The Dream Walking Book

It was a good thing that Ulfur was oblivious to Aaron's sudden shift in demeanour.

Ulfur leaned forward and pointed at the text that he was reading. "See these mentions of thresholds. Places in dreams that are more than just scenery. Such places are a good way to communicate, and they help people to travel from one place to another like portals." He tapped at the book with his bony finger. "See, if you see that you are on the moon or field of blue moon flowers or dandelions… these are the places that are close to the moon goddess, very powerful but it says here that these places can be disrupted."

Aaron felt the blood drain from his face, he could feel every hair on his body on fire. His wide eyes were reading the things Ulfur pointed at. His ears were smoking after hearing the name of dandelions. His mother had a dream and now Edwina had two dreams about dandelions field. Ulfur was reading something Edwina wanted to find out.