Chapter 1 (Hi, I'm Rosette)

Hi, I'm Rosette. I had thought that there would be no need for the introduction since you will get to know about me but, I guess there should be no reason whatsoever to skip the normal etiquette for formality.

I'm the last child and the closest to my strict parents. I think you should already know what type of family I'm from after seeing the behavioral description I had used for my parents. If you still can't guess it, well, I'll tell you. I was begetted into a home where the top most agendum was discipline. This factor has influenced most, if not all, of my choices I've ever made and has contributed greatly to my life story.

Most of your actions and choices you can ever think of were influenced on you by family, friends, acquaintances and don't forget, familiar strangers. I know some of you might be wondering how familiar strangers got any business to do with you or with the choices you make. Well, you might not be able to figure it out now but think hard, really hard. Is there never a time in your life where you chosed to take or forsake something because of a stranger you don't know and doesn't know you? If you still give a negative answer, well, you shall have to agree with me after you've read my story to the end.

Remember what I said about the factors that influenced my choices and my life story.