

Chapter 1078 The Sun Eater.

It seemed to Fenrir that Rinoz and the ghoul were communicating. And it seemed they were communicating about him. It made a sinking feeling to descend on to him. He can't help but feel apprehensive that something bad is about to occur to him.

He has been feeling that something bad will happen but he thought it would surely happen to the plane and not to him. But now he has reasons to believe that Rinoz has a plan for him and he might not like it so much.

"What is going on?" he asked.

Rinoz chuckled. Then she turned to look at him. Both of her eyes became fixated on him. Including the eye that she is now missing. So an empty socket is staring at him. It is a blemish on her. She did not escape the wood elves without losing something. She could heal it but she left it on as a reminder of her naivety.

Ragnarok had called her that many times but she didn't believe him. He called her ignorant and na?ve. He said she was being used but she didn't believe him. Now she has a reminder of that folly so that she will never forget.

She turned her eyes away after inspecting him to look at the city.

She answered him. "I am currently waiting for the Ghouls to congregate here. Then I will wipe out the wood elves from the face of the plane."

"What?" Fenrir exclaimed.

His question was about what she planned for him but her answer, though wrong, is too important for him to overlook.

"You want to wipe out the wood elves entirely? I thought you just wanted to attack this single city and some more to abate your anger."

Rinoz said with a stern voice. "Then you were wrong. I mean to remove the wood elves from the plane. They are a blight on this plane."

Fenrir didn't get the hint that she was currently angry. He continued to badger her. "This is foolishness. Why will you punish an entire race for the sins of the few?"

"You should ask your patron. The fountain of life should know the answer to that question. It is after all the major reason why the wood elves have to be eradicated. The fountain of life is the reason for their rise so it is the reason for their downfall."

Fenrir became speechless. The fountain of life has not been talking to him recently. The last thing he heard from it was for him to prepare for war. Then its voice was cut off.

"I don't think whatever is going on warrants the extinction of an entire race. Let's just talk this out with the wood elves. I am sure that a peaceful resolution can be found. The wood elves are a peaceful people after all."

That made Rinoz snort. "Peaceful people? You dared to call them peaceful after everything they have done to the Warrogs?"

Fenrir spoke to answer. "Yes, I think…"

Rinoz cut him off. "You are wrong. But it doesn't matter even if you are right about them. Their nature doesn't matter right now. I am not eradicating them because of their nature or because of their betrayal of me. I am eradicating them because they have sided with an enemy of the plane."

Fenrir asked in confusion, "How have they sided with the enemy? The wood elves have always had the best of the plane in their hearts. They have always tried to keep the peace of the plane. They are the most faithful and helpful race."

Rinoz didn't answer his question. She asked him, "Tell me. Why were you named Fenrir?" 

Fenrir grunted. "You know the answer to that. I don't need to tell you again."

And he doesn't want to tell her again. She ignored his question so in his own way, he is ignoring her's too.

Rinoz smiled at him. "You told me it was because you liked to howl at the sun. It was a behavior you had since you were a little child. When asked why, you said it was because you wanted to eat the sun. You said the sun looked good to eat. You wanted to have a taste of it. Your father then named you Fenrir. You were named Fenrir, the sun eater."

Fenrir wasn't impressed. "So what? What does my name matter?"

He is not particularly proud of his name. It wasn't because of something special or unique about him. He wasn't named for his talents, skill, or strength. His father named him because of a childish antic. It was also a weird childish antic. He howled at the sun instead of at the moon. And he wanted to eat the sun. Those are silly things that he has grown out of. But his father decided to let it stick with him forever.

"Don't be so gloomy," Rinoz said to him. "Cheer up. I have a way for you to achieve something similar to that. In a way, you will be my sun eater."

Fenrir thought he misheard. "Are you of sound mind?" He asked Rinoz.

He is not mocking her. He is genuinely concerned for her mental health. If she is of sound mind, then she should know that he can't eat the sun. The sun is too big to eat. It is too hot for him to go near. And most importantly, the sun is very far away. That is an obstacle that he can't overcome. She shouldn't take his name so seriously.

Rinoz smiled further. "Do it." She said.

"Do what?" Fenrir's words got caught in his throat.

His eyes widen too. The white Ghoul is suddenly in front of him. It also has its hand on his throat. The vice-like grip of the white ghoul is crushing his neck.

"What is going on?' He asked in a panic.

He can still speak with his mind. His mind is currently flustered so his panic was expressed vividly. He has somehow become the same size as the white Ghoul. He is in his beast form and he towers above the white Ghoul. But the Ghoul's hand has a death grip on his neck.