

Chapter 606 Salvini The Mad Executioner.

The third candidate is the only female among the three current generations in the sage lineage. Her name is Salvini. Her brother, Salvini, calls her conniving but she is commonly referred to as the Mad Executioner. Her arena is not peaceful either and the root of the problem is her. She is currently being hunted or is it the other way around? 

She is not being hunted because she is the weakest of the three. No, she is being hunted because the competitors in her arena have refused to suffer her existence anymore. They are fed up with her so they want to kill her. Tens of thousands of people have surrounded her and are attacking her from every direction and she is holding her own against them. 

She bolted through the forest like a figment of the imagination. She is here now and almost immediately she is gone. The eyes cannot even track her as she weaves through the forest. Those that are chasing her can barely tell where she is. Even the sounds of battle and the cries of pain are not accurate enough to tell where she is because she would have certainly left the location by the time they turn to it. There is a lag between their perception of her and her actual location.

It is obvious that this hunt is a bad idea. If they can't track their prey, how are they supposed to kill her? But these people know that. They are not stupid. They know that they have a slim chance of killing her but they have no choice but to hunt her. They are not hunting her by choice. Salvini has left them no choice but to band together and hunt her. 

This hunt, no matter how dumb it looks, is the wise option. The other option is to scatter and give up. But if they do that then they have no chance of killing her at all. At least this way, they might get lucky and successfully kill her. One of them might just fumble and find that their weapon has impaled her. So they are not foolish. They are just hoping to get lucky. 

They hope she might make a mistake that will allow them to kill her even though the odds of her making a mistake is the same as the odds of her falling on her own weapon and killing herself. It seems unlikely but they can only hope. It is worse being hopeless. Then they will have nothing to live for. This challenge will become meaningless to them in such a situation.

Salvini is a battle maniac and her eyes that can predict the future helps her to find her preferred prey. Her preferred prey in this challenge are not monsters but the people that are successful at hunting monsters. She can easily avoid monsters and she will leave people without a high score alone if she comes across them but that changes as soon as you cross a certain score. She has a way to know when someone has accumulated a high score and a way to find that person. 

As soon as your score is high enough, you can expect her to come and kill you thereby stealing 50% of your score and invalidating your efforts. It is like she is rearing the competitors for their marks. They are cattle and she is the butcher who is rearing them up for their meat. She doesn't fight the monsters. Instead, she uses them as grass to fatten up her chosen prey.

There is a saying that the best way to become rich is to steal from others. Salvini has put this into action and she has been remarkably successful with it. She is so successful that the solution is obvious to everyone. They either give up on the competition entirely and don't bother to kill monsters anymore even if they attack them or band together to eliminate this terror in their midst. 

They don't think of her as a farmer. A farmer has a right to kill what they rear. She is a highly successful cannibal. Killing others for their scores is allowed but she has taken it too far. She has gotten a taste for the forbidden meat of her fellow competitors and has taken a liking to it. She is a nightmare made a reality.

Word spread around and everyone knows that she is specifically hunting people. They know that their situation of dying in her hands is not isolated and they know that she doesn't kill monsters. She is an abomination in their midst. That's why they are hunting her and why they won't stop even when they are failing terribly at it.

Salvini moved through the forest like a feline. She is incredibly agile and lightfooted. Branches and shrubs of the forest seem to part ways for her so that she faces no resistance to her movement and makes no sound. The same branches scratch at her pursuers who have to cut them or push them aside for them to pass. 

They make loud noises in their effort to catch her meanwhile her feet step on the ground soundlessly. She doesn't step on twigs or stones that might alert her pursuers or make her slip. She leaves no traces behind as a proper feline who is on the hunt should do. She can do this because she has all the right tools for the hunt. Her eyes have made her an apex predator.

One moment she is running through thick shrubbery with nothing to see but leaves all around. She is looking around but she is not looking at her immediate surroundings. What she sees is this scenery layered on top of other possible sceneries.

Her multicolored eyes are flashing various colors including colors that can't be understood. But she understands them and more. It is as if she has access to the wheel of time. It grants her the enviable ability to see the future.