The Snake People Migrate, and the Nations Attack!

"Darling, I will arrange everything for the tribe's migration as quickly as possible!" In the sky, Cai Lin spoke gently to Gu Fei, who was beside her.

Then, her gaze turned cold, carrying the authority of a queen as she looked at Hua She'er on the city wall. "Hua She'er, immediately relay my orders to the leaders of all the tribes. Have them organize the people for the migration, and remember, speed is crucial..."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Upon hearing Queen Medusa's command, Hua She'er bowed excitedly and respectfully replied.

Soon after, the entire Snake People Holy City became bustling with activity. Orders were constantly being sent out, gathering all the Snake People tribes scattered across the Tager Desert.

Gu Fei and Qing Lin were then led by Queen Medusa to her palace to rest.

"What? The queen is pregnant? This is wonderful news!" 

"And she's nurturing the child with an eighth-tier elixir. In the future, our Snake People will surely have another extraordinary genius…"

After the four elders of the Serpent People learned from Queen Medusa that she was expecting, they were visibly overjoyed. Moreover, upon realizing that Gu Fei could provide eighth-tier elixirs, their respect for him grew even deeper. With the help of such a powerful alchemist, they believed that even in their old age, they might have a chance to break through to the Dou Ancestor level.


Since Queen Medusa returned, the entire tribe entered a state of high-speed operation. In just a few days, the Holy City of the Snake People and the other eight major tribes had fully prepared all their people and supplies.

Next, the real migration would begin.

On this day, Gu Fei, accompanied by Queen Medusa and Qing Lin, ascended the Lion King's back, joining a large number of Snake People from the Holy City in their migration.

For this migration, Queen Medusa had charted a fixed route. Some of the more distant tribes were to wait along the main migration path, led by their respective leaders. Eventually, all Snake People would converge and leave the desert together.

"Begin the migration!"

Soon, as Queen Medusa's commanding voice echoed in the sky, the vast and seemingly endless migration of the Snake People began to move forward in an orderly manner.

In the central area of this massive convoy, the strongest Snake People pulled the carts, leading the elderly, women, and children. Surrounding the convoy were powerful warriors patrolling and guarding against potential attacks from desert-dwelling poisonous insects and magical beasts. Each tribe's leader flew above their people, vigilantly patrolling the skies.

Although the migration was long and the supplies were extensive, most Snake People were cultivators, generally stronger than humans. As such, pulling carts and traveling long distances didn't overly exhaust them. However, if they encountered a large-scale natural disaster like a sandstorm, even powerful Dou King and Dou Emperor experts would find themselves powerless.

On the tenth day of migration, they encountered a sandstorm. The storm came suddenly, and despite the warnings from the tribe's scouts, there wasn't enough time for a full evacuation. If the storm struck, nearly ten percent of the people could be buried in the sand.


When the storm, filled with whirling yellow sand, approached, Gu Fei simply waved his sleeve, and the sandstorm was completely dispelled.

Witnessing Gu Fei's handling of the storm, countless Snake People were filled with gratitude.

A month quickly passed, and the front of the Snake People's migration had reached the desert's edge, where the green expanse of the Magical Beast Mountain Range was visible. However, standing between them and the lush mountains was a massive fortress and a series of tall walls stretching for miles.

Whether they chose to bypass or directly attack the fortress, it would signify the Snake People's formal declaration of war against humanity. This could lead to the surrounding human empires launching a full-scale assault on the Snake People once again.

"What should we do?"

Yue Mei, the leader of the Mei Snake Tribe, turned to Queen Medusa, seeking her guidance.

At that moment, an elderly man slowly ascended into the sky above the fortress, his earth-yellow Dou Qi wings shining brightly.

"Master Gu Fei, this old man has been waiting for you for some time!" The man, was none other than Jia Xing Tian, and he greeted Gu Fei with a respectful bow and a smile.

"The Snake People wish to migrate through the Magical Beast Mountain Range. You are to open the gates and let them pass!"

After speaking, Jia Xing Tian immediately ordered the fortress guards to open the gates.

"Open the gates? Why should we let the Snake People through? What if they turn and attack our empire after passing through the mountains?"

"That's right. If that happens, won't all the civilians behind the fortress be exposed to their blades?"

Hearing Jia Xing Tian's order, many of the guards felt resistant. They held grudges against the Snake People and didn't trust that the Snake People only wanted to pass through peacefully.

"Commander Li, why are you still hesitating? Follow the order!"

Noticing the guards' reluctance and doubts, Jia Xingtian's expression darkened as he turned to the fortress commander, releasing a powerful aura.

Under the pressure of this aura, the surrounding soldiers quickly fell silent.

"...Yes, sir!" Reluctantly, the Dou Spirit-ranked commander accepted the order and arranged for the gates to be opened.


"The humans are actually opening the gates to let us through? What's going on?"

Seeing this, the Snake People once again looked at Gu Fei with reverence. They couldn't believe that the Queen's chosen mate had such influence, compelling the human empire's army to grant them passage.

"All tribes, listen to my command: continue forward and do not attack the fortress guards!"

Queen Medusa promptly issued an order.

Soon, under the watchful eyes of countless soldiers of the Jia Ma Empire, the mighty Snake People's migration passed through the gates and entered the Magical Beast Mountain Range.


"What? The Snake People migrated from the border of the Jia Ma Empire into the Magical Beast Mountain Range, and the empire's army didn't even try to stop them?"

"What is Jia Xingtian up to?"

In the Lou Yan Empire, at the Golden Geese Sect, a middle-aged man dressed in golden robes looked at the letter in his hand, seething with anger.

The Snake People had a blood feud with several surrounding empires. They couldn't allow them to grow stronger. Previously, the Snake People had retreated into the desert, so they didn't chase them down. But now that they had left the desert, he saw them as a future threat.

"Quickly, contact the Mulan Empire and the Chu Yun Empire. Tell them to mobilize their armies and annihilate the Snake People!"

Soon, a stern command was issued from the golden-robed man's mouth.