Another Defeat?

The technician shook his head. "I haven't looked yet." 

Upon hearing the department head's inquiry, the technician felt an inexplicable calmness within.

This expert didn't seem intent on stealing the company's data; rather, it appeared they sought to wreak havoc, dismantling the system and causing the company considerable distress. 

Nevertheless, even if their intentions were not to pilfer information, it was imperative to ensure the integrity of the company's defense systems.

If a rival company were to discover that their firewall had been compromised, infiltrating the internal systems could deliver a devastating blow to the corporation. 

The department head furrowed his brow and admonished, "Hurry up and investigate!" 

"Understood," the technician replied, swiftly moving to check the situation. 

His gaze suddenly froze, disbelief widening his eyes.