

Chapter 822 Pointless Expedition.Chapter 822 Pointless Expedition.

"Thank you very much Jarkon. I believe in you. The hope of the plane lies on your capable shoulders."

Jarkon's eye twitched. He is not pleased at all. He said, "Thank you for bringing this to my knowledge. You are not an evil manipulator at all."

Jarkon realized he was wrong. He had thought there was no one that he could hate more than Soverick Ghastorix. He was very wrong about that. What's worse is that he can't hurt Salvini in any way much less kill her unlike how he could hurt Soverick. They are both children of the plane but his bloodline is biased.

His bloodline compelled him to try and kill Soverick but it is doing the opposite now. It is compelling him to disregard his hatred for Salvini and chase after some people that might not even exist for an indeterminate amount of time.

Salvini took advantage of the stupidity of his ancestor and his bloodline. She is sending him to hunt vague enemies that he knows nothing about. He doesn't know if they exist at all. He doesn't know if Salvini is lying. But what's most important is that his bloodline doesn't care if they exist or if Salvini is lying.

His ancestor will always move to action no matter how small the chance of evil is. It is uttermost stupidity. And his ancestor has been taken advantage of several times through it. His ancestor has been deceived many times because of his chivalrous spirit. But his ancestor has never regretted falling for those tricks. As long as there is a chance that evil exists and he can prevent it, his ancestor will always act. Therefore, he too must act. After all, if his ancestor can do it, why can't he?

Plus his bloodline loves Salvini for getting rid of the evil Soverick and avenging his brother that died. It doesn't think there is any reason to question her. Salvini is the epitome of righteousness in its opinion. So it will willingly do her bidding especially when it is for the good of the plane.

Salvini frowned when she heard what he said about her being evil. "I will advise you to watch your tongue Jarkon."

"Why?" Jarkon asked fearlessly. "Will you get rid of me just as you did to Soverick? I don't even know who is more evil between you and Soverick." 

Salvini's frown eased up. She smiled. "I see what you're trying to do. It won't work. Go and do what I asked you to do."

Then she cut off the communication. Jarkon felt helpless.

"Seems I can't get her to kill me." He mumbled in regret.

He will do anything not to spend the remainder of his life on a wild goose chase. That includes taunting a very dangerous person in hopes that they will kill him. If the remainder of his life will be filled with suffering then he would rather not be alive. Unfortunately for him, he is not so lucky. Salvini saw right through him.

"I will try my luck somewhere else. There has to be someone who will kill me out there." He said to encourage himself.

Then he turned to the team that he has assembled for this mission. They are a total of 10 of them. They have varying power levels but all of them have the bloodline of the lion of justice. It is evident in the fur and the mane around their neck. This is an elite scouting team that will search for traces of Soverick Ghastorix in the realm of high heaven.

He is the weakest but the most important member of the team. And it is all because he locked on to Soverick before the competition. He was able to find Soverick during the second challenge. Salvini hopes he will be able to use his ability well. Four other members are the ones that locked on to Soverick during the third challenge. He and they fought with Soverick at the pyramid beside the divine crown. They lost.

The rules of the arena are fuzzy so their accuracy is not as high as his. But they will be useful nonetheless. The other five have excellent tracking that is even better than his. They will be able to also track any of Soverick's associates as long as they get a trace of them. They are the best of his bloodline when it comes to tracking. They are SWIFTESCAPE, ALUINE, DOUBLELINE, JETTASTIC, and UED.

He has no doubt that if Soverick, who is known as a loner and doesn't socialize, has any associate or friend in the high heaven realm, they will find them. They are that good. He is confident of their prowess. But he doubts they will find anything at all.

"Gather round," Jarkon yelled.

They congregated on his position. He took a deep but useless breath before addressing them.

"You know the mission. I don't need to speak more about it. I have just received the go-ahead from the child of the plane. So we are doing this even under the threat of death."

"The child of the plane has decreed that we start the search for his associates in the ancient battlefield. So we will head there immediately. Then we will go wherever our instincts lead us from there. Evil can't hide from us."

"I know some of you are wondering about the purpose of our mission. I suspect that some of you think it is a waste of time. I am a reasonable leader. I am willing to listen and pass on any issues you have about this mission to the child of the plane. I have it on good authority that she is very kind. She will listen to your issues and address them. So does any of you have any objections?"

There were no objections. No one wants to defy the will of the new child of the plane. They don't know what's special about her, but they know she managed to defeat Soverick so she must be more terrifying than Soverick