Chapter 4: Encountering Tang Seng at the Five Elements Mountain and Following Him to Fetch the True Scriptures

五百年转眼间就过去了.伟大的观音菩萨奉大佛本人的命令,与她忠实的伙伴慧倭一起从西方出发.他们的任务是什么找到被选中的人,他愿意勇敢地前往西方的危险旅程中取回神圣的经文.他们带着五件法宝——其中包括一件耀眼的笠也袍——在天空中翱翔,朝着东方的唐地飞去.不久,他们就在首都长安上空徘徊,那一年是公元 639 年,唐太宗在位.

现在,正如命运所安排的那样,这一天特别特别.太宗皇帝在转经寺组织了一场盛大的活动,高僧陈玄奘将在那里宣讲佛陀的教义.但玄奘不是普通的和尚.他是金蝉的转世,佛陀本人的第二个弟子.观音暗中指定他为取经的人,决定轻推他一下.她和惠安伪装成流浪僧侣,将宝物带到皇宫的大门口,请求觐见皇帝.太宗皇帝是佛陀教义的虔诚崇拜者,他不失时机地邀请两位僧人进宫.一被带进来,他就贪婪地看着这些宝物,问道:"这些奇宝,你要多少钱?观音狡黠一笑,回答道:"这些宝物不卖.但是,您有一种方法可以获得它们.在西方天堂,佛陀手里拿着三篮经.派你和尚陈玄奘去取回它们,这些宝物就是你的了.说完,她和慧安脱下伪装,露出真形,乘云飞去,留下皇帝和他的朝廷松弛地向天磕头.太宗大喜过望,宣布玄奘为他的结拜兄弟,赐予他圣宝以示保护,并赐予他一个新名字——唐三藏.几天后,当三藏准备踏上史诗般的旅程时,皇帝和整个朝廷陪同他来到长安郊外,含泪告别了他.唐三藏(原名唐僧)的旅程就这样开始了.在两个忠心的仆人身边,他跋涉了两天,直到他们到达了法门寺.那里的僧侣热情地欢迎他们,为他们提供过夜的住所.当他们围坐在一起讨论前方道路的危险时,三藏把手放在他的心脏上,宣布:"只要我的信仰坚定不移,任何危险都无法阻止我!僧侣们被他的决心所打动,对他赞不绝口.第二天,三藏和他的仆人含泪告别,骑上马继续向西行驶.又经过几天的旅行,他们到达了贺州边境地区,当地指挥官和一些僧侣和道士在那里迎接他们,并带领他们到福庵寺休息.第二天黎明前,三藏叫醒了他的仆人.三人沐浴在月光下,开始向山中攀登.这条路很险恶——陡峭,崎岖不平,还长满了带刺的灌木丛.他们向前推进,边走边砍伐植被,突然间,他们脚下的地面塌陷了.他们从马和所有东西上滚落到一个深坑里.当他们茫然不知所措地躺在地上时,一阵风吹过树林,他们听到了威胁的声音喊道:"抓住他们!抓住他们!回声刚消失,一帮可怕的恶魔就出现了,将三藏和他的仆人拖出了坑中.三藏透过半闭着的眼睛偷看,看到他们被带到了一个面目凶狠的魔王面前.打个响指,魔王命令他的爪牙捆绑他们的俘虏.就在这时,一个小恶魔匆匆跑了过来,宣布道:"熊山大人和典狱长已经到了!妖王,显然名叫尹将军,急忙出来迎接他的客人,客人都非常尊敬地向他致意."尹将军,"熊山说,"看来你今天抓到什么特别的东西了.魔王邪恶地咧嘴一笑."是的!我们今晚吃他们两个怎么样?熊山点头表示同意.下一刻,尹将军毫无礼节地将三藏的两个仆人屠杀,让他们的心吃晚饭.三藏被恐惧淹没,几乎要晕过去.随着夜幕降临,恶魔们悄悄溜走,躲避了日光.三藏因恐惧而麻痹,陷入了断断续续的睡眠.在他的梦中,一位拄着拐杖的老人向他走来,挥手致意.神奇的是,束缚三藏的绳索掉了下来.老者轻轻地向三藏的脸上吹了一口气,将他从昏迷中唤醒.三藏吓了一跳,连忙鞠躬表示感谢.老者干脆道:"这个地方叫双叉岭.这很危险,但你现在会很安全.说着,老者将他的包裹递给三藏,帮助他牵着马出坑,领着他回到了大道上.当三藏再次转身道谢时,他看到老者骑着一只红冠白鹤升上天空.一张纸条从天上飘落.接住后,三藏看了一遍,才明白自己的救星不是别人,正是不朽的太白金星.他心中充满了敬畏,反复向空旷的天空鞠躬.三藏骑上马,继续沿着山路前行.他走了半天,没有遇到一个人,越来越饥渴.突然,他发现一对凶猛的老虎在前方徘徊,张大了嘴巴,准备吞噬他.当他环顾四周寻找逃生的机会时,他注意到毒蛇在他身后滑行,毒虫在他的左边成群结队,而他甚至无法说出名字的野兽正在他的右边逼近.被困和绝望的他准备迎接自己的结局.But just as the tigers lunged, something miraculous happened—the beasts all turned tail and fled. Sanzang, bewildered, saw a burly man striding down the hillside, holding a steel fork and sporting a bow and arrows at his waist. Falling to his knees, Sanzang clasped his hands and cried out, "Great King, spare my life!" The man burst into laughter and said, "I'm no king! Just a humble hunter named Liu Boqin."Liu Boqin invited Sanzang to his home as a guest, and Sanzang, grateful for the reprieve, accepted. The next day, when Sanzang was ready to continue his journey, Liu Boqin's mother insisted that her son accompany the monk to the edge of the Tang Empire, to ensure his safety. Liu Boqin, obedient to his mother, gathered a small group of hunters, and they set off with their tools, escorting Sanzang toward the mountains.They traveled for half a day until they reached a towering mountain range. At the foot of the mountain, Liu Boqin stopped and said, "Master, this is the Two-Boundary Mountain. The eastern side belongs to Tang, but beyond the ridge, you're entering Tartar territory. We cannot go any further. From here on, you must tread carefully!" With that, they bade Sanzang farewell. But as they turned to leave, a voice boomed from the base of the mountain, "Master! Over here, Master!"Sanzang's heart skipped a beat. Liu Boqin reassured him, "Don't be afraid, Master. Legend has it that when Wang Mang rebelled, the gods dropped this mountain from the sky. They say a divine monkey is trapped beneath it, immortal and indestructible. That must be the one calling you. Why not go see?"Sure enough, it was the Monkey King, Sun Wukong, who had been imprisoned under the mountain by Buddha himself. As soon as he spotted Sanzang, he cried out, "Master, please