriously for a moment. "This is indeed a feasible approach. However, my personal suggestion is—don't just burn the Voidrangers outright. For the people of this planet, the technology embedded in the Voidrangers is actually quite valuable."
Don't be fooled by the fact that the Antimatter Legion's Voidrangers wield cold weapons—they're actually using highly advanced technology, just like the Xianzhou.
Take the weapons on a standard Voidranger's arms, for example. Those are antimatter field generators, classified as heavy weaponry. These devices not only protect their users but also generate field blades capable of cutting through anything with ease. For worlds lacking in technological prowess, these weapons could slice through anything as effortlessly as chopping vegetables.
In reality, many could understand and accept advanced technology, but what truly left the Herta Puppet speechless was his Savory Truefire. After being scorched by that fire, even those antimatter field generators—some of the most advanced tech out there—had been reduced to… edible matter.
When it came to bizarre phenomena, even the strangest curios of the universe had to take a back seat—because if there was one thing that truly defied common sense, it was Pei Guang himself.
Listening to the Herta Puppet's explanation, Pei Guang sucked in a sharp breath. "Wait, wait, wait—are you telling me that Voidrangers are basically walking treasure troves? But we've been killing them this whole time, and their bodies just disappear!"
The Herta Puppet replied, "That's because their bodies are unstable. When their consciousness dissipates or their bodies can't endure anymore, they collapse entirely—leaving no trace behind. In a way, the Antimatter Legion is actually quite environmentally friendly."
Pei Guang's eyes lit up. "So you're saying that as long as we find a way to keep their bodies from disintegrating, we can salvage their equipment? Let me guess… According to standard procedures, every new function should come with a method to utilize it. And from what I've gathered, you've completed the construction of the Chronosphere vehicle.
That means… before these guys die, we can use the transporter to freeze them in place—then dismantle them? We break down their weapons and gear for resources, use their bodies for power generation, and once they're completely drained of value, we roast what's left and turn them into canned goods. Perfect!"
Herta Puppet: "…"
Stelle: "…"
March 7th: "…"
The Herta Puppet had initially assumed that Pei Guang would capture the Voidrangers for research—maybe extract some tech from them and repurpose the rest for energy production. And of course, the "energy production" wasn't just electricity generation, but converting their remains into usable resources.
Considering the efficiency of converting the Antimatter Legion's bodies into energy, even a single Legion soldier could rival an entire power plant. If Pei Guang could capture a few Tramplers, or better yet, a couple of Doomsday Beasts, the results would be incredible.
But she had overestimated Pei Guang's restraint. Using them up was one thing—but he wasn't even willing to let them rest in peace. Burning the remains to cook food and produce canned rations?
Feeling the heavy silence in the air, Pei Guang cleared his throat. "Come on now! This is just maximizing efficiency. That being said, do any of you have better ideas? Maybe… additional ways to make use of them?"
Herta Puppet: "No need! I'm issuing your first official mission right now—capture as many Voidrangers as possible for resource recycling. You just focus on catching them. Leave the rest to us."