

Chapter 772 The Walk Of Shame.

The spirit of joy and celebration of the battle sage monkeys was not shared by their opponents. The Vipers experienced the opposite. The people of the Virut plane danced and celebrated after watching the epic fights and the victory of the battle sage monkeys. It is a joyous event for them. They clamored to see more of such events.

As for the people on the Viper's plane, the epic fights didn't improve their mood. They can't be happy because their paragons took a lot of beating in those epic fights. Then the battle ended with a shameful bullying of their child of the plane and the eventual defeat of the Vipers caused by a single blow from a furry. It is a battle that they don't want a repeat of so no one was clamoring for more.

Those who died in the fourth challenge were healed and returned to their plane. The first person to die on the side of the Vipers was not a normal Viper. It was a paragon. A lot of people have died before the death of this paragon but they were furries so they don't matter. What matters is that a paragon died before a normal Viper.

Vitain the speedster was the first Viper to be killed and he was teleported to the pillar he entered from. It just so happens that all the paragons entered through the same pillar and this pillar is in the presence of the child of the plane and other dignitaries of the plane. 

So Vitain the speedster, a very fast Viper, died very quickly as if death was a race that he wanted to finish at the top. He found himself beneath the very angry stares of the child of the plane and numerous powerful entities the weakest of which are titans of law.

The hall they are all in is the court of the emperor. It is the seat of power of the entire plane. The child of the plane controls the court of the emperor. All of these people came to watch the competition here. None of them knew what it was meant for. They were all told that it was a training exercise. They came to while away their time and maybe enjoy themselves.

They didn't think it was important at all. Only the insistence of the serpentine world god to select the best paragons of specific divine abilities between the rank of transcendence and king of law made them take the competition seriously. So there was already a competition in the plane to select the paragons that will participate in the training exercise.

None of them had any inkling of what was to come. So they had to be coerced into coming here to view the competition. Many of them had complained about it but they couldn't refuse a world god. They came but they all thought it was a waste of their time. Their thoughts about the competition changed when they saw who the Vipers were to fight. It was then that they realized why it was a training exercise. 

They thought the serpentine world god was trying to prepare them for the era of conquest and what was to come when they will have to fight numerous other races. That is an important reason for a training exercise but none of them took it seriously though. After all, the opponents are to be furries. They laughed and smiled when they saw how easily the paragons tore through the army of furries to get to their flag. Their smiles froze on their face when the two speedsters were manhandled like common riffraff. I think you should take a look at

The frozen smiles on their face died down to be replaced by a grim look when Soverick introduced himself as the child of the plane. They understood immediately why he was so powerful when they saw the signs of the boost on him that can only come from having the title of child of the plane. Everyone turned their heads and glanced at their own child of the plane. They know what it means to be a child of the plane so they know how terrifying this furry can be.

Then Vitain appeared beside the pillar. So they all turned their grim faces towards the unfortunate fool who was lucky enough to be killed first. No one said anything. They all just stared at him. The poor speedster wilted under their stares. Their gaze could actually kill him. 

The weakest person here is a titan of law while he is just a lord of law. Their very presence is a heavy pressure to deal with. That heavy pressure becomes freezing when their attention is actually turned toward him. And there are hundreds of them here pressing their attention onto him. He can't even stand straight and look up, much less walk in shame.

Thankfully they soon turned their attention to the sphere rotating above the pillar. The sphere is rotating and it shows what's going on in the competition. Everyone can sit at any angle and see the same thing on the screen of the sphere. It is showing the entirety of the arena on its surface. Only those with extraordinary eyesight can actually make out anything useful. Those with poor eyesight will only see a blur of indistinguishable colors.

All of them here have more than enough visual acuity to see everything going on the screen at the same time but they are all focused on the appearance of Soverick within the group of paragons. It was then that the death of the second speedster occurred.

The second speedster appeared beside Vitain but no one spared him any attention. They are all looking at the state of the immortal power. His poor body shriveled and bent out of shape. His arms and his tail became attached to his body at odd angles.

He doesn't even have a neck anymore. It is as if his head was pushed down so that his neck was crushed into his chest. It is a painful sight to look at. So it must be surely painful for the immortal power who is experiencing the extreme body contortion.