Chapter 9

I decided to stop writing for sometime and seized the opportunity to survey everything around. It was now that I finally noticed that the sun shining through my curtains was getting rather too fierce. Noon might be fast approaching already. I spread out my curtains to reveal the beautiful blue sky. It was such a beautiful sight to behold. The wind blowing softly, making the green plants to swing their leaves and sway their stems. It brought back my memories of when a new girl joined my class during senior high when we were freshmen. Her name was Helena.

It was the beginning of the new term. Everyone was back. After our usual morning assembly, I sighted a girl alongside her parents. She was a paragon of beauty. She seemed shy and collected but he'll was I wrong. Our first period in class was almost over when she walked in and introduced herself to the teacher who later told her to sit on a seat next to mine.

After the class, my classmates including Olive gathered around her and started asking her questions about her former school, herself and her family. I was jealous of her being a sensation in the class and even the whole of senior high. I then decided that in the upcoming test, I would show her that beauty without brains was nothing. I was surprised yet again. Not only was she charmingly beautiful, she was very brilliant and was from affluent home.

I had a perfect score but so did she. I was happy I didn't underestimated her that much and lose to her. If I did, my remaining tiny teeny weensy Bitsie self-esteem would have been shattered to an unamendable million broken pieces. Good heavens that I saved myself some face. She got more popularity just because if this single event. Everyone started calling her "The unbeatable Helena". Why all the unwanted fuzz and buzz over someone who had a perfect score? Haven't I been having a perfect score all my life? What's the difference? I wonder what's stopping those obsessed lunatics from building a temple for her? Jeez!

As I was about stepping out of the school building, Olive caught up with me and then stroke a conversation.

"I think Helena's parents and the principal are very close. They were chatting and laughing away when I first saw them going through Helena's admission", Olive stated.

"I feel there is something wro...",I paused.

Sometimes, Olive can't be trusted. She belongs to the Press club and would do anything to make sure her story makes it to the headline of the school's newspapers. It would be better if I kept my suspicions and stories to myself than to share it with an overzealous Journalist wannabe.

"You were trying to say something", Olive said.

"Nevermind, it's nothing serious for you to worry about", I said and quickly walked towards my parents car before she thought of asking me any question. When she gets really inquisitive, it's hard for you to ignore not satisfying her curiosity.