
gc gc

Chapter 645 Daylight Robbery.

It is definitely unfair that some created an army when everyone is supposed to be working on their own. It doesn't matter that some created an army with their divine ability by enslaving or coercing people to work with them. It is still unfair but such is life. 

The female battle sage that tried to take control of Soverick surely would have been able to gather a sizeable following. She did it in the previous challenge and could have done it again. It is her current predicament that has saved the world from her scourge in this challenge. 

The competitors have Soverick to thank for this good deed. But does he get the thanks that he dubiously deserves? No. Instead of giving him all their precious stuff, he is attacked by one such army as soon as he leaves the 7th ring and reaches the 6th ring. The ungrateful bastards.

Soverick was walking towards the center of the arena calmly looking for a good loot box when he sensed a lot of competitors in the distance. A lot of competitors means a lot of loot and a higher chance of possessing very good loot. So he veered in their direction. 

"Surely they must have something good. That many people cannot be useless." He said to himself in encouragement as he sped towards the army.

So maybe they didn't attack him. Maybe he attacked them to get what they have. Maybe he wanted to rob them of their hard-earned loot. But it is their fault for not handing it over to him when he asked them for it nicely.

Soverick bolted to meet the army. He suddenly appeared before them standing a short distance from their front lines. The army froze. First, the frontlines froze. The ones behind them had to stop when they couldn't go any further. Some of them even stumbled. The entire army stalled immediately. There was no movement or talking. One can hear a pin drop and sense the chill that spread throughout the army.

He declared to them. "Hand over all that you have on you and I'll let you go."

So he didn't exactly ask for their things nicely. It still doesn't matter. They should have allowed him to rob them and be on his merry way doing more good for the race. If these people had been in Arena 28, then they would have folded like paper dunked in water. The structural integrity of their body, will, and mind would have caved at the mere sight of this walking Calamity. They would have done everything he asked for in less than a heartbeat. 

Unfortunately for these people, they didn't witness the catastrophes he caused. It is one thing to hear of his feats and it is another thing to be around him when he earned those feats. These people have only heard of his notoriety and have been spared numerous traumatizing experiences so they are still willful. 

They know of the child of the plane and the black obsidian crown on his head indicates that he is beyond a King. But they are thousands and he is just one. If they as an army can't stand up against the oppression of a single man who should be their equal, then of what use is their blatant cheating?

He is one man trying to rob an army. Will they just roll over? Will they allow him to rob them and be on his way? No, they are not. The arena spirits spawned people of like minds who have not been exposed to him and fattened them up so that they can dispose of Soverick. It is their next best option. They understand that one person cannot eliminate Soverick even if that one person has been made near invulnerable with powerful armor complete with full-energy cells.

The arena spirits would have loved to let the other kings gang up on him but those champions are notorious lone hunters. The next best thing is a bunch of riff-raff decked out in artifacts and in possession of several high-quality healing pills. Their pills will actually heal them and keep them in the fight much longer.

They have prepared this army as best as they can. This is not an army that can be taken out by destroying its leader either. They were not hastily made into an army. They were a group before the competition so they can adapt very quickly to a loss in leadership. Soverick will have to fight if he wants to get anything from them.

Soverick watched the army for their reaction. None of them made any movement despite his very reasonable ultimatum. They don't want to give in but they know it is a bad idea to fight the child of the plane so they don't want to make the first move. They would rather he left them alone. Unfortunately for them, he is hell-bent on robbing them. Stuff like this happens in real life too. It may not be fair but it happens so it is also allowed.

"I will take your silence as a no." He sighed and said. "I wanted to avoid a confrontation. But you have left me no choice."

He had been genuinely hoping that these people would simply surrender. It is unlikely but one can surely hope. What he wants is a good weapon and some armor if he is lucky. He doesn't want a fight. A clash with him is likely to leave armor destroyed and in pieces. He is a killer and his skills are ill-equipped for harmless incapacitation. He doesn't have skills that can disable the army without damaging his future loot. 

Gravity manipulation would have been very useful. He will be able to make them submit with ease. But it is not an option right now. It is on lockdown because of the no-flight ban in this challenge. Gravity manipulation is a good way to fly so it is not currently allowed. That leaves very little option for harmless incapacitation.

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