

Chapter 657 My New Weapon.

Soverick appeared to be examining a spear. He was turning it over and over in his hands with his head bent focusing on the spear. He has a black crown on his head and some golden orbs orbiting his back. Ghaster doesn't know what the black crown means and he doesn't need to. He has also never seen the golden orbs before. This Soverick that he is seeing seems totally different from the one he knows. 

But he didn't let his confusion and ignorance get the best of him. All he needs to know is that he is in a bad situation. It is all because Soverick is getting close to him. He has never had a much greater need for a miracle than right now. He wishes dearly that something will happen that will make this encounter not become a disaster.

The weapon that Soverick was examining turned to dust just as Soverick struck it with his finger. It cracked all over and broke apart. The fragments turned to dust before reaching the ground. The internal structure of the weapon has been compromised after he forcefully pumped world power into it. It managed to produce a strike despite it not being made for such an act. The act itself destroyed it just like the groups of people that the strike swept away.

Soverick looked up from his musings and spotted what attracted him here in the first place. He smiled and said, "There it is. My new weapon."

If not for the weapon, he wouldn't have decided to come here at all. He wouldn't have been attacked by a King and his group that thought they could take on the child of the plane. They even rigged an amalgamation of explosive consumables of some sort to eliminate him. They thought they could kill him. They thought wrong. It is obvious how well that plan of action went for them. 

That hair-brained idiot didn't delay him too much anyways. He used the King as a plow to destroy every obstacle on his path here. Then he beat the person up to tenderize their flesh. It made their body explode after being thrown and smashed against a building.

It was after he confirmed the weapon that he looked at his wielder.

"Ghaster, is that you? You sure have changed." Soverick said as he clapped his hands in eagerness. "You have a weapon and you also have some feats. Talk about a double jackpot. My double jackpot of course. It must be bad being you right now."

He sensed the Weapon and Ghaster through the law matrix of the Arena. He also knows that Ghaster is about to be killed by someone else. But he didn't come here to save Ghaster. He came for the weapon and he would have done the same thing were it another person holding the weapon.

He continued walking towards his prize unconcerned about Ghaster's furious face. He is here for the blade and he will have it. The wielder doesn't matter. That means the anger of the wielder doesn't matter either. As far as he is concerned, the blade is already his. He won't stop, no matter the faces that Ghaster makes at him. 

Ghaster may be trying to make himself look adorable by making faces like a child to avoid being robbed but he is making faces at the wrong person. Soverick would rob and kill a real child who has something he wants. A grown-up pretending to be a child won't make him show mercy.

Ghaster overcame his dread to shout. "Stop right there."

Soverick didn't stop. He kept coming leisurely. The only thing that has changed is the smirk of amusement tugging at his lips. 

Soverick asked. "And why should I?"

That's a good question. Ghaster considered it and answered. "The weapon is mine. I won't give it up."

Soverick laughed. "That's funny. You know, I have always found you funny. You are funny and stupid. Litori is smart but she is such a bore. You? You're something else."

Ghaster fumed but Soverick wasn't done. "If you want to keep something then you have to fight to keep it. I take what I want from those that I can take it from. Unfortunately for you, I am here for your life and your weapon. You will have to do your best to stop me."

Soverick spread his arms wide and said, "Go ahead. Take your shot."

Ghaster's instincts screamed certain death to him, that he should run and not look back. His new instincts are telling him that nothing good will come out of this encounter. But he didn't run. It is not because he realized that he can't escape. Yes, he can't escape even if he tried. But no, his brain is too preoccupied to realize that yet. 

He didn't choose to escape because of the dread that he feels from Soverick. It reminded him of the very first fight that he had with Soverick. They were month-old babies when the fight occurred. Soverick hadn't even touched him to defeat him then. Even now, he doesn't know how he lost that fight. 

His dread of Soverick had faded into fear, awe, and anger since then. It was like he stopped being able to sense what an immense danger Soverick is to him. But his recent improvements seemed to have changed that. That dread came back in full force. He knows now with uttermost certainty that he will lose. That is why he must fight. He must always fight against hopelessness or his heart will forever be shrouded with dread at the mention of Soverick.

"I am not the little boy I was before." He said to himself for encouragement.

He has changed over the years. He has become better. He defeated that lady that Soverick defeated. It is proof that if he continues to strive for progress then he will get success. If anything, fighting Soverick will let him gain knowledge about him and this is the best opportunity to get it. Soverick will never be this weak again.