

The movement speed of the brutes slowed down to a crawl but it is of no actual consequence. It is not as if their speed was useful before. They were sitting ducks to Soverick before and they are still sitting ducks now. They have just become slower sitting ducks.

The same cannot be said about the dainty spell tower. The abrupt increase in gravity tore her from her lofty height in the sky. Her mind is very powerful but it could do nothing against the hostility of the world and the increase of her own gravitational field. She smashed to the ground where Soverick was already waiting for her. His eyes twinkled in anticipation of the slaughter that is to come.

It was until his blade neared her that he realized that it was futile. He was still a meter away from her when her hundreds of shields activated. They flickered into existence and blazed within his vision like layers of shiny blankets. Hundreds of these shiny blankets have formed the most secure defense that he has ever seen. They formed a crystalline protective cocoon around her.

His blade struck the barriers around her and managed to get 11 of them with a single attack. He rushed to attack quickly in hopes of overwhelming her defense before it can regenerate. Unfortunately, he was pushed away when the barrier suddenly increased to thousands.

"What the fuck?" He groaned. "This isn't fair."

He thought he had complained about unfairness for the last time but he simply had to complain now. What he saw caused him to complain. The paragons are already this strong as kings of law with just 3 million connections. How strong will they be if they were in their plane where they can get access to billions and trillions of connections? Who can defeat that?

Granted that they were specially chosen for their talent so these 9 are excellent paragons amongst others. Also, the competition within the plane wouldn't allow them to have these many connections to themselves. Even so, this is too absurd. It will need a sovereign with real concepts to kill these paragons. And they are just kings of laws.

"This is pissing me off." He growled in frustration.

It is not a surprise anymore why the first sage decided that their entire race must be wiped out. They are too dangerous to have around. There's no way the first sage can feel comfortable or at peace with Vipers in the plane. If it were him, Soverick will also wipe out their race. He will do it out of petty anger and sheer jealousy. He doesn't need a good reason. He will wipe out their entire race just because they are pissing him off.

If he were not under the suppression of this world fragment, then he will wipe the floor with these amateurs. The world fragment shackled 99% of his body and mind. Most of the boost he got from the plane is being used to break the suppression on him. 

If he were not suppressed and he had his normal power at the Sovereign level then these paragons would be gone by now. His boost from the plane will be put to better use. Then he will show them that he can cheat better than them. If he could get the assistance of Legion, then he will show them that there is no one that can cheat more than him.

The battle raged fiercely. Soverick's eyes darted about independently and swiftly as he kept track of everything going on around him. Nothing escaped his sight. Not the way the brutes are feinting in order to deal him a heavy blow and certainly not bow the spell tower is modulating her spiritual fluctuations to fool his sense.

He sneered and said, "Silly tricks."

She thinks she can pretend to create false spell matrixes in different locations spread apart from each other by increasing the alpha waves of her divine sense. It is a good trick that might fool others. But not him. He can see when her divine sense actually forms a connection with the law matrix and also when it is simply pretending to form the connection.

As for the brutes, they have a different fighting style that is very different from the steps of momentum. They believe they can use his unfamiliarity with it to fool him. It will certainly come to them as a surprise that he knows the underlying principles of their own skill system just after seeing it being used for 30 seconds.

He rolled his eyes at the brute and he advised with good intentions, "Don't bother."I think you should take a look at

The black-scaled brute didn't listen to him. He continued with his punch toward Soverick. Soverick dodged. He can move away from the brute easily but he decided to teach him a lesson. The punch made contact with flesh. Then the scales on the arm used to punch shimmered and suddenly dispersed the force that they have been storing. This force exploded in the face of the white-scaled brute who was too slow to evade.

"See," Soverick said as he slammed their head against each other. "See what you did. I told you not to bother but you didn't listen."

He knows when a simple punch is actually a loaded punch. He knows that they use their scales as anchors to store and redirect force. It is a pretty clever skill system. It is a pretty clever system. And he also knows that the gravitational field on them has slowed them down and also made their punches deadly because they can redirect some of the force slowing them down into their attacks. 

So he only made sure to use his blade to make contact with them when he made them trip over themselves. Then he used his blade to beat them as they lay there. It is truly beating because he is not doing any noteworthy damage despite the sharp edge of the blade and the fact that his blade is infused with world power. Some bruises that heal are the best that he can get from them.