rescue me! I'll be your disciple and protect you on your journey to the West. Just a few days ago, Bodhisattva Guanyin came by and persuaded me to join you."Overjoyed, yet troubled by the question of how to free him, Sanzang furrowed his brow. Wukong quickly explained, "All you need to do is remove the golden seal that Buddha placed on top of the mountain."Following Wukong's instructions, Sanzang removed the golden seal and then, at Wukong's suggestion, retreated with Liu Boqin and his men to a safe distance. Suddenly, with a thunderous crash, the mountain split in two, sending rocks and dust flying everywhere. When the air finally cleared, Sanzang saw Wukong kneeling before him, his hands clasped in gratitude. But Wukong was stark naked! Sanzang rummaged through his pack and handed Wukong a pair of shoes and trousers.Liu Boqin, seeing that Sanzang had gained a powerful disciple, departed happily, leaving the master and disciple to continue their journey together. Not long after, they crossed the border of the Tang Empire. As they did.Not long after crossing the Tang borders, a ferocious tiger leaped out from the underbrush, aiming straight for them. Wukong, ever the quick-thinker, swiftly set down their luggage and, with a flourish, pulled out his Golden Cudgel from his ear. "It's been over five centuries since I last used this gem! Time to whip up some fashion!" he exclaimed gleefully. Swinging his cudgel with theatrical flair, he delivered a mighty blow to the tiger, who dropped dead on the spot.Tang Sanzang, utterly astonished and momentarily at a loss for words, watched as Wukong took a strand of his fur, transformed it into a sharp knife, skinned the tiger, and fashioned a makeshift loincloth to wear around his waist. With the utmost respect, Wukong then helped Tang Sanzang mount the horse, and together they continued their journey.Suddenly, a loud whistle pierced the air, and six bandits emerged, brandishing weapons and eyeing their horses and luggage hungrily. Wukong, never one to back down from a challenge, laid down the luggage with a grin and declared, "Back in my day as a mountain king, I'd say you lot take half of my gold, silver, and jewels!"The bandits, infuriated by this audacious claim, rushed at Wukong with knives and spears drawn. They swung and hacked with all their might—seventy, eighty times over—but not a single hair on Wukong's head was harmed.Seeing his foes grow weary and panting from their fruitless assault, Wukong couldn't resist the temptation. "Time for Old Sun to have some fun!" he bellowed. Brandishing his Golden Cudgel once more, he dispatched each bandit with swift, exaggerated strikes, turning them into nothing more than meat floss.Tang Sanzang, however, frowned upon this excessive brutality. "Though they are bandits, there's no need to kill them all," he admonished. "How can you be so cruel, Wukong? We are on a righteous quest to obtain the scriptures!"Wukong, unable to tolerate his master's reprimand, felt a surge of anger bubble within him. "Since you say so, Master, I refuse to continue this pilgrimage to the West! I'm heading back to Flower-Fruit Mountain!" With that, he leapt onto his somersault cloud and sped eastward, disappearing from sight.Left alone, Tang Sanzang had no choice but to place their luggage on the horse, grip his alms bowl staff, and continue westward at a leisurely pace. Before long, an elderly woman approached them from the opposite direction, clutching a garment and a flowery hat. Recognizing the courteous gesture, Tang Sanzang quickly steered the horse aside and bowed respectfully, allowing her to pass.The elderly woman reached Tang Sanzang and inquired, "Where are you coming from, traveling alone through these mountains?" Tang Sanzang recounted Wukong's misbehavior to her, prompting a gentle smile from the woman. "Here, take this garment and hat for your disobedient disciple to wear," she offered.Tang Sanzang chuckled wryly. "Ah, but my disciple has already left! What good are these now?" The elderly woman, undeterred, responded, "Don't worry; I'll help you retrieve him. Also, I have a spell called the 'Tight-Headband Spell.' Remember it well: if your disciple misbehaves again, have him wear this garment and hat, and then chant the spell. He won't dare disobey afterward!"Grateful, Tang Sanzang learned the Tight-Headband Spell and bowed in thanks to the woman, who had now transformed into a shimmering beam of golden light and ascended eastward. Realizing it was none other than Bodhisattva Guanyin herself, Tang Sanzang quickly knelt in reverence, tucked the garment and hat into his bundle, and sat by the roadside, diligently memorizing the spell until it was ingrained in his mind.Not long after, Guanyin, riding atop her auspicious cloud, encountered Sun Wukong returning from the East. It turned out that after leaving Tang Sanzang, Wukong had dined with the Dragon King of the Eastern Sea. Persuaded by the Dragon King's earnest counsel, Wukong had a change of heart. Urged by Guanyin to return to his master's side, Wukong bid her farewell without hesitation and dashed back to catch up with Tang Sanzang.Upon reuniting, Wukong recounted his meal with the Dragon King and then inquired, "Master, are you hungry? Shall I prepare some vegetarian food?"Tang Sanzang shook his head. "No need; there are some dry provisions in the bundle. Please bring them to me." Wukong opened the bundle and noticed the beautiful garment and hat provided by Guanyin. Eagerly, he asked Tang Sanzang for them.Tang Sanzang nodded in agreement. Overjoyed, Wukong scratched his head and quickly donned the clothing and hat.Curious to test the efficacy of the Tight-Headband Spell, Tang Sanzang quietly began chanting the spell. Almost immediately, Wukong writhed on the ground in agony, desperately trying to pull off the hat. But the hat seemed fused to his skin, impossible to remove or tear apart.Realizing the source of his pain, Wukong shouted, "Master, stop chanting! Stop it already!"Once again, Wukong sneaked a glance around and drew his Golden Cudgel, intending to deliver a swift blow to Tang Sanzang. However, as Tang Sanzang continued the chant with increasing speed, Wukong's headache intensified until he had no choice but to kneel and beg, "Master, I was wrong! I understand my mistake. Please, stop chanting!"Seeing that his disciple had recognized his wrongdoing, Tang Sanzang ceased the chanting. Instantly, Wukong's headache dissipated. However, Wukong's rebellious streak flared up once more. "This spell must have been taught by Guanyin herself," he thought. Determined to confront her, he began whining about seeking her out in the South Sea to hold her accountable.Tang Sanzang, ever the wise and patient monk, responded, "Since Guanyin could teach me the Tight-Headband Spell, she surely knows how to chant it!" Hearing this, Wukong took a deep breath, quelled his rebellious impulses, and solemnly vowed to obey his master from now on, dedicating himself to protecting Tang Sanzang on their sacred journey to the West.