

Chapter 857 No Brain And No Brawn.

She is threatening him. In this world, it doesn't matter that you worked for something and that you deserve it. You get what you can take and keep what you can protect. Can the Reaper protect what he will soon get? 

This is wealth that will entice demon gods. They might not be able to do anything about it but Demon gods will surely kill for it. It is in the Reaper's best interest to bribe them so that they will keep their mouth shut. Being headstrong is just folly.

Aeternus didn't address her veiled threat. He ignored her and picked up all the Celestial Godhood. Then he turned his back on the two of them as if they weren't there. He began to fly in the direction of the divine city where the rest of his loot is. 

The divine city is far away from Armageddon. It is a small landmass where divine lords and visitors to the divine plane stay. Above the divine city are the divine kingdoms. 

The divine kingdoms are like clouds in the black empty sky. The clouds have different shapes and different colors. Some of them are striped and some of them are spotted. All of them are bigger on the inside than they look on the outside. 

Aeternus was looking at the clouds at the highest point. They are the biggest and there are 10 of them. These 10 clouds are already crumbling apart. They will break apart until they will become useless derelicts.

Aeternus decided to head to the largest clouds before his wealth disappears. It will be a shame if he doesn't get anything after all the work he has done just because he is delayed by some greedy demon kings. So he flapped his black wings and soared in the direction of his wealth.

Meanwhile, a storm was quietly brewing behind him. The snake demon king was fuming angrily because of Aeternus's dismissal. The color of the flames coming out of his nostrils has changed from red. Blue fire poured out of his nose as he breathed in and out angrily. He wanted to attack Aeternus but he ultimately held back. He held back even though he is very angry because Aeternus is ultimately right.

The dismissal and the fact that Aeternus gets to keep all that wealth pissed him off but that doesn't mean he will attack Aeternus straightaway. He is injured and Aeternus doesn't look injured. So he is being reasonable which is applaudable for a demon of wrath. That doesn't mean he has given up though. He plans to make Aeternus pay one way or another, directly or indirectly. His plans changed when the succubus queen began to talk.

She started with a harmless statement. "I tried my best but it seems it won't work. He just doesn't take the two of us seriously."

The snake demon king nodded in agreement. He can't talk right now. He is busy trying to hold his anger in. He can't do both at the same time so he nodded and grunted.

The succubus queen glanced at him briefly before she continued. "It is not a wonder that he doesn't take us seriously. He said to me that I am just a brainless slut."

The snake demon king has to agree. He thinks she is a brainless slut too. He doesn't disagree with the Reaper about that. Then he heard what she said next and his eyes narrowed into slits.

"He also said that you're a brutish moron who is not even good at what brutish morons should be good at."

The snake demon king released a hold on some of his anger to ask a question. "What does that even mean?"

"I asked that too. I mean, you're such a strong and powerful demon king so how can you be a brutish moron. He said that you're all brawn and no brain."

The snake demon king gritted his teeth at the insult. It is a terrible blow but it is one that he is used to so he can manage. But that wasn't the end. The succubus was still talking.

"He said that you're only good at strength, that's why you're a brutish moron."

Another blow struck him. He was about to shrug even that one off but more just kept coming.

"He said that he has more brute strength than you so you're not even good at what you're supposed to be good at."

That did it. Out went logic and in came Wrath in full swing all geared up for war. The snake demon king's eyes narrowed into slits. He is ready to tear the so-called Reaper apart and show him how wrong he is about strength. But the succubus added one more jab to make sure.

She said, "He said that he is stronger and smarter than you so you might as well be a good-for-nothing demon king."

The snake demon king roared and shot towards the Reaper. His fury knows no bounds. His honor and the one thing he is good at have been trampled upon several times. The disrespect is just too much to take so he will fight the Reaper to the death.

The succubus queen snickered as she watched him go. "What a fool."

It was very easy to rile him up. She didn't even have to try hard. Aeternus did say those things about the snake demon king to her. To be fair, he also said bad things about her to the snake demon king. He called her a brainless slut. 

So she wasn't lying about Aeternus saying those things. She had laughed when Aeternus said them but now she is using them against him and it is filling her with a pleasurable thrill. The snake demon king doesn't think she is lying either because Aeternus told him worse things about the succubus queen too. 

All she did was use some of her charm to affect the demon king of wrath while she said those words. He reacted with anger just as he always did. But this time he turned that anger towards the Reaper instead of her